Tutorial: Designing Your First Business Process

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Step 11: Send Quote From Business Process to Client

A business process must be able to send and receive messages to and from its clients. You designed your business process to receive messages from a client in Step 2: Specify How the Process Is Started.

In this step, you learn how to send messages from your business process to a client by designing Client Response nodes. This step includes the following tasks:


Add Client Response Node

  1. In the Package Explorer view, double-click RequestQuote.java to ensure that your business process is displayed in Design view.
  2. In the Node Palette, select Client Response, drag it to the business process, and drop it immediately before the Finish node.
  3. Change the name of the node to Send Quote.


Design Send Quote Node

This section describes how to complete the design of the interaction with clients for this business process. Specifically, at this point in the process, the business process sends a quote containing price and availability information to clients.

In this step, you specify the structure of documents that your business process sends to clients from the Send Quote node.

  1. Double-click the Send Quote node in your business process.
  2. In the General Settings tab of the node builder, change the name in the Method Name field from clientResponse to quoteResponse.
  3. Click Add to display the panel of data types.
  4. Note: In the Combine Price and Avail Quotes node, you created an XML variable to hold the quote. The data assigned to this variable is valid against the Quote.xsd schema; therefore, we need a typed XML parameter at this node.
  5. Select the XML tab.
  6. Expand the Typed node (by clicking the + symbol adjacent to it), and progressively expand the nodes up to schemas.
  7. Under schemas, expand Quote.xsd, and select quote.
  8. The Type Name field shows org.example.quote.QuoteDocument.

  9. In the Name field, replace x0 with responseXML.
  10. Click OK to create the new variable.
  11. The fileProperties variable is displayed in the Receive Data tab, and also in the Data Palette.

  12. Click OK.
  13. The QuoteDocument responseXML parameter is added to the General Settings tab in the node builder and the General Settings tab is marked complete:.

  14. Select the Send Data tab.
  15. The Client Expects field shows the data type and the name of the parameter that you specified in the General Settings tab: QuoteDocument responseXML

  16. In the Select variables to assign field, select Quote (quote).
  17. Click Close to close the node builder.
  18. From the Oracle Workshop for WebLogic menu, select File > Save.
  19. This step completes the design of your RequestQuote business process.

To run the business process, proceed to Step 12: Run RequestQuote Business Process.

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