Class LoginResult

  extended by com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.login.LoginResult

public class LoginResult
extends java.lang.Object

This class contains the result of an attempted login.

Field Summary
 boolean m_bIsGuest
          Whether or not the login is for the guest user
 boolean m_bRedirectedBeforeLogin
          Whether or not the login was redirected before the login attempt
 boolean m_bSuccess
          Whether or not the login was succesful
 Redirect m_Redirect
          The Redirect, if one of the PEIs returned a redirect.
 java.lang.String m_strError
          Localized login error message suitable for display to user.
 java.lang.Object m_UserSession
          The user session, if successful.
Constructor Summary
LoginResult(java.lang.Object userSession, Redirect redirect, boolean bIsGuestUser)
          Creates a new LoginResult object for a succesful login.
LoginResult(java.lang.Object userSession, Redirect redirect, java.lang.String strError, boolean bIsGuestUser)
          Creates a new LoginResult object for a failed login.
LoginResult(Redirect redirect)
          Creates a new LoginResult object for a login that was redirected before the login attempt.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public java.lang.Object m_UserSession
The user session, if successful. Null if login failed.


public Redirect m_Redirect
The Redirect, if one of the PEIs returned a redirect. May be null.


public boolean m_bSuccess
Whether or not the login was succesful


public boolean m_bRedirectedBeforeLogin
Whether or not the login was redirected before the login attempt


public boolean m_bIsGuest
Whether or not the login is for the guest user


public java.lang.String m_strError
Localized login error message suitable for display to user. Will be null if attempt succesful.

Constructor Detail


public LoginResult(java.lang.Object userSession,
                   Redirect redirect,
                   boolean bIsGuestUser)
Creates a new LoginResult object for a succesful login.

userSession - The new user session object.
redirect - where to redirect the user to (specified by a login PEI).
bIsGuestUser -


public LoginResult(java.lang.Object userSession,
                   Redirect redirect,
                   java.lang.String strError,
                   boolean bIsGuestUser)
Creates a new LoginResult object for a failed login.

userSession - The new user session object.
redirect - where to redirect the user to (specified by a login PEI).
strError - An error message suitable for display to an end user (ie localized, and not revealing too much information). Should not be null.
bIsGuestUser -


public LoginResult(Redirect redirect)
Creates a new LoginResult object for a login that was redirected before the login attempt.

redirect - where to redirect the user to (specified by a login PEI).

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