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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction
10g Release 3 (

Part Number E14107-02
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2 Overview of Oracle WebCenter Interaction

This chapter provides an overview of the portal and the administrative tasks you perform to manage portal users and documents.

Portal Installer Components

The following table describes the components available in the portal installer. These portal components provide the functionality described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction. For information on installing these components, refer to the Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

Component Description
Administrative Portal The administrative portal handles portal setup, configuration, and content. It enables administrative functions, such as creating and managing portlets and other web services.
Portal The portal serves end user portal pages and content. It enables end users to access portal content via My Pages, community pages, the Knowledge Directory, and search. The portal also enables some administrative actions, such as setting preferences on portlets or managing communities.

For information on advanced portal configuration, see Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager.

Portal Database (scripts) The scripts used to configure the database are included in the portal installer. The portal database stores portal objects, such as user and group configurations, document records, and administrative objects. The portal database does not store the documents available through your portal. Source documents are left in their original locations.
Automation Service The Automation Service runs jobs and other automated portal tasks. You run jobs to perform tasks such as crawling documents into the Knowledge Directory, synchronizing groups and users with external authentication sources, and maintaining the search collection.

For information on configuring Automation Service jobs, see Appendix A, "Configuring Advanced Properties in the Portal Configuration Files."

API Service The API Service provides access to the SOAP API.
Image Service The Image Service serves static content used or created by portal components. It serves images and other static content for use by the Oracle WebCenter Interaction system.

Whenever you extend the base portal deployment to include additional components, such as portal servers or integration products, you may have to install additional Image Service files. For information on installing the Image Service files for those components, refer to the documentation included with the component software.

Search Service The Search Service returns content that is indexed from Oracle WebCenter Interaction and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration. The indexed content includes documents, portlets, communities, and users as well as many other Oracle WebCenter objects.

For information on advanced Search Service configuration, see Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager.

Document Repository Service The Document Repository Service stores content uploaded into the portal and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.
Content Upload Service The Content Upload Service lets you add files to the portal's Knowledge Directory by uploading them to the Document Repository Service, rather than leaving them in their original locations. This is useful if users need to access documents located in an internal network from outside your network.
Directory Service The Directory Service enables Oracle WebCenter Interaction to act as an LDAP server, exposing the user, group, and profile data in the portal database through an LDAP interface. This enables other Oracle WebCenter products (and other third-party applications) to authenticate users against the portal database.
Remote Portlet Service The Remote Portlet Service includes the following components:
  • RSS Reader Portlet

    The RSS Reader Portlet enables users to specify an RSS or ATOM feed to display on a My Page or community page.

  • Activity Service

    The Activity Service includes the User Status portlet, which lets users post their current status; the User Activities portlet, which displays a user's status history and any other recent activities that are submitted by other applications; and a REST-based API for submitting activities into a user's activity stream.

Note: If you use the REST-based API to submit other activities into the activity stream, those activities will also be displayed in the User Activities portlet.

Notification Service The Notification Service enables the portal to send e-mail notifications to users upon specified events. There are no portal events that trigger notifications, but other Oracle WebCenter events do trigger notifications. For example, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration can be configured to send notifications to users when documents are uploaded.

Additional Oracle WebCenter Interaction Components

The following table describes components that provide additional functionality for the portal. For more information on these components or to download the components, visit the Oracle Support site at

Component Description
Integration Services Integration Services enable integration with third-party applications/repositories.
  • Oracle WebCenter Content Services

    Oracle WebCenter Content Services scan third-party systems/applications for new content, categorizing links to this content in the organized, searchable structure of the portal's Knowledge Directory. Users can then access this content through the portal user interface.

    Content Services are available for Windows File Systems, Documentum, Lotus Notes, and Microsoft Exchange.

  • Oracle WebCenter Interaction Identity Services

    Oracle WebCenter Interaction Identity Services let you import users, groups, and user profile information from third-party user repositories into the portal. Identity Services also enable the portal to authenticate users through the third-party user repositories.

    Identity Services are available for Microsoft's Active Directory (AD) and LDAP (Lightweight Directory Protocol).

  • Oracle WebCenter Console for Microsoft SharePoint

    Oracle WebCenter Console for Microsoft SharePoint imports, indexes, and returns Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Services resources via Oracle WebCenter Interaction Search.

Activity Services Activity Services extend portal functionality to enable analysis, collaboration, publishing, and simple portlet creation.
  • Oracle WebCenter Analytics

    Oracle WebCenter Analytics Analytics delivers comprehensive reporting on activity and content usage within portals and composite applications, allowing you to know and meet user information needs.

  • Oracle WebCenter Collaboration

    Oracle WebCenter Collaboration helps people to work together via the web, supporting tasks, projects, communities, calendars, discussions, and document sharing with version control.

  • Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Publisher

    Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Publisher allows publication & management of web content for portals and web applications, with forms-based publishing, branding, templates, workflow, approvals, and content expiration.

  • Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Studio

    Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Studio lets portal managers create portlets, such as telephone lists, work order processes, calendars and surveys, without any coding.

Enterprise Social Computing Products Enterprise Social Computing Products provide tools that enable users to freely contribute and actively work together.
  • Oracle WebCenter Ensemble

    Oracle WebCenter Ensemble is an enterprise system that lets developers create reusable widgets for mashup applications and allows IT to easily manage a diverse set of web resources.

Developer Tools The following developer tools help you rapidly build applications through Oracle WebCenter Interaction:
  • Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK)

    The IDK enables Java and .NET developers to rapidly build, deliver, and enhance user-centric composite applications through Oracle WebCenter Interaction. It provides interfaces for Integration Web Services—authentication, profile, crawler, and search—that integrate enterprise systems into Oracle WebCenter Interaction. It provides SOAP-based remote APIs to expose portal, search, and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration features. In addition, the IDK has an extensive portlet API to assist in portlet development.

  • Oracle WebCenter Application Accelerator for Microsoft .NET

    The Oracle WebCenter Application Accelerator for Microsoft .NET

  • Oracle WebCenter Portlet Toolkit for Microsoft .NET

    The Oracle WebCenter Portlet Toolkit for Microsoft .NET is used to speed the development of ASP.NET portlets for use with Oracle WebCenter Interaction. This product includes the .NET Portlet API and the .NET Web Control Consumer. The .NET Web Control Consumer enables you to create portlets using Microsoft .NET Web Controls, part of Oracle WebCenter Application Accelerator for Microsoft .NET.

  • Oracle WebCenter JSR-168 Container

    The Oracle WebCenter JSR-168 Container lets you deploy portlets in Oracle WebCenter Interaction that conform to the JSR-168 portlet standard.

  • Oracle WebCenter Logging Utilities

    The Oracle WebCenter Logging Utilities consist of a set of three tools to receive, display, and store logging messages sent from Oracle WebCenter Interaction products. The Oracle WebCenter Logging Utilities are included in the Oracle WebCenter Interaction release package.

  • Oracle WSRP Consumer and Producer

    If you want to deploy portlets in Oracle WebCenter Interaction that conform to the WSRP portlet standard, you need the Oracle WSRP Consumer and the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer. The Oracle WebCenter WSRP Consumer is available as a stand-alone product. The Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer is available as part of the Oracle WebCenter Application Accelerator for Microsoft .NET.

