Tutorial: Designing Your First Business Process

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The Business Process Management (BPM) capability of Oracle WebLogic Integration (WLI) enables integration of diverse applications and human participants, and coordinated exchange of information with trading partners outside your enterprise.

This tutorial provides a tour of the features available for designing business processes in Oracle Workshop for WebLogic. It describes how to create a business process that orchestrates processing of a Request for Quote (RFQ).


Tutorial Goals

The goals of the tutorial include the following:


Tutorial Overview

The business process in this scenario starts when an RFQ is received from a client. The business process checks the inventory and pricing systems of the enterprise to determine whether the order can be fulfilled. Based on the shipping address provided by the client, the process also determines whether sales tax must be added to the quote. Finally, the business process compiles a single quote document from the sales tax, price, and availability data, logs the quote by writing it to the file system and sends it to the client.

The following sequence summarizes the steps in the RFQ business process and describes how the process is designed in WLI:

  1. Receive an RFQ from a client.
  2. You design a Client Request node in your business process to handle the receipt of an XML document that contains the customer name, shipping address, and the identity and quantity of items for which the quote is requested. You design the business process so that it starts when it receives an RFQ message from a client.

  3. Determine whether sales tax must be included in the quote.
  4. You design a Decision node to create different paths of execution based on the evaluation of a condition. The Decision node includes, on one path, a call to a web service that calculates sales tax. Business processes communicate with other services through controls. You design a Control Send node to communicate with a web service that calculates the sales tax for your quote.

  5. Process the items sent in the RFQ message.
  6. For each item in the RFQ, the process calculates the price and determines availability of the quantities requested in the incoming XML message.

    You create the following nodes in the business process:

    • For Each: These nodes represent points in a business process at which a set of activities is performed repeatedly, once for each item in a list. For Each nodes include an iterator node (on which a list of items is specified) and a loop (in which the activities to be performed for each item in the list are defined)
    • Parallel: Parallel nodes represent points in a business process at which a number of activities are executed in parallel. In this tutorial, you design a Parallel node containing two branches: a path for calculating prices and a path for determining availability.
    • Control: Control Send and Control Receive nodes on each path handle asynchronous exchange of messages between the business process and web service resources.
      • A pricing web service returns the price for the items in the RFQ.
      • An availability web service returns information about the availability of the requested items.
  7. Compile price, availability, and tax information in a quote document.
  8. You use Transformation controls to map the price, availability, and sales tax information to an XML document that is returned to the client as the quote.

  9. Keep a record of the quote created by the business process.
  10. You use a File control to write the quote to your file system.

  11. Send the quote to the client.
  12. You design a Client Response node to send a response to the client. The response contains the data calculated by the business process.

The following figure shows the actors in the tutorial scenario.

Figure 1-1 Actors in the Tutorial Scenario

Actors in the Tutorial Scenario

The actors in the tutorial scenario are:


Tutorial Organization

The goal of this tutorial is to create a business process that receives RFQ messages from clients, validates and processes the RFQs, and send quotes to the clients.

The tutorial is organized as follows:

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