Package com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.interpreter

Interface Summary
IExpressionEvaluator This inteface will be implemented by a class in the portaluiinfrastucture as a hook to call methods unavailable to uiinfrastructure like executing the Expression Engine
IMVCController IMVCController defines the interface of an MVC Controller, which the Interpreter will interact to invoke the application logic.

Class Summary
Interpreter The Interpreter class takes HTTP requests, checks the authentication on the request sessions, processes the requests for any activity-space related operations, including IControl executions and PEI invocations, and finally writes the response to the client browser.
InterpreterAttributes This class contains constants for the Interpreter class.
InterpreterException This class is used to convey an error or exception information back to the Interpreter.
MVCController This is the main MVC controller for invoking the application's logic.
RequestData Helper class for managing the request data for the Interpreter.
UnauthorizedAccessException This exception is typically thrown by the MVCController class.

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