  • UI Customization Installer

    The User Interface Customization Installer (UICI) automates most of the steps required to set up a development environment for the portal. Minimal Eclipse and Ant configuration is still necessary. The UICI is for advanced applications, most UI customizations can be accomplished through adaptive functionality available with Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

Overview of the Browsing User Interface and Features

This section discusses the following topics:

Navigating the Portal

The portal includes some basic functionality in the portal banner and menus to access the different areas of the portal. The areas you see depend on the portal configuration, whether you are logged in, and your portal access.

  • To determine whether you are logged in correctly, look at the portal greeting (at the top of the portal banner).

    By default your greeting is Welcome, user name where user name is the name of the user by which you are logged in. To change your greeting, click My Account, then, on the My Account page, click Display Options.

  • To access the Administrative Objects Directory, where you can create and manage portal objects and access portal utilities, click Administration.


    You see Administration only if you have the Access Administration activity right.
  • To edit your user profile, personalize your display options, set your locale settings, set your search preferences, change your portal password, and manage user names and passwords for external accounts, as well as view your user profile, click My Account.

  • To display help for the page you are viewing, click Help.

  • To log in to the portal or log off the portal, click Log In or Log Off.

  • To search for documents or objects in your portal, type your search string in the box in the portal banner and click Search.

  • To go directly to the result that your portal administrator has set as the top best bet for a term, without first seeing all the search results, type the top best bet operator (>) followed by your search string and click Search, or type your search string and click the Top Best Bet icon.


    If no top best bet has been set for the term, the regular search results appear.


    The Top Best Bet icon is available only if enabled by your portal developer.
  • To search for documents or objects using metadata properties and location, click Advanced Search.

  • To search other content, portals, and web search engines, click Federated Search.


    The Federated Search button is available only if enabled by your portal developer.
  • To view your user profile, in the My Profile menu, click View User Profile.

  • To view one of your personalized pages, in the My Pages menu, click the page you want to view.

    My Pages are your personalized view of the portal. You choose the applications, tools, and services (in the form of portlets) that you want to display on each My Page. For example, you might create a My Page that includes a search tool for all the employees in your company and a portlet that displays the most recent news about your company.

  • To view and manage the communities to which you belong, select an option from the My Communities menu:

    • To view a community, click the community name.

    • To join a community, click Join Communities, select the communities you want to join, and click Finish.

    • To unsubscribe from a community, click Unsubscribe Communities, select the communities from which you want to unsubscribe, and click Finish.

    Communities are sites within a portal designed for a specific audience or task, such as collaborative projects. You might have communities based on departments in your company. For example, the Marketing department might have a community containing press information, leads volumes, a trade show calendar, and so on. The Engineering department might have a separate community containing project milestones, regulatory compliance requirements, and technical specifications.

  • To browse documents in the portal, click Directory.

    The Knowledge Directory is similar to a file system tree in that documents are organized in folders and subfolders. A folder can contain documents uploaded by users or imported by content crawlers, as well as links to people, portlets, and communities. If your administrator has given you permission, you might also be allowed to add documents to the Knowledge Directory, or submit yourself as an expert on a particular topic.

Portal Banner Features

There are several features available at the top of your portal that provide access to some basic portal functions (such as help and search).

Feature Description
Greeting Lets you know that you are logged in as the correct user. By default your greeting is Welcome, user name where user name is the name of the user by which you are logged in.
Administration Provides access to the Administrative Objects Directory, where you can create and manage portal objects and access portal utilities.

Note: Administration appears only if you have the Access Administration activity right.

My Account Lets you edit your user profile, display options, locale settings, and search preferences, as well as view your user profile and change your password.

Note: You must have the Edit Own Profile activity right to be able to edit your user profile.

Help Opens the help associated with the displayed page.
Log Off Logs you out of your portal.
Search box and button Let you search for documents, document folders, communities, community pages, portlets, and users in your portal.
Top Best Bet icon Takes you directly to the top best bet result for the term you enter in the search box. If no top best bet has been set for the term, you will see the regular search results.

Note: appears next to the search box only if enabled by portal developers.

Advanced Search Lets you perform an advanced search by searching the portal for text or specific document properties.
Federated Search Lets you perform a federated search (if your portal administrator has set up any federated search resources) to search other content, portals, and web search engines.

Note: Federated Search appears only if enabled by portal developers.

Portal Menus

There are several menus available in the portal that provide access to information in your portal (such as communities and documents). Your portal administrator or portal developer controls which menus appear, including custom menus.

Menu Description
My Profile Lets you view your user profile. User profiles provide information about users, such as address and position.
My Pages Provides access to your My Pages. My Pages are your personalized view of the portal. You choose the applications, tools, and services (in the form of portlets) that you want to display on each My Page. For example, you might create a My Page that includes a search tool for all the employees in your company and a portlet that displays the most recent news about your company.
My Communities Lets you view and manage the communities to which you belong. Communities are sites within a portal designed for a specific audience or task, such as collaborative projects. You might have communities based on departments in your company. For example, the Marketing department might have a community containing press information, leads volumes, a trade show calendar, and so on. The Engineering department might have a separate community containing project milestones, regulatory compliance requirements, and technical specifications.
Directory Provides access to the Knowledge Directory. The Knowledge Directory is similar to a file system tree in that documents are organized in folders and subfolders. A folder can contain documents uploaded by users or imported by content crawlers, as well as links to people, portlets, and communities. If your administrator has given you permission, you might also be allowed to add documents to the Knowledge Directory, or submit yourself as an expert on a particular topic.

Portal Interface Types

Interface Type Description
Standard Portal The fully-featured user interface for the Oracle WebCenter Interaction software. Use it to provide the richest user interface experience for internal and external users. This version does not support assistive technologies.
Assistive Technology Portal Designed for people with disabilities. It supports only portlets that meet requirements for use with assistive technologies.

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act is a federal statute requiring federal agencies' electronic and information technology to be accessible to people with disabilities, including employees and members of the public. The federal criteria for web-based technology are based on access guidelines developed by the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Designed to adhere to the federal criteria for web-based technology, the Assistive Technology Portal allows end users with visual disabilities to access the portal through assistive browsing technologies, such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, voice recognition and Braille devices. The interface is text-based with a linear presentation of information, and with no embedded client-side JavaScript or Java applets.

Low Bandwidth Portal Accommodates users with slower internet connections. This version supports all Oracle WebCenter portlets, but does not support assistive technologies. Remote users have two options for viewing portal pages—the standard version and the Low Bandwidth version. Users can switch from one version to the other during a portal session and the change occurs immediately.

The Low Bandwidth Portal provides better performance for end users accessing the portal remotely when network performance is slow due to low bandwidth or heavy traffic. This version presents a user interface with far fewer graphics and no embedded JavaScript or Java applets.

Editing Locale Settings

Users can change their portal display to accommodate their time zone and locale. The locale determines:

  • The language displayed in the portal interface (portlet names and content display in the language you choose only if those portlets support your chosen language).

  • The format for portal entries (including search requests). For example, if you choose British English, the portal displays and expects dates in the DD/MM/YYYY format, whereas in American English, the portal displays and expects dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format.


