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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction
10g Release 3 (

Part Number E14107-02
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6 Managing Administrative Objects and Portal Utilities

The Administrative Objects Directory allows you to create and manage administrative objects and access portal utilities. It displays all objects to which you have at least Read access.

To display the Administrative Objects Directory click Administration.


To access the Administrative Objects Directory you must have the Access Administration activity right.

Creating or Editing an Administrative Folder

Administrative folders provide a hierarchical structure that make it easy to organize portal objects and manage security.


You might want to store all of the resources needed by a particular audience of users in the same folder in which you store those users. By securing the folder appropriately and applying experience definition settings to it you can create completely separate and discreet user experiences for each audience of users.

To create an administrative folder you must have the following rights and privileges:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. If necessary, open the folder in which you want to store the new folder.

  3. In the Create Object list, click Administrative Folder.

    The Create Administrative Folder dialog box opens.

  4. In the Name box, type a name for the folder.

    This name appears in lists of objects from which users will sometimes choose; therefore, the name should clearly convey the purpose of this folder.

  5. In the Description box, type a description for the folder.

    This description appears in the Administrative Objects Directory to provide other administrators further details on the purpose of this folder.

  6. Click OK.

You can perform additional tasks when you edit this folder:

Editing an Administrative Folder

To edit an administrative folder you must have at least Edit access to the folder.

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Select the folder you want to edit and click Edit Subfolder.

  3. Perform tasks as necessary on the Experience Definition Settings page:

  4. Perform tasks as necessary on the Properties and Names page:

  5. Perform tasks as necessary on the Security page:

  6. Perform tasks as necessary on the Migration History and Status page:

Viewing Objects

You can view objects through the Administrative Objects Directory and through some of the portal utilities.


To view an object you must have the Access Administration activity right and at least Read access to the object.

To display the Administrative Objects Directory and access portal utilities, click Administration.

Searching for Objects in the Administrative Objects Directory

You can search for objects in the Administrative Objects Directory.

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Specify your criteria in the Object Search boxes:

    • To limit your search to particular types of objects (for example, crawler, portlet, or user), in the first list, select the object type.

    • To limit your search to particular folders, in the second list, choose whether to search all administrative folders, only the folder you are currently viewing, or the folder you are viewing plus its subfolders.

    • In the text box, type the text you want to search for and click the Search icon.

Searching for Objects or Documents Using Advanced Search

You can perform an advanced search, using metadata properties and location, to find objects or documents.

In the portal banner or in the Administrative Objects Directory, click Advanced Search.

Complex Property Search Example

You can use multiple property criteria to define complex property searches.For example, if you want to find documents published after a certain date by a specific branch of a company, you could set the property criteria to the following values:

  • First Criterion:

    • Property = Object Created

    • Operator = Comes After

    • Value = December 30, 2003

    Your search results would be limited to objects created after December 30, 2003.

  • Second Criterion:

    • Property = Company

    • Operator = Contains

    • Value = Company A

    Your search results would be limited to objects where the company property contains Company A.

  • Third Criterion:

    • Property = Address

    • Operator = Contains

    • Value = San Francisco

    Your search results would be limited to objects that contain San Francisco in the address.

  • You would also want to limit your Result Types to Documents, so that only documents were returned in your results.

Opening an Object Editor

Many administrative tasks start with opening an object editor. You open an editor by creating a new object or editing an existing object.


To edit an object you must have the Access Administration activity right, and you must have at least Edit access to the object.

Creating an Object

You can create objects such as folders, portlets, and users in the Administrative Objects Directory.


To create an object you must have the Access Administration activity right and the activity right associated with creating that type of object. You must also have at least Edit access to the parent folder (the folder that will store the object).
  1. Click Administration.

  2. If necessary, open the folder in which you want to store the object.

    You can create folders in the root of the Administrative Objects Directory, but other objects must be created in a folder.


    You can create default profiles only from the Default Profiles Utility: in the Select Utilities list, select Default Profiles.
  3. In the Create Object list, select the type of object you want to create.

    The list displays only those objects you have permission to create in the folder.

    Depending on the type of object you are creating, either the object editor opens, or a dialog box opens prompting you to choose a content source, template, or web service.

  4. If necessary, select the appropriate content source, template, or web service and click OK.

    A remote authentication source, a remote content source, an outgoing federated search, or a profile source requires a web service. A portlet requires a template or web service. A content crawler requires a content source.

    The object editor opens.

  5. Complete the editor.

Editing an Object from Administration

You can edit objects from the Administrative Objects Directory.


You must have the Access Administration activity right and at least Edit access to the object you want to edit.
  1. Click Administration.

  2. Navigate to the object you want to edit.

  3. Open the object editor:

    • To open the Folder Editor, select the folder, and click Edit Subfolder.

    • To open the Community Editor, click the community name, and click the Edit Community icon.

    • To open any other object's editor, click the name of the object.

Action Toolbar

You can use the buttons in the action toolbar to perform actions on the objects in a folder.

