Tutorial: Designing Your First Business Process

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Step 5: Run the Business Process

To run and test the business process that you created, complete the following steps:

  1. If Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) is not already running, choose Window > Show View > Other > Server > Servers from the Oracle Workshop for WebLogic menu, and click OK.
  2. The Server view is displayed. If no server is defined, the view is empty.

  3. In the Package Explorer view, right-click on RequestQuote.java, and choose Run As Arrow symbol Run On Server.
  4. The Run On Server wizard is displayed.

  5. Select Manually define a new server (if there is no server defined) and click Next.
  6. Note: If one or more servers are already defined, you can select Choose an existing server.

    The WebLogic Server v10.3 dialog box is displayed.

  7. Click Browse adjacent to the Domain home field, and select the samples integration domain directory from BEA_HOME\wlserver_10.3\samples\domains\integration, where BEA_HOME represents the directory in which you installed WLI.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. The server is started, and the RequestQuote application is deployed on it. The status of the server changes to Started in the Servers view.

    After the application is deployed, the test browser is displayed.

  10. Select the Test Form tab.
  11. Click the Browse... button adjacent to the xml requestXML (file value) field.
  12. Select the Tutorial_Process_Application_Web\src\testxml\QuoteRequest.xml file.
  13. Click the quoteRequest button to start the business process.
  14. Note: The label of the button reflects the name of the start method in the business process.
    Figure 6-1 Test Form

    Test Form

    The Test Form tab refreshes to display a summary of your request parameters and the responses from the web service in the Message Log.

    Figure 6-2 Message Log - Initial

    Message Log - Initial

  15. Click Refresh to refresh the entries in the log until this instance of the business process completes running.
  16. Figure 6-3 Message Log - Refreshed

    Message Log - Refreshed

  17. Entries displayed in the message log correspond to the methods in the business process:
    • The quoteRequest method that starts the business process.
    • A call from your business process to the taxCalculation web service: taxCalcControl.requestTaxRate.
    • A response from the taxCalculation web service to your business process: taxCalcControl.returnTaxRate.
    • Instance ID: When the business process finishes, a message similar to the following is displayed in the message log:
    • Instance instanceID is Completed.

      instanceID is the ID that is generated when the quoteRequest method in your business process was called.

      You can click any of the methods in the message log to view the details of the call. For example, if you click quoteRequest, the Service Request panel displays the XML message sent by the client (you) when the method was called.

      If you click taxCalcControl.returnTaxRate, you can view the response from the taxCalculation service.

      Figure 6-4 Message Log with Details

      Message Log with Details

      In the sample XML message that you used, state is NJ. So the process executes the Yes branch of the Sales Tax Calculation Needed? node.

      The following code segment shows the rate of sales tax returned for this test XML message.

      <returnTaxRate xmlns="http://www.openuri.org/">



By following these steps, you ran and tested a simple business process, which contains a Start node and a Decision node, and includes an asynchronous call to a web service through a control.

Subsequent steps in this tutorial build on the business process that you have created so far.

Note: For information about the other features of the test browser, see Additional Functionality in Test Browser.

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