Only the portal interface and localized objects display in the language you choose. Your personal greeting does not change if you change your locale.
  1. In the portal banner, click My Account > Edit Locale Settings.

  2. In the Your time zone list, choose your time zone.

  3. In the Your locale list, choose the language in which you want your portal to display content.

About My Pages

My Pages are your personalized view of the portal. You choose the applications, tools, and services (in the form of portlets) that you want to display on each My Page. For example, you might create a My Page that includes a search tool for all the employees in your company and a portlet that displays the most recent news about your company.

Personalizing Your View of the Portal with My Pages

You can perform the following actions on My Pages:

  • To view a My Page, in the My Pages menu, click the page you want to view.

  • To create a My Page, click Create Page.

    You can have as many as six My Pages.

  • To rename the page or add portlets to the page, click Edit Page.

  • To change the column layout for the page:

    1. Click Edit Page.

      • If you are editing a My Page that uses an adaptive page layout, the Flyout Page Editor opens. Continue with Step 2.

      • If you are editing a My Page that uses a legacy user interface, the Standard Page Editor opens. Skip Step 2.

    2. Click Go to Advanced Editor to open the Standard Page Editor.

    3. Click Select Page Layout, then, in the Select Page Layout dialog box, select the layout you want and click Finish.

    4. Note:

      Narrow portlets can display in either narrow or wide columns, but wide portlets can display only in wide columns.
  • To delete the page, click Delete This Page.

  • Manage portlets using the buttons in the portlet title bar:


    Some portlets do not include title bars or do not include all the buttons described here.
    • To refresh the content in a portlet, click the Refresh icon.

    • To view the help for a portlet, click the Help icon.

    • To edit preferences for a portlet, click the Preferences icon.

    • To collapse a portlet so that only the title bar appears on the page, click Minimize icon.

      To expand the portlet, click the Maximize icon.

    • To remove a portlet from the page, click the Remove icon.

Creating a My Page with One Click

You can create a new My Page with one click.

  1. Display one of your My Pages.

  2. Click Create Page.

    The new page is created.

  3. To add portlets to the page, click Edit Page.

Viewing and Managing Communities and Community Membership

Communities are sites within a portal designed for a specific audience or task, such as collaborative projects. You might have communities based on departments in your company. For example, the Marketing department might have a community containing press information, leads volumes, a trade show calendar, and so on. The Engineering department might have a separate community containing project milestones, regulatory compliance requirements, and technical specifications.

  • To view the communities to which you belong, open the My Communities menu.

  • To display a community, in the My Communities menu, click the community name.

  • To join or leave a community, in the My Communities menu, click Edit My Communities.


    You can also join the community you are viewing by clicking Join this community or leave the community you are viewing by clicking Unsubscribe from this community.
  • To display a page in the community, in the community title bar, click the name of the page.

  • To view the Community Knowledge Directory, in the community title bar, click Community Knowledge Directory.

    This link is available only if the community administrator has enabled the Community Knowledge Directory. The Community Knowledge Directory displays the members of the community, any subcommunities of the community, and any other folders and contents the community administrator added.

  • To view the subcommunities to which you belong, open the Subcommunities menu.

    This menu appears only if this community contains any subcommunities. Subcommunities are separately secured subsections of a community. For example, you might have a Marketing community that contains the Advertising Subcommunity. The Advertising Subcommunity could have distinct owners; or only a subset of the Marketing community might be entitled to see the Advertising Subcommunity.

  • To view a subcommunity, in the Subcommunities menu, click the subcommunity name.

  • To create a new, blank page in the community you are viewing, click Create Page.

  • To edit the community page you are viewing (rename the page, add, remove, or rearrange portlets), click Edit Page.

Editing a Page in the Flyout Page Editor

You can rename a page, add portlets, recommend portlets, and reposition portlets while viewing the page.

Click Edit Page. The Flyout Page Editor appears, enabling you to perform the following actions:


The Flyout Page Editor appears only if you are viewing an adaptive page layout (not a legacy page layout).
  • To rename the page, in the Change Page Name box, type the new name.

  • To add a portlet to the page, under the portlet name, click Add to Page.

    A placeholder for the portlet is added to the page below the Flyout Page Editor.

  • To remove a portlet, under the portlet name, click Remove, or click the Remove icon in the portlet's title bar.

  • To see what a portlet looks like, under the portlet name, click Preview.

    From the Preview Portlet page you can perform the following actions:

    • To add the portlet to your page and close the preview, click Add this portlet.

    • To view a description of the portlet, click View Description. When you are finished, click Close.

    • To return to the list of portlets without adding the portlet to your page, click Close.

  • To view a list of the portlets in a portlet bundle, under the bundle name, click Open.

  • To add all the portlets from a bundle, under the bundle name, click Add.

    A placeholder for each portlet is added to the page below the Flyout Page Editor.


    You can remove a portlet added as part of a bundle by clicking the Remove icon in the portlet's title bar.
  • To recommend a portlet to other users:

    1. Under the portlet name, click Invite.

    2. In the invitation dialog box, copy the text, and click Close.

    3. In your e-mail application, paste the text into an e-mail message and send it.

    When other portal users click the URL in your e-mail, they are taken to the portlet preview and given the option to add the portlet to one of their My Pages. Users that do not have permission to see the portlet receive an error message.

  • To search for portlets and portlet bundles, in the Search for Portlets box, type the text you want to search for and click Search.

    For searching tips, see Appendix A, "Configuring Advanced Properties in the Portal Configuration Files."

    To remove your search criteria, click Search again.

  • To change the sort order of portlets, in the Sort By list, select an option: Item Name Ascending, Item Name Descending, Date Modified Ascending, Date Modified Descending.

  • To page through the list of portlets, click << Previous, Next >>, or a particular page number.

  • To browse through administrative folders, click Browse All Folders.


    This link displays folders that might not contain portlets or portlet bundles.

    To view the portlets and portlet bundles in a folder, click the folder name.

  • To reposition a portlet, in the area under the Edit Page section, drag the portlet to the desired position (by clicking the portlet, holding down the mouse button, and moving the mouse), then release the mouse button.

    Each column on the page is represented by a gray box. To change the column structure, click Go to Advanced Editor, then click Select Page Layout.

  • To close the Flyout Page Editor, click Close, or, in the Edit Page section, click the Close icon or Close Editor.

Editing a Page in the Standard Page Editor

You can rename a page; add, delete, or reposition portlets; and select a page layout in the Standard Page Editor.

  1. On the page you want to edit, click Edit Page.

    • If you are editing a page that uses an adaptive page layout, the Flyout Page Editor opens. Continue with Step 2.

    • If you are editing a page that uses a legacy page layout, the Page Editor opens. Skip Step 2.

  2. If the Flyout Page Editor opens, click Go to Advanced Editor to open the Standard Page Editor.

  • To change the name of your page, type a new name in the Page Name box.

  • To add portlets to your page, click Add Portlets.

  • To change the format for the columns on your page, click Select Page Layout.

  • To see what a portlet looks like, click Preview.

  • To remove a portlet from the page, click Remove.

  • To reposition a portlet on your page, drag the portlet to the desired position (by clicking the portlet, holding down the mouse button, and moving the mouse), then release the mouse button.

    Each column on the page is represented by a gray box.

