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Introduction to Oracle WebLogic Server Process Edition

Key Features





Controls: Service Enablement

Integration Controls

Email Control

File Control

HTTP Control

MQSeries Control

Service Broker Control

Tibco Control

WLI JMS Control

XML MetaData Cache Control

Other Available Application Controls

Beehive Controls

JDBC Control

Timer Control

Service Control

EJB Control

JMS Control

Using Asynchronous Interfaces

Overview of Asynchrony

Using Asynchrony

Using Callbacks

Using Polling

Designing Asynchronous Interfaces

Using Polling as an Alternative to Callbacks

Designing Robust Asynchronous Interfaces

Do I Need an Asynchronous Interface?

Do I Need to Use Callbacks?

Do I Need to Use Polling?

A Robust Web Service or Java Control


Overview of Conversations

Correlating Messages with a Unique Identifier

Implementing Conversations

Understanding Conversation Context

Designing a Web Service to Use Conversations

Business Process Management: Process Driven Services

Business Process Management Overview

Business Process Management Features

Web Services Available as Business Process Resources

Building a Business Process

Stateful and Stateless Processes

Stateless Processes

Stateful Processes

Determining if your Business Process is Stateful or Stateless

Process Monitoring and Management

Process Configuration

Managing Process Tracking Data

Process Security Policies

Service Level Agreements

Process Versions

Dynamic Controls

Process Instance Monitoring

Data Transformation

Data Transformation Overview

Data Transformation Features

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