Upgrade Guide

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Scope of this Document

The WLI Environment

What is the WLI Upgrade Process

What Impacts the Upgrade Process

Terminology Used in This Document

The Upgrade Process


Upgrading Your WebLogic Integration Domain to Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3)

Domain Upgrade from 8.1.x to 10g Release 3 (10.3)

Domain Upgrade from 9.x or 10.2 to 10g Release 3 (10.3)

Upgrade Modes