Managing a Portlet Through the Portlet's Title Bar

You can refresh portlet content, edit portlet preferences, hide or show a portlet, and delete the portlet all from the portlet's title bar.

  • To refresh a portlet, click the Refresh icon.

    If this portlet does not include refresh functionality, you will not see this button.

  • To edit your personal preferences for the portlet, click the Preferences icon.

    If this portlet does not have personal preferences, you will not see this button.

  • To minimize a portlet so that only the title bar appears on the page, click the Minimize icon.

  • To maximize a portlet so that the entire portlet displays, click the Maximize icon.

  • To remove a portlet from the page, click the Remove icon.

    If you are viewing a community page, you must have at least Edit access to the community to see this button.

Browsing Documents in the Portal Knowledge Directory

The Knowledge Directory is similar to a file system tree in that documents are organized in folders and subfolders. A folder can contain documents uploaded by users or imported by content crawlers, as well as links to people, portlets, and communities. If your administrator has given you permission, you might also be allowed to add documents to the Knowledge Directory, or submit yourself as an expert on a particular topic.

When you open the Directory, you see the folders and subfolders to which you have at least Read access.

  • To edit the directory (add or edit folders), click Edit Directory.


    You must have the Edit Knowledge Directory activity right to see this button. You must also have at least Edit access to a folder or document to be able to edit the folder or document.
  • To open a folder or subfolder, click its name.


    If the folder includes a description, it appears as a tooltip. To view the description, place your mouse over the folder name.

    After you have opened a Directory folder, you see the additional features described next.

  • To open a document, click its name.

  • To view the properties of a document, click the Properties link under the document description.

  • To tell other portal users about a document:

    1. Under the document description, click Send Document Link.

    2. In the Document Link dialog box, copy the text, then click Close.

    3. In your e-mail application, paste the text into an e-mail message and send it.

      When other portal users click the URL in your e-mail, the document opens. If a user does not have permission to see the document, an error message is displayed.

  • To submit a document to the portal, click Submit Documents.


    You must have at least Edit access to the folder and at least Select access to the content source that provides access to the document to be able to submit a document.
  • To view another page of items, at the bottom of the list of documents, click a page number or click Next >>.

  • To change the sort order of documents between ascending and descending, in the Sort by list, select the desired option: Document Name Ascending or Document Name Descending.

  • To change the number of documents that are displayed per page, in the Items per page list, select the desired number.

    By default, 20 items are shown per page.

  • To filter the documents by document type (for example, MS Word documents or PDF documents), in the Show only item type list, select the desired document type.

  • To open a subfolder, under Subfolders, click the subfolder name.


    Beneath the banner, you see the hierarchy for the folder you are viewing (sometimes referred to as a breadcrumb trail). To move quickly to one of these folders, click the folder's name.
  • To create a subfolder in this folder, under Subfolders, click Create Folder. In the Create Document Folder dialog box, type a name and description for the folder, and click OK.

  • To view a related community, under Related Communities, click the community name.


    If you have at least Select access to the community, you can join the community.
  • To open a related folder, under Related Folders, click the folder name.

  • To preview a related portlet, under Related Portlets, click the portlet name.


    If you have at least Select access to the portlet, from the portlet preview page, you can add the portlet to one of your My Pages.
  • To view the user profile for a related expert, under Related Experts, click the user's name.


    If you have the Self-Selected Experts activity right, and are not already listed as an expert, click Add Me to add yourself as an expert on the folder's topic.
  • To view the user profile for a related content manager, under Related Content Managers, click the user's name.

Directing Users to Portal Areas with Friendly URLs

You can direct users to one of their My Pages, to a community, to a user profile, to a Knowledge Directory folder, to a document, or to search results with a simple URL, referred to as a friendly URL.

  • To direct users to one of their My Pages, to a community, to a user profile, to a Knowledge Directory folder, or to a document, create a link in the following format:[object_id]

    • Replace with the URL to your portal.

    • Replace object_token with the token for the type of object to which you are linking.

      The default values are: mypage, community, user, directory, and document, but your portal administrator might have customized them. For example, “directory” could instead be “folder.”

    • Replace object_name with the name of the object. Replace any spaces in My Page, community, user, or Knowledge Directory folder names with underscores (_); replace any spaces in document names with plus signs (+).

    • You can optionally specify the object ID. To do so, replace object_id with the ID of the object.


    • Users must have at least Read access to the object to which you are directing them.

    • If an object cannot be found, the user will receive an error message.

    • If more than one object has the name specified in the link and an ID is not specified, the portal displays a list of objects with the same name and the user can select which one to view.

  • To direct users to search results, create a link in the following format:[&num=items]

    • Replace with the URL to your portal.

    • Replace search+term with the term you want to search for, replacing any spaces with plus signs (+).

    • You can optionally specify the number of results to display per page. To do so, include the num element and replace items with the number of results you want to display per page.

Searching for Documents or Objects

You can search for documents or objects using the portal banner, using the Portal Search portlet, using advanced search, using federated search, or using the Administrative Objects Directory. Each method of search uses the same text search rules.


Only those documents or objects to which you have at least Read access appear in your results.
  • To search for documents or objects through the portal banner, type your search string in the box in the portal banner, and click Search.

  • To go directly to the result that your portal administrator has set as the top best bet for a term, without first seeing all the search results, type the top best bet operator (>) followed by your search string and click Search, or type your search string and click the Top Best Bet icon.


    • If no top best bet has been set for the term, the regular search results appear.

    • The Top Best Bet icon is available only if enabled by your portal developer.

  • To search for documents or objects using a saved search, use the Portal Search portlet.

  • To search for documents or objects using metadata properties and location, click Advanced Search.

  • To search other content, portals, and web search engines, click Federated Search.


    The Federated Search button is available only if enabled by your portal developer.
  • To search for objects in the Administrative Objects Directory, click Administration, and specify your criteria in the Object Search boxes.

Searching for Objects or Documents Using Advanced Search

You can perform an advanced search, using metadata properties and location, to find objects or documents.

In the portal banner or in the Administrative Objects Directory, click Advanced Search.

  • To search for text in the name or description of an object or document, type the text you want to search for in the Search for text box.

    You can use the text search rules.

  • To search for property values, click Add Criteria, and specify the property criteria in the boxes that appear:

    1. In the first list (property), select the searchable property for which you want to filter the values.

    2. In the second list (operator), select the operator to apply to this condition.

      This list will vary depending on the property selected:

      • For any text property you can search for a value that contains your search string (Contains), or you can search for properties that are blank (Contains No Value).


        To exclude results with particular values, select Contains, then type “not” followed by words that you want to exclude from your search. For example, if you want to search for documents about retirement benefits, excluding pension plans, then type “retirement benefits” in the Search for text box, select Contains from the list, and type “not pension plan” in the text box.
      • For any date property you can search for a value that comes after, comes before, is, or is not the date and time you choose or for a value that occurs in the last number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks that you specify.

      • For any number property you can search for a value that is greater than, is less than, is, is not, is greater than or equal to, or is less than or equal to the number you enter in the text box.

    3. In the Value text box, enter the value the property must have, or not have, depending on which operator you selected.


      If you are searching for a text property, you can use the text search rules.
  • To remove a property condition, select the condition and click the Remove icon (next to Add Criteria).

