Tutorial: Designing Your First Business Process

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Oracle Workshop for WebLogic Views, Functions, and Shortcuts

This section describes the components that are available in Oracle Workshop for WebLogic for designing business processes.


Oracle Workshop for WebLogic Views

Ensure that you are familiar with the following Oracle Workshop for WebLogic views; you will use them throughout the tutorial.


Functions and Shortcuts

You will use the following functions and shortcuts frequently throughout the tutorial:

Save: Saves the file that is currently displayed in the Design or Source view.

Save All (Ctrl+S): Saves all the files in your application.

Build All: (Ctrl+B): Builds your applications. This icon is not available if automatic building is enabled by choosing ProjectArrow symbolBuild Automatically.

F2: To change the label (name) of a node in the business process, select the node in the Design view and press F2. Then, enter the required new label and press Enter.

Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate between the nodes in your business process.

Use the right and left arrow keys to expand and collapse a group of nodes.

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