Button Action
Move Folder icon Move an object to a different folder. Select one or more objects and click the Move Folder icon. In the Target Folder dialog box, expand the folders as necessary, select a folder, and click OK.
Copy icon Copy an object to a different folder. Select one or more objects and click the Copy icon. In the Target Folder dialog box, expand the folders as necessary, select a folder, and click OK.
Delete icon Delete an object. Select one or more objects and click the Delete icon. In the confirmation dialog box, click Apply Now.
Security icon Modify the security settings on one or more objects. Select the objects and click the Security icon.
Bulk Add icon Add one or more portlets or communities to one or more groups. You can use this bulk add operation to add portlets to users' My Pages or subscribe users to communities based on group membership. Select the portlets or communities and click the Bulk Add icon.
Migrate icon Marks an object for migration to another portal. Select one or more objects and click Migrate icon.
Edit Subfolder icon Edit a subfolder. Select a subfolder and click Edit Subfolder.

Note: You can only edit folders to which you have at least Edit access.

Edit Profile Layout icon Edit the portal layout for guest users and default profiles. Select a guest user or default profile and click Edit Profile Layout to log in as that user and change the user's portal layout.

Note: You see this button only when you are viewing users.

Send Invitation icon Send an invitation or access a previously generated invitation link. Select the invitation and click Send Invitation.

Note: You see this button only when you are viewing invitations.

Run Once icon Set a job to run one time, immediately, without changing the schedule. Select a job and click Run Once.

Note: You see this button only when you are viewing jobs.

Enable icon

Disable icon

Enable makes a user or web service available for use. Disable makes a user or web service unavailable for use. Select a user or web service and click Enable or Disable.

Note: You see these buttons only when you are viewing users or web services.

Naming and Describing an Object

You can add or edit a name and description for an object.

  1. Open the object's editor by creating a new object or editing an existing object.

  2. In the Name box, type a name for this object.

    The name should clearly convey what this object is or what it can be used for.

    If you are naming an authentication-only authentication source, this name appears in the Authentication Partners list when you create the associated synchronization-only authentication source.

  3. In the Description text box, type a description for this object.

    The description should provide additional detail to convey what this object is or what it can be used for.

    If you are naming an authentication source that synchronizes users, this description appears in the Authentication Source list when users log in. Users imported from an external source must choose the appropriate authentication source to log in to the portal.

  4. If your portal administrator did not set a mandatory object language, in the Primary Language list, select the language for the name and description you entered.

    If your portal administrator did set a mandatory object language, you see the mandatory language instead of a list. You cannot change this setting. The name and description you entered must be in the mandatory language.

    If a localized name and description is not available in a user's selected language, the user will see the name and description in the specified primary language.

If you want to add names and descriptions for other languages, see Localizing Object Names and Descriptions.

Localizing the Name and Description for an Object

You can localize object names and descriptions, so that users see the names and descriptions in their chosen language. For example, if you have an object called “Engineering,” you could add “Ingénierie” as the localized entry for French. A user viewing the French user interface would see the Ingénierie as the object name, as well as any other names and descriptions localized into French.


  • You can localize names and descriptions into only the languages supported by the portal.
  • You cannot localize names and descriptions for users.

  • You can localize the names and descriptions for all objects at the same time using the Localization Manager.

  1. Open the object's editor by creating a new object or editing an existing object.

  2. Select Supports Localized Names.

    The Localized Names and Descriptions section appears.

  3. Add or edit the localized names and descriptions:

    • To remove existing entries, select the entries you want to remove and click.

      To select or clear all entries, select or clear the check box to the left of Name.

    • To edit an existing entry, click the entry you want to change, then, in the Name and Description dialog box, edit the entry as necessary, and click Finish.

    • To remove existing entries, select the entries you want to remove and click the Remove icon.

      To select or clear all entries, select or clear the check box to the left of Name.

Viewing Top Best Bets for an Object

The Properties and Names page displays the top best bet terms set for this object. When users do a top best bet search on these terms, they go directly to this object instead of seeing the normal search results.

  • To link to the end user view of this object, click the link under URL.

    You can use this URL to go directly to a top best bet. This can be useful if you want to direct users to an object or document related to a particular issue, but the object or document changes frequently. For example, you might want to direct customers to your current privacy statement, but you need to keep copies of older privacy statements in your portal for internal reference. You could create a top best bet that points to the current privacy statement and add a link to that top best bet on your customer account page. When your privacy statement is updated, you can change the top best bet without having to change any links you made to the privacy statement.

Managing Object Properties

You can add or edit properties for an object.

  1. Open the object's editor by creating a new object or editing an existing object.

  2. Under Object Properties, change the properties and values:

    • To add or delete properties for all objects of this type, click Open Properties Map.

      This displays the Global Object Property Map.

    • To enter values for properties, type the value in the box to the right of the property.


    The Object Properties section does not display if you are creating or editing a property.

Associating an Object with a Job

On the Set Job page, you can associate an object with a new or existing job. You run jobs to import users with authentication sources, import content with content crawlers, run external operations, and import user information with profile sources.

Before you can run jobs, you must:

  1. Open the object's editor by creating a new object or editing an existing object.

  2. Click the Set Job page.

  3. Associate the object with one or more jobs:

    • To run this object with an existing job, click Add Job; then, in the Choose Jobs dialog box, select the jobs you want to add this object to and click OK.

    • To create a new job to run this object, click Create Job, then, in the Job Editor, schedule your job and click Finish.

    • To remove a job, select the job and click the Remove icon.

      To select or clear all of the job check boxes, select or clear the check box to the left of Job Name.

    • To edit a job, click the job name.

      If you added this object to an existing job, you might want to verify that the job is scheduled to run.

    • To change the order in which the jobs are sorted, click Job Name.

Changing the Owner of an Object

The owner of an object is displayed on the Set Job page. If you are a portal administrator, you can change the owner.

You might want to change object owner for several reasons:

  • If the owner is deleted from the portal, you must assign an existing portal user as the object owner before you can run the job.

  • When a job runs, it might require access to portal objects that the current owner does not have access to. For example, a content crawler needs access to the folders into which it imports content. You might need to change the owner to provide the proper access.

  1. Open the object's editor by creating a new object or editing an existing object.

  2. Click the Set Job page.

  3. To change the owner, click Change Owner; then, in the Choose User dialog box, choose the user whom you want to make the object owner and click OK.


    If you are not a portal administrator, you see the name of the owner, but you cannot change it.

Setting Security on an Object

By default, a new object inherits the security of the parent folder, but you can override the inherited security.


You cannot override the inherited security for users; user security is always the same as the folder in which the user is stored. If you do not want a user to be returned in some users' searches, make sure those users are not allowed access to the folder in which the user is stored.
  1. Open the object's editor by creating a new object or editing an existing object.

  2. Click the Security page.

  3. Specify which users and groups can access this object and what type of access they have:

    • To allow additional users or groups access to this object, click Add Users/Groups.

    • To specify the type of access a user or group has, in the list under the Privilege column, select the access type.

      For a description of the available privileges, see About Access Privileges.


      If a user is a member of more than one group included in the list, or if they are included as an individual user and as part of a group, that user gets the highest access available to her for this object. For example, if a user is part of the Everyone group (which has Read access) and the Administrators Group (which has Admin access), that user gets the higher privilege to the community: Admin.
    • To delete a user or group, select the user or group and click the Remove icon.

      To select or clear all of the user and group check boxes, select or clear the check box to the left of Users/Groups.

    • To see what users are included in a group, click the group name.

    • To change the column used for sorting or to toggle the sort order between ascending and descending, click the column name.

      You see an the Sort Ascending icon or the Sort Descending icon to the right of the column name by which the objects are sorted.

Viewing Import History for an Object

You can see if an object was imported from another portal.

  1. Open the object's editor by creating a new object or editing an existing object.

  2. Click the Migration History and Status page.

If this object was imported from another portal, information displays under Import History:

Column Description
Migration Date Displays the date the object was copied into this portal.
Migration Comment Displays the comment entered by the user who requested migration of the object.
Source Portal UUID Displays the unique identifier of the originating portal.

Requesting That an Object Be Migrated

You can request that an object be added to a migration package to be exported to another portal.


You must have at least Edit access to the object for which you want to request migration.
  1. Search for the object or click Administration and navigate to the object.

  2. Select the object and click the Migrate icon.

To view the status of your migration request, open the object's editor and click the Migration History and Status page. Under Migration Status, you see whether your request is waiting for approval, has been approved, or has been rejected, as well as your comments and any comments from the portal administrator.

Approving an Object for Migration

When users want an object to be migrated, they submit a migration request. A portal administrator can then approve the request, and the object is added to the migration package.

  1. Open the object's editor by creating a new object or editing an existing object.

  2. Click the Migration History and Status page.

    Under Migration Status, you see whether this object has been requested for migration, and, if so, whether it is waiting for approval, has been approved, or has been rejected.

  3. If you are a member of the Administrators group, and you want to add this object to the migration package to be migrated to another portal, select Approve this object for migration.


    Users who are not members of the Administrators group do not see this option.

After approving objects for migration, you can use the Migration - Export Utility to create a migration package.

Creating Remote Servers

Remote servers group together web services that are installed on the same computer and require the same type of authentication. With a remote server, you enter the base URL and authentication settings just once for multiple web services, and, if you need to move the web services, you just need to change the remote server settings.

To create a remote server you must have the following rights and privileges:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Open the folder in which you want to store the remote server.

  3. In the Create Object list, click Remote Server.

    The Remote Server Editor opens.

  4. On the Main Settings page, complete the following tasks:

  5. Click the Properties and Names page and complete the following tasks:

The default security for this remote server is based on the security of the parent folder. You can change the security when you save this remote server (on the Security tab page in the Save As dialog box), or by editing this remote server (on the Security page of the Remote Server Editor).