  • Specify how you want your search criteria handled:

    • To meet all the conditions you define, select All Criteria.

      Selecting All Criteria is equivalent to using AND.

    • If you want your search results to meet at least one of the conditions you define, select Any Criterion.

      Selecting Any Criterion is equivalent to using OR.

  • To restrict your search to specific Knowledge Directory folders, click Add Document Folder. In the Select folder for search dialog box, select the folders you want to search and click OK.

  • To restrict your search to specific Administrative Objects Directory folders, click Add Administration Folder. In the Select folder for search dialog box, select the folders you want to search and click OK.

  • To remove folders from your list, select the folders and click the Remove icon (next to Add Administration Folder).

    To select or clear all folder boxes, select or clear the box next to Folder Names.

  • Specify whether you want to include subfolders.

    By default, the portal searches subfolders. To exclude subfolders from your search, clear the box next to Include subfolders.

  • To specify the number of results to display on a page, in the Results per page list, choose a value.

  • To restrict your search to a specific language, in the This language only list, choose a language.

  • To limit your search to specific object types, in the Result Types list, select the object types you want to search.

    To select or clear all object type boxes, select or clear the box next to Object Type.

  • To set all search conditions back to the defaults, click Clear.

  • To perform your search, click Search.

Complex Property Search Example

You can use multiple property criteria to define complex property searches.For example, if you want to find documents published after a certain date by a specific branch of a company, you could set the property criteria to the following values:

  • First Criterion:

    • Property = Object Created

    • Operator = Comes After

    • Value = December 30, 2003

    Your search results would be limited to objects created after December 30, 2003.

  • Second Criterion:

    • Property = Company

    • Operator = Contains

    • Value = Company A

    Your search results would be limited to objects where the company property contains Company A.

  • Third Criterion:

    • Property = Address

    • Operator = Contains

    • Value = San Francisco

    Your search results would be limited to objects that contain San Francisco in the address.

  • You would also want to limit your Result Types to Documents, so that only documents were returned in your results.

Searching Other Content, Portals, or Web Search Engines with Federated Search

You can use federated search to search for content in web search engines (for example, Google or AltaVista), other portals, or other collections of information (for example, a Lotus Notes collection or a set of customer service incident reports).

Your portal administrator must have configured an outgoing federated search and your portal developer must have enabled the Federated Search button in the portal banner.

  1. In the portal banner, click Federated Search.

  2. In the Search for text box, type the text you want to search for.

  3. Select the number of results you want returned per location.

    By default, 5 results per location are returned. To change this number, select a new number in the Number of results per location list.

  4. Select the locations you want to search.

    • To select particular search locations, select the locations.

    • To select all search locations, select the box next to Search Location.

    • To save your search location settings, select Always search these locations for me.

  5. Click Search.

Viewing Search Results from a Banner Search

When you perform a banner search, each item returned includes an icon to signify what type of document or object it is (for example, signifies a web page and signifies a user), the item name, the item description, when the item was last modified, and a link to view additional item properties.

  • To view a result, click its name.

    If you click a... You see...
    Knowledge Directory folder The contents of the folder
    Document The document
    Community The home page for the community

    Note: You can join the community while viewing it.

    Community page The community page.

    Note: You can join the community while viewing it.

    Portlet A preview of the portlet

    Note: You can add the portlet to a My Page while previewing it.

    User The user's profile

  • To view the properties of an item, click the Properties link under the item description.

  • If your search returns more than one page of results, click a page number or click Next >> to view additional results.

  • To change the sort order of your results, in the Sort by list, select the desired option:

    • Relevance sorts your results according to how closely they match your search query.


      Best bets are only shown in search results when sorting by relevance.
    • Name sorts your results alphabetically by name.

    • Last Modified Date displays your results in the order in which they were most recently edited.

  • To change the number of results that are displayed per page, in the Items per page list, select the desired number.

  • To filter your results by type (for example, documents, communities, portlets), in the Show only item type list, select the desired item type.

  • To edit the results to which you have at least Edit access, click Edit.


    You must have the proper permissions to see the Edit button. You must have at least Edit access to some of the results. For documents or document folders, you must have the Edit Knowledge Directory activity right. For communities, community pages, portlets, or users, you must have the Access Administration activity right. If you have only the Edit Knowledge Directory activity right, you must filter your results to display only Documents in the Directory or Document Folders. If you have only the Access Administration activity right, you must filter your results to display only Communities, Community Pages, Portlets, or Users.

Saving a Search

You can save a search and access it later through the Portal Search portlet.


Sort order is not saved when you save your search query.
  1. Run a search.

  2. On the search results page, click Save this Search.

  3. In the dialog box, type a name for this search and click Save.

  4. To add the Portal Search portlet to your My Page, click the link in the dialog box (Click here to add the portlet).

    You can run and manage your saved searches through the Portal Search portlet. You can also manage your saved searches through the Search Preferences page.

  5. Click Close Window.

Linking to a Best Bet Search

You can create a link to go directly to a top best bet. For example, you might want to direct customers to your current privacy statement, but you need to keep copies of older privacy statements in your portal for internal reference. You could create a top best bet that points to the current privacy statement and add a link to that top best bet on your customer account page. When your privacy statement is updated, you can change the top best bet without having to change any links you made to the privacy statement.

  1. Create the top best bet as described in Creating Best Bets.

  2. Create the link to the top best by appending tbb=SearchTerm to the end of your portal URL.

    For example: department


    If your search term contains spaces, they will be converted to %20.

Overview of the Administrative User Interface, Features, and Tools

This section covers the following topics:

Portal Objects

The following table describes the portal objects you can create through the Create Object list in the Administrative Objects Directory.

Object Description
Administrative Folder Administrative folders provide a hierarchical structure that make it easy to organize portal objects and manage security.
Authentication Source - Remote Authentication sources enable you to import users, groups, and group memberships that are already defined in your enterprise in existing user repositories, such as Active Directory or LDAP servers. After users are imported, you can authenticate them with the credentials from those user repositories.
Community Communities are sites within a portal designed for a specific audience or task, such as collaborative projects.
Community Template Community templates define the basic structure for the resulting communities, such as which page templates to include and, optionally, a header or footer for the community.
Content Crawler - Remote Remote content crawlers enable you to import content from external content repositories such as a Windows NT file system, Documentum, Microsoft Exchange, or Lotus Notes.
Content Crawler - WWW Web content crawlers enable you to import content from web sites.
Content Source - Remote Remote content sources provide access to external content repositories, such as a Windows NT file system, Documentum, Microsoft Exchange, or Lotus Notes.
Content Source - WWW Web content sources provide access to web sites.
Content Type Content types specify several options — the source content format (such as Microsoft Office, web page, or Lotus Notes document), whether the text of the content should be indexed for searching, and how to populate values for document properties.
Experience Definition Experience definitions provide multiple user experiences within a single portal. An experience definition defines certain elements of a user experience, such as adaptive page layout settings, branding style, and navigation.
External Operation An external operation enables you to run shell scripts (for example, .sh or .bat files) through the portal and schedule these actions through portal jobs. For example, you might want to create a script that queries documents, pings portal servers, e-mails snapshot query results to users, or runs some other custom job, then create an external operation that points to the script, and use a job to run the script on a specified schedule.
Federated Search - Incoming An incoming federated search allows other Oracle WebCenter Interaction portals to search your portal.
Federated Search - Outgoing An outgoing federated search enables users of your portal to search other Oracle WebCenter Interaction portals or other external repositories.
Filter Filters control what content goes into which folder when crawling in documents or using Smart Sort to filter content into new folders. A filter sets conditions that document links must pass in order to be sorted into associated folders in the Knowledge Directory.
Group Groups are sets of users, sets of other groups, or both. Groups enable you to more easily control security because you assign each group different activity rights and access privileges.
Invitation Invitations allow you to direct potential users to your portal, making it easy for them to create their own user accounts and letting you customize their initial portal experiences with content that is of particular interest to them.
Job Jobs allow you to schedule portal management operations. A job is a collection of related operations. Each operation is one task, such as a crawl for documents, an import of users, or one of the system maintenance tasks.
Page (Only displays when in a community folder) Community pages let you categorize information for your community audience.
Page Template Page templates define the basic structure for the resulting community pages, such as the column layout and which portlets to include.
Portlet Portlets provide portal users customized tools and services as well as information. Portlets let you to integrate applications, tools, and services into your portal, while taking advantage of portal security, caching, and customization.
Portlet Bundle Portlet bundles are groups of related portlets, packaged together for easy inclusion on My Pages or community pages.
Portlet Template Portlet templates allow you to create multiple instances of a portlet, each displaying slightly different information.
Profile Source - Remote Profile sources allow you to import user information (such as name, address, or phone number) that is already defined in your enterprise in existing user repositories, such as Active Directory or LDAP servers. The imported user information can be used to populate user profiles or can be passed to content crawlers, remote portlets, or federated searches as user information.
Property Properties provide information about, as well as a way to search for, documents and objects in your portal. For example, you might want to create an Author property so users can find all the documents or objects created by a particular user.
Remote Server Remote servers group together web services that are installed on the same computer and require the same type of authentication. With a remote server, you enter the base URL and authentication settings just once for multiple web services, and, if you need to move the web services, you just need to change the remote server settings.
Snapshot Query Snapshot portlets enable you to display the results of a search in a portlet or e-mail the results to users. You can select which repositories to search (including Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Publisher and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration), and limit your search by language, object type, folder, property, and text conditions.
User Portal users enable you to authenticate the people who access your portal and assign appropriate security for the documents and objects in your portal. Users can be imported from external user repositories, created through the portal, created through invitations, self-registered, or just guests (unauthenticated users).
Web Service - Authentication Authentication web services enable you to specify general settings for your external user repository, leaving the more detailed settings (like domain specification) to be set in the associated remote authentication sources. This allows you to create different authentication sources to import each domain without having to repeatedly specify all the settings.
Web Service - Content Content web services enable you to specify general settings for your external user repository, leaving the target and security settings to be set in the associated remote content source and remote content crawler. This allows you to crawl multiple locations of the same content repository without having to repeatedly specify all the settings.
Web Service - Intrinsic Portlet Portlet web services allow you to specify functional settings for your portlets, leaving the display settings to be set in each associated portlet. An intrinsic portlet web service references one or more sets of code that are located on the portal computer.
Web Service - Profile Profile web services enable you to specify general settings for your external user repository, leaving the more detailed settings (like domain specification) to be set in the associated remote profile sources. This allows you to create different profile sources to import information each domain without having to repeatedly specify all the settings.
Web Service - Remote Portlet Portlet web services allow you to specify functional settings for your portlets, leaving the display settings to be set in each associated portlet. A remote portlet web service references services hosted by a separate remote server.
Web Service - Search Search web services allow you to specify general settings for your remote search repository, leaving the security settings to be set in the associated outgoing federated searches. This allows you to segregate access to your search repository through multiple outgoing federated searches.

Portal Objects Created Upon Installation

The default portal installation includes several portal objects that are created upon installation.

Object Description
Administrative Resources (folder) This folder contains the following objects created at installation: users, groups, the WebCenter Interaction Authentication Source, the World Wide Web content source, properties, content types, and federated search objects.
Intrinsic Operations (folder) This folder contains external operations and intrinsic jobs, such as Search Update, Document Refresh, and Weekly Housekeeping. The folder is registered with the primary Automation Service.
Portal Resources (folder) This folder contains intrinsic portlets and web services, as well as page, community, and portlet templates.
Default Experience Definition (folder) This folder contains the users associated with the default experience definition. Upon installation, one user is associated with the default experience definition—Administrator.
Audit Log Management (job) This job archives old audit messages into files and deletes old audit files.
Bulk Subscriptions (job) This job subscribes users to communities and portlets when you use bulk add.
Document Refresh (job) This job performs background maintenance on your search index such as refreshing document links and properties and deleting expired documents.
Dynamic Membership Update Agent (job) This job updates dynamic group memberships as defined on the Dynamic Membership Rules page of the Group Editor.
Search Update (job) This job makes sure the search collection is synchronized with the database. You can run multiple instances of this job.
Weekly Housekeeping (job) This job performs weekly housekeeping on your system, such as deleting expired invitation codes and deleting uploaded files for which links have been deleted.
Navigation Tags Header Portlet (portlet) This portlet is provided as an example of a custom header that includes navigation tags; you can customize it and use it in communities or experience definitions. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.
Classic Footer Portlet (portlet) This portlet is provided as an example of a custom footer that you can customize and use in communities or experience definitions.
Classic Header Portlet (portlet) This portlet is provided as an example of a custom header that you can customize and use in communities or experience definitions.
Layout Footer Portlet (portlet) This portlet is provided as an example of a custom footer that uses adaptive tags; you can customize it and use it in communities or experience definitions.
Layout Footer Portlet (portlet) This portlet is provided as an example of a custom header that uses adaptive tags; you can customize it and use it in communities or experience definitions.
Portal Login (portlet) This portlet allows users to log in to the portal. You probably want to add this to all your guest users' home pages so that users can log in from the default page displayed when they navigate to your portal.
Tag Login Portlet (portlet) This portlet is provided as an example of a custom login portlet that uses adaptive tags; you can customize it and add it to your guest users' home pages so that users can log in from the default page displayed when they navigate to your portal. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder. For information on adaptive tags, see the Adaptive Page Layouts section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware User Interface Customization Guide for Oracle WebCenter Framework Interaction, which is located on the Oracle Technology Network at
Folder Expertise (portlet) This portlet displays the folders for which the user is an expert. Portal administrators can add users to a folder as an expert through the Related Resources page of the Folder Editor, or, if users have the Self-Selected Experts activity right, they can add themselves as experts when they are browsing folders in the Knowledge Directory. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.
General Information (portlet) This portlet displays user profile information such as name and address, but it is configurable by the portal administrator to display any information. If your portal displays a legacy layout (rather than adaptive layouts), this portlet is displayed on the user profile page by default. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.
Managed Communities (portlet) This portlet displays the communities to which the user has Edit or Admin access. If your portal displays a legacy layout (rather than adaptive layouts), this portlet is displayed on the user profile page by default. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.
Job Histories Intrinsic Portlet (portlet) This portlet displays the same job history information that is displayed on the Job History page of the Automation Service Manager. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.
Portal Search (portlet) This portlet lets users search your portal and access their saved searches. Users might want to add this to their home page for easy access to their saved searches. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.
RSS Reader Portlet (portlet) This portlet lets users specify an RSS or ATOM feed to display on a My Page. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources/RSS Reader folder, but is available only if the portal administrator installed the Remote Portlet Service and imported the RSS Reader migration package.
RSS Community Reader Portlet (portlet) This portlet lets community managers specify an RSS or ATOM feed to display on a community page. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources/RSS Reader folder, but is available only if the portal administrator installed the Remote Portlet Service and imported the RSS Reader migration package.
User Status (portlet) This portlet lets users post their current status. This portlet is stored in the Activity Service folder, but is available only if the portal administrator installed the Remote Portlet Service and imported the Activity Service migration package.
User Activities (portlet) This portlet displays a user's status history and any other recent activities that are submitted by other applications. This portlet is stored in the Activity Service folder, but is available only if the portal administrator installed the Remote Portlet Service and imported the Activity Service migration package.

To view another user's activities, open the user's profile and look at the User Activities portlet displayed in the profile. To subscribe to e-mail notification or an RSS feed of the user's activity, click the appropriate button at the bottom of the user's User Activities portlet.

Community Links Portlet Template (portlet template) This template is used by the portal to create portlets that display the links saved in a Community Knowledge Directory folder. This portlet template is stored in the Portal Resources folder.
Content Snapshots (portlet template) This template is used by the portal to create portlets that display the results of a Snapshot Query. This portlet template is stored in the Portal Resources folder.

Portal Utilities

The following table describes the portal utilities accessible through the Select Utility list in the Administrative Objects Directory.

Utility Description
Access Unclassified Documents Access documents imported by a content crawler and placed in the Unclassified Documents folder in the Knowledge Directory.
Activity Manager Create, modify, or delete activities.
Approve Directory Content Approve directory content submitted to the Knowledge Directory.
Approve Objects for Migration Approve migration packages.
Audit Manager Audit user activity or object activity.
Automation Service Configure and run jobs.
Credential Vault Manager Manage lockboxes corresponding to external systems that users can access through the portal.
Default Profiles Configure default user profiles.
Experience Rules Manager Define and prioritize Experience Rules.
Global ACL Sync Map Configure the global access control list (ACL) synchronization map.
Global Content Type Map Configure the Global Content Type Map.
Global Document Property Map Configure the global document property map.
Global Object Property Map Configure the global object properties map.
Knowledge Directory Preferences Configure Knowledge Directory preferences.
Localization Manager Localize the portal.
Migration - Export Create a portal export package.
Migration - Import Import a portal export package.
Object Migration Status View the status of portal objects that have been requested for migration.
Portal Settings Modify Portal settings.
Release Disabled Logins Manage user locks.
Release Item Locks Manage object locks.
Search Cluster Manager Check status and manage search topology and checkpoints.
Search Results Manager Manage search results preferences.
Search Service Manager Manage Search Service settings.
Smart Sort Run the Smart Sort utility.
System Health Monitor View diagnostic information.
Tag Library Manager Displays the tag libraries loaded on the computer that hosts the portal.
User Profile Manager Modify the user profiles map.
(Custom Utility) Portal administrators or portal developers can create custom utilities that display in the Select Utility list.

Administration Utilities in the Portal Installation

Oracle WebCenter Interaction includes several command-line administration utilities in the portal installation directory and a tag library utility in the portal administrative interface.


The command-line utilities are located on the computer that hosts the portal, in Install_Dir/ptportal/10.3.0/bin. Install_Dir is the portal installation directory, for example C:\bea\alui or /opt/bea/alui.
Utility (.sh or .bat file) Purpose
automationserverd The Automation Service daemon ensures the Automation Service is running.

For information on the Automation Service daemon, see the Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

For information on modifying Automation Service defaults, see Configuring the Automation Service.

cryptoutil The Cryptographic Password utility generates the passwords you might set during installation.

To display the man pages for the Cryptographic Password utility, enter the following command:

Install_Dir/ptportal/10.3.0/bin/ -h

diagnostic The Diagnostic utility allows you to verify connectivity for installation components and the portal database.

To display the man pages for the Diagnostic utility, enter the following command:

Install_Dir/ptportal/10.3.0/bin/ -h

For details, see the Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

portalenv The Portal Environment utility sets the portal environment for tools in


To display the man pages for the Portal Environment utility, enter the following command:

Install_Dir/ptportal/10.3.0/bin/ -h

ptmigration The Migration Wizard manages import packages that enable you to migrate portal objects to new host portals, such as migration from a development environment to a QA environment or production environment, or from a remote server host computer to the portal host computer.

The command-line interface (CLI) of the Migration Wizard enables you to import migration packages from the command line.

To display the man pages for the Migration Wizard CLI, enter the following command:

Install_Dir/ptportal/10.3.0/bin/ -h

For information on object migration, see Migrating Portal Objects.

Tag Library Manager This Tag Library Manager allows you to view the tag libraries installed on the computer that hosts the portal.

To access the Tag Library Manager, in the portal, click Administration, then, in the Select Utility menu, click Tag Library Manger.

Overview of Portal Security

Oracle WebCenter Interaction provides many features that work together to secure your portal and its content.


By default, you can log in to the administrative portal as Administrator with no password. If the default Administrator password has not yet been changed, you should do so as soon as possible. Make sure that you document the change and inform the appropriate portal administrators.

In addition to the security available through the portal, you must also secure your hardware and back-end systems (for example, your portal and user databases) to fully protect your portal. You should follow all security guidance provided in your hardware and software documentation.

You must also create strong passwords not only for administrators, but for all portal users and you must advise everyone to keep their passwords safe.

About Access Privileges

Access privileges determine which portal objects a user can browse or edit, which objects appear in search results, and which can be added to My Pages and community pages.

Access to each object and document in the portal is controlled through the following access privileges:

Access Privilege Description
Read Allows users or groups to see the object.
Select Allows users or groups to add the object to other objects. For example, it allows users to add portlets to their My Pages, add users to groups, or associate remote servers with web services.
Edit Allows users or groups to modify the object.
Admin Allows users or groups full administrative control of the object, including deleting the object or approving it for migration.


  • The Everyone group (all users) has mandatory Read access to authentication sources, content types, filters, invitations, and properties.

  • If a user is a member of more than one group included in the list, or if they are included as an individual user and as part of a group, that user gets the highest privilege available to the user for the object. For example, if a user is part of the Everyone group (which has Read access) and the Administrators group (which has Admin access), that user gets the higher privilege to the object: Admin.

  • Access privileges are based on the security of the folder in which the object is stored. Changes to the security of a folder apply to all the objects within that folder. For example, if a document in the folder is shared with another folder (such as when a document is copied from one folder to another), the security of the document is changed in both locations.

About Activity Rights

Activity rights determine which portal objects a user can create and which portal utilities a user can execute to create or modify portal objects. For example, you can specify that users can create communities, create folders, create content types, and create portlets. Activity rights are global and cumulative. If a user is a member of multiple groups, each with different rights, that user inherits all the activity rights of all the parent groups. That user can exercise all of those rights in any area of the portal to which that user has the appropriate access. Groups can also inherit activity rights.

In addition to the default activity rights, you can also create custom portal activities. For example, if you have an inventory control system accessed through the portal and only certain users are allowed to edit it, you can create an Edit Inventories activity. You can then create inventory-control portlets that verify whether a user has the correct activity right prior to receiving access to the portlet.

Activity Rights Required to Create Portal Objects

To create a portal object, you must have at least Edit access to the parent folder (the folder that will store the object), the Access Administration activity right, and the required activity right listed in the table.

Object Required Activity Right
Administrative Folder Create Admin Folders
Authentication Source - Remote Create Authentication Sources
Community Create Communities
Community Template Create Community Infrastructure
Content Crawler - Remote Create Content Crawlers
Content Crawler - WWW Create Content Crawlers
Content Source - Remote Create Content Sources
Content Source - WWW Create Content Sources
Content Type Create Content Types
Experience Definition Create Experience Definitions
External Operation Create External Operations
Federated Search - Incoming Create Federated Searches
Federated Search - Outgoing Create Federated Searches
Filter Create Filters
Group Create Groups
Invitation Create Invitations
Job Create Jobs
Page (Only displays when in a community folder) No activity right needed; just need at least Edit access to community
Page Template Create Community Infrastructure
Portlet Create Portlets
Portlet Bundle Create Web Service Infrastructure
Portlet Template Create Web Service Infrastructure
Profile Source - Remote Create Profile Sources
Property Create Properties
Remote Server Create Web Service Infrastructure
Snapshot Query Create Snapshot Queries
User Create Users
Web Service - Authentication Create Web Service Infrastructure
Web Service - Content Create Web Service Infrastructure
Web Service - Intrinsic Portlet Create Web Service Infrastructure
Web Service - Profile Create Web Service Infrastructure
Web Service - Remote Portlet Create Web Service Infrastructure
Web Service - Search Create Web Service Infrastructure

Activity Rights and Group Membership Required to Access Portal Utilities

To access a utility, you must have the Access Administration activity right, the Access Utilities activity right, and the required activity right or group membership listed in the table.

Utility Required Activity Right (AR) or Group Membership (GM)
Access Unclassified Documents Access Unclassified Documents (AR)
Activity Manager Create Activities (AR)
Approve Directory Content Access Utilities (AR)
Approve Objects for Migration Administrators Group (GM)
Audit Manager Administrators Group (GM)
Automation Service Administrators Group (GM)
Credential Vault Manager Administrators Group (GM)
Default Profiles Create User (AR)
Experience Rules Manager Access Experience Rules Manager (AR)
Global ACL Sync Map Administrators Group (GM)
Global Content Type Map Administrators Group (GM)
Global Document Property Map Administrators Group (GM)
Global Object Property Map Administrators Group (GM)
Knowledge Directory Preferences Administrators Group (GM)
Localization Manager Administrators Group (GM)
Migration - Export Administrators Group (GM)
Migration - Import Administrators Group (GM)
Object Migration Status Access Utilities (AR)
Portal Settings Administrators Group (GM)
Release Disabled Logins Administrators Group (GM)
Release Item Locks Administrators Group (GM)
Search Cluster Manager Administrators Group (GM)
Search Results Manager Access Search Results Manager (AR)
Search Service Manager Administrators Group (GM)
Smart Sort Access Smart Sort (AR)
System Health Monitor Administrators Group (GM)
Tag Library Manager Administrators Group (GM)
User Profile Manager Access User Profile Manager (AR)
(Custom Utility) Read access to the custom utility's web service

Overview of Web Service Architecture

Many of the objects in the portal use web services, which are components that run on a logically separate computer from the one that runs the portal and communicate with the portal via HTTP. We refer to this separate computer as a remote server. The web service architecture allows multiple types of remote services (authentication sources, content crawlers, outgoing federated searches, portlets, and profile sources) to share a logical remote server, making it easier to manage the computers that make up the portal.

Web services also allow you to share settings (sometimes rather complex settings) with the objects created from those services. For example, administrative users creating portlet web services need a greater understanding of the structure of the portlet, because they need to specify whether the portlet has preferences or whether it sends user information; whereas users creating portlets from that web service might only need to set configuration settings appropriate for a non-technical user.

In addition, web services enable you to create composite applications that utilize functionality from multiple web services. For example, you might have several web services accessing an application that requires user credentials. Rather than creating a separate configuration page for each web service and requiring users to specify the same information multiple times, you can create a link to these shared settings, allowing users to specify the information only once for all of these web services.

Objects that use web services follow this general structure:

About Remote Servers

Remote servers group together web services that are installed on the same computer and require the same type of authentication. With a remote server, you enter the base URL and authentication settings just once for multiple web services, and, if you need to move the web services, you just need to change the remote server settings.

Remote servers do not need to be visible from beyond your firewall. The portal can function as a gateway to the content on the remote servers.

You can use a remote server to create the following administrative objects:

  • Search Web Service

  • Profile Web Service

  • Authentication Web Service

  • Remote Portlet Web Service

  • Content Web Service

Specifying the Location and Authentication Settings for a Remote Server

You can specify the location and authentication needed to access a remote server on the Main Settings page of the Remote Server Editor.

  1. If the Remote Server Editor is not already open, open it now and display the Main Settings page.

  2. In the Base URL text box, type the URL to the parent folder of the web services installed on this server.

    This can be the root of the Web Server (for example, http://server/) or a specific application or virtual directory (for example, http://server/app/). Because the URL specifies a folder rather than a specific resource, it should always end with a forward slash.

    The portal must be able to resolve the server name. Therefore, you might want to use Fully-Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) such as “” rather than just “http://server”. In some cases, when the portal is in a demilitarized zone (DMZ), you might need to use an IP address like “”.

    You need a remote server for each port (for example, http://server:8082/ requires a different remote server than http://server:7071/). You also need a separate remote server if some services use SSL (for example, https://server/).


    If you are sending any type of basic authentication information (specified in step 2), and you are not using a secured network, such as a separate subnet or a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection, we strongly recommend that the Base URL use SSL (the URL must begin with https://). Basic authentication uses Base 64 encoding, which can be easily decoded back to clear text.
  3. Under Base Authentication Type, specify what authentication information, if any, you want this remote server to pass to its associated web services.

    • To use no authentication information, choose None.

    • To use credentials from a user's login, choose User's Basic Authentication Information.

      Confirm that the portal configuration file has been edited so that the portal stores the user name and password in memory for as long as the user is logged in to the portal (as described in the Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction, available on the Oracle Technology Network at This option is not supported for configurations in which users log in without typing a password (for example, single sign-on or Remember My Password) because the password is not available to the portal.

    • To specify a user name and password, choose Administrator's Basic Authentication Information and type the user name and password in the associated text boxes.

      This information is encrypted, stored in the portal database, and sent with all requests to this remote server.

  4. To send credentials in portlet headers, using RSA public key/private key encryption, in the Public Encryption Key box, enter the public key for RSA encryption.

    You must also set up a lockbox in the Credential Vault Manager, associate the lockbox with the remote portlet web service (on the Authentication Settings page), and use the IDK to provide the private key for RSA encryption (see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Web Service Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction, which is located on the Oracle Technology Network at