Overview of Oracle WebLogic Integration

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Event Generators

Event generators trigger events in response to activities that occur in the systems associated with them. Each event generator is associated with a message broker channel. When a system event occurs, the event generator publishes information about the event through the relevant message broker channel. Channel rules can be configured for each event generator.

Table 1 lists the types of event generators that are supported by WLI.

Table 1 Event Generator Types 
Event Generator Type
A file event generator polls for files or directories on a local drive or remote server (FTP or SFTP) and generates an event when an operation – read, write, or append – is performed on the file. In addition, file manipulation operations such as copy, rename, and delete can be monitored. The monitored files can contain XML objects, raw data (binary), or strings. Details of the file operations are published on message broker channels as XML or binary objects.
This type of event generator polls e-mail accounts for messages and publishes the content to message broker channels.
A JMS event generator polls JMS queues and topics for messages. These messages are then published using the message broker channels.
A timer event generator creates events at user-specified times and publishes the events to message broker channels.
When the timer event generator detects that a specified time has passed, it publishes a message to a message broker channel. The content of the message can be specified in the channel rules defined for the event generator. These are always XML messages.
Timer event generators can be associated with business calendars that are defined in the Worklist Console. For more information, see:
An RDBMS event generator can be used to generate an event when an insert, update, or delete action takes place on any database table associated with the event generator. The RDBMS event generator can also be used for querying data available in a database. The events generated by the RDBMS event generator are published on message broker channels.
For more information, see RDBMS Event Generator User Guide.
The HTTP event generator is a servlet, which takes HTTP requests, checks for the content type, and then publishes the messages to message broker channels. The HTTP event generator supports synchronous subscription; it also supports a multipart response.
MQ Series
MQ Series is the messaging service queue provided by IBM. An MQ Series event generator polls the MQ Series message queue and publishes the messages through message brokers channels.
WLI provides and supports integration of the IBM Websphere® MQ Series messaging service queue through the following options:
  • WLI JMS control.
  • For more information, see WLI JMS Control in Using Integration Controls.

  • JMS event generators in the WLI Administration Console.
  • For more information, see Event Generators in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

  • Async sample illustrating the use of JMS with MQ Series.
  • For more information, see Async Binary Update Sample.

  • WLI MQ Series control.
  • For more information, see MQ Series Control in Using Integration Controls.

Note: The WLI controls use the MQ Series APIs. To resolve issues in an MQ Series control that is not part of WLI or is specific to IBM WebSphere MQ, the APIs might require workarounds. JMS-based MQ integration, however, does not have the same support-related limitations as IBM WebSphere MQ APIs. For information about the system requirements for WebSphere MQ, see the following URL: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/integration/wmq/requirements/index.html

TIBCO Rendezvous is a messaging software provided by TIBCO. It enables exchange of data across applications running on distributed platforms.
The TIBCO RV event generator listens for messages on a Rendezvous subject and raises events to the message broker when it receives the desired message. The messages are received in most formats supported by Rendezvous, converted to binary, and then published on the message broker channels. These messages can be in XML, string, and the TIBCO proprietary Rendezvous message format.

Note: Use of the TIBCO control and event generator with WLI in no manner confers or grants the right to use TIBCO Rendezvous including dynamic libraries. For more information, see http://www.tibco.com.

Event generators can be managed, deployed, and monitored using the WLI Administration Console. Event generators can be deployed on stand alone servers and on clusters.

For more information, see Event Generators in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

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