Capacity Planning and Performance Tuning

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WLI Tuning

This section describes the WLI parameters that you can tune in a production environment. This section discusses the following topics:


BPM Logging Levels

The ApacheLog4jCfg.xml file located in the WLI domain directory specifies the WLI BPM logging configuration and the logging levels. You must set priority levels to ‘debug’ or ‘info’ only if such messages are required for debugging and testing purposes. In a production environment, you must set priority values to ‘warn’ or ‘error’ for all log appenders.

You must set the debug levels in the WebLogic Server console as the Worklist application creates a log on WebLogic Server as well as Log4j. See JMS Server: Logging for more information.


JDBC Data Source Tuning

WLI uses the following JDBC data sources:

You must monitor these JDBC data sources and ensure that an adequate number of connections are available in the connection pool by modifying the values of Initial Capacity, Maximum Capacity, and Capacity Increment. It is recommended that InitialCapacity be set to MaxCapacity for your connection pool, so there is no time spent in growing or shrinking the pool.

If your application is heavily database driven, consider the following:


AsyncDispatcher MDB Tuning

The default WebLogic Server work manager configuration constrains the number of AsyncDispatcher requests being processed for a particular JPD project to a maximum of 16. Consequently, a maximum number of 16 threads can handle asynchronous requests for the project. Your system may not use this number of threads for CPU bound processing, as WebLogic Server tunes the number of threads dynamically to optimise throughput. However, for input/output bound processing, which is typical for WLI applications, you can remove the constraint by configuring a separate work manager for the project.

You can assign more threads by adding a separate workmanager to AsyncDispatcher, so more AsyncDispatcher MDB instances are created.

The same AsyncDispatcher MDB is used by all JPDs in a JPD project. In the following scenarios, consider splitting the project into smaller projects:

For more information, see Determining the Number of Concurrent MDBs in Tuning Message-Driven Beans.


HTTP Control

The default HTTP-pooled connections per host is 2. To increase the pool size per host, you can use the following system property:


The default HTTP-pooled connections for all hosts is 20. To increase the pool size for all hosts, you can use the following system property:



Internal Queues

WLI uses many internal queues in the conversational-jms module. By default, most of these queues use a persistent JDBC store.

If the queues do not require JDBC persistence, you can change it to 'Non-Persistent' or use the File Persistence parameter. The queue used for process instance information can significantly improve the performance of WLI when the queue is changed to Non-Persistent.

Note: Changing the persistence of a queue can cause data loss if the server or the machine crashes unexpectedly.

For more information, see Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store and Tuning WebLogic JMS in WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning.


JMS EG Tuning

By default, the JMS EG application created in the WLI domain directory has 16 MDB instances due to self-tuning.

You can try to increase the pool size to improve performance. If you want more than 16 MDB instances, you can assign a workmanager with a higher number of threads in the minimum and maximum thread constraints as the dispatch-policy of the EG.

For more information, see Determining the Number of Concurrent MDBs in Tuning Message-Driven Beans.


Document Size

The weblogic.wli.DocumentMaxInlinSize parameter in in the WLI domain directory specifies the maximum size of a document stored in the SQL Document Store. If a document (incoming message) is greater than the value specified in weblogic.wli.DocumentMaxInlinSize, only document references are included in the message. Otherwise, the document is passed as a copy. If the message is large, the document store is contacted more frequently, thereby increasing database I/Os and decreasing memory usage. Therefore, the value of the threshold is important.

You can determine the size of your message, using Message Tracking. Tune the threshold value to improve performance. If a document is exchanged among many JPDs, you can use a document store to pass the relevant document reference on to the JPDs instead of passing the same data on to multiple JPDs.


Process Tracking

Table B-1 lists the different levels of process tracking and the events generated. From performance perspective, the system performance degrades as we move from none to full level of process tracking.

Table B-1 Levels of Process Tracking
No event is generated.
Only global events, such as process start/end, suspend, and resume are recorded.
Each executed node generates a start node event and an end/abort node event.
NODE and events that result from the execution of JpdContext.log() are generated.

If you change NONE to FULL, many more events are generated. These events lead to more database operations towards process instance information and process tracking data. You can partition the WLI_PROCESS_EVENT table, which is affected by higher levels of process tracking.

For more information about partitioning the WLI_PROCESS_EVENT table in Oracle9i Database Tuning Guide. For more information about process tracking, see Process Tracking Data in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.


B2B Process Tracking

For trading partner integration, the following levels of message tracking are provided:

When you change the message tracking level from None to All, the database operations can have an impact on performance. For more information, see Configuring Trading Partner Management in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.


Worklist Reporting and Querying

In a scenario where database load is high, the worklist-reporting feature can have an impact on performance. This feature requires additional database operations for reporting. It is recommended that you move the reporting store to a different database machine by pointing a separate reporting datasource to a database machine other than p13ndatasource.

For more information about the default reporting store, see Default Reporting Store in Using Worklist.

Do not try to fetch all worklist task data at once. Your system slows down when the database contains a lot of tasks. You can use WorklistTaskQuery.getTaskDataCursor to fetch a maximum of 1000 tasks from the database. WorklistTaskDataCursor fetches tasks in batches, as specified in batchSize.


JMS Control Tuning

If you are using WLI JMS control, you can set the send-with-xa annotation of the WLI JMS control to true for better performance with WLI.


Test Console

The test console stores all logs in the JVM heap. You must clear the logs so that system performance is not affected.

By default, the test console (testConsoleFlag in the setDomainEnv file) is enabled for a development domain and disabled for a production domain. Do not enable the test console for production systems unless required for debugging purposes.


JPD Meta Data Cache Tuning

To control the behaviour of the JPD process meta-data cache you can do either of the following:

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