Interface IClassTypeDesc

All Known Subinterfaces:
IPTClassTypeDesc, IPTClassTypeDesc, IUIClassTypeDesc
All Known Implementing Classes:
APTClassTypeDesc, APTClassTypeDesc, APTExtClassTypeDesc, APTExtClassTypeDesc, APTNonExtClassTypeDesc, APTNonExtClassTypeDesc, AUIClassTypeDesc, PTAdminFolders, PTAuthSources, PTCommunities, PTCommunityTemplates, PTCrawlers, PTDataSources, PTDocFolders, PTDocTypes, PTDocuments, PTExternalOperations, PTFilters, PTGlobalObjects, PTGroups, PTGuestLogins, PTInvitations, PTJobs, PTMyPages, PTNetworkedSearches, PTPages, PTPageTemplates, PTPortletBundles, PTPortlets, PTPortletTemplates, PTProfilePages, PTProfileSections, PTProfileSources, PTProperties, PTRemoteServers, PTSavedSearches, PTSiteMapFolders, PTSubPortals, PTTaxonomist, PTUsers, PTWebServices, UIActivitySpaces, UIGateway

public interface IClassTypeDesc

Interface for IClassTypeDesc.

John Osborne

Method Summary
 java.lang.String GetClassKey()
          Returns the key for this class type.
 ClassTypeEnum GetClassType()
          Returns the class type.
 int GetDefaultOpenerMode()
          Returns the default opener mode for this class type.
 Redirect GetRedirectCreateNew(XPHashtable _htArguments, AActivitySpace _asParent, java.lang.Object _userSession)
          This method is called by the Common Opener in the create mode.
 Redirect GetRedirectOpenObject(XPHashtable _htArguments, AActivitySpace _asParent, java.lang.Object _userSession)
          This method is called by the Common Opener in the edit mode.
 Redirect GetRedirectSearchBrowse(XPHashtable _htArguments, AActivitySpace _asParent, java.lang.Object _userSession)
          This method is called by the Common Opener in the search basic mode.
 Redirect GetRedirectSearchEdit(XPHashtable _htArguments, AActivitySpace _asParent, java.lang.Object _userSession)
          This method is called by the Common Opener in the search basic mode.
 Redirect GetRedirectViewObject(XPHashtable _htArguments, AActivitySpace _asParent, java.lang.Object _userSession)
          This method is called by the Common Opener in the view mode.
 Redirect GetRedirectViewObjectMetaData(XPHashtable _htArguments, AActivitySpace _asParent, java.lang.Object _userSession)
          This method is called by the Common Opener in the meta mode.

Method Detail


ClassTypeEnum GetClassType()
Returns the class type.

The class type.


java.lang.String GetClassKey()
Returns the key for this class type.

The key for this class type.


int GetDefaultOpenerMode()
Returns the default opener mode for this class type.

The default opener mode for this class type.


Redirect GetRedirectCreateNew(XPHashtable _htArguments,
                              AActivitySpace _asParent,
                              java.lang.Object _userSession)
This method is called by the Common Opener in the create mode. Depending on what class type you are dealing with, the Common Opener will invoke the correct implemented method. Some class types may need to override this so that they can put additional control arguments in.

_htArguments - Arguments to reach the new space.
_asParent - The parent activity space.
_userSession - The current session.
A redirect that will bring you to the create activity space for the particular class/object.


Redirect GetRedirectOpenObject(XPHashtable _htArguments,
                               AActivitySpace _asParent,
                               java.lang.Object _userSession)
This method is called by the Common Opener in the edit mode. Depending on what class type you are dealing with, the Common Opener will invoke the correct implemented method. Some class types may need to override this so that they can put additional control arguments in.

_htArguments - Arguments to reach the new space.
_asParent - The parent activity space.
_userSession - The current session.
A redirect that will bring you to the edit activity space for the particular class/object.


Redirect GetRedirectSearchBrowse(XPHashtable _htArguments,
                                 AActivitySpace _asParent,
                                 java.lang.Object _userSession)
This method is called by the Common Opener in the search basic mode. This is a helper method that will return one of the four main modes.

_htArguments - Arguments to reach the new space.
_asParent - The parent activity space.
_userSession - The current session.
A redirect that will bring you to the meta activity space for the particular class/object.


Redirect GetRedirectSearchEdit(XPHashtable _htArguments,
                               AActivitySpace _asParent,
                               java.lang.Object _userSession)
This method is called by the Common Opener in the search basic mode. This is a helper method that will return one of the four main modes.

_htArguments - Arguments to reach the new space.
_asParent - The parent activity space.
_userSession - The current session.
A redirect that will bring you to the meta activity space for the particular class/object.


Redirect GetRedirectViewObject(XPHashtable _htArguments,
                               AActivitySpace _asParent,
                               java.lang.Object _userSession)
This method is called by the Common Opener in the view mode. Depending on what class type you are dealing with, the Common Opener will invoke the correct implemented method. Some class types may need to override this so that they can put additional control arguments in.

_htArguments - Arguments to reach the new space.
_asParent - The parent activity space.
_userSession - The current session.
A redirect that will bring you to the view activity space for the particular class/object.


Redirect GetRedirectViewObjectMetaData(XPHashtable _htArguments,
                                       AActivitySpace _asParent,
                                       java.lang.Object _userSession)
This method is called by the Common Opener in the meta mode. Depending on what class type you are dealing with, the Common Opener will invoke the correct implemented method. Some class types may need to override this so that they can put additional control arguments in.

_htArguments - Arguments to reach the new space.
_asParent - The parent activity space.
_userSession - The current session.
A redirect that will bring you to the meta activity space for the particular class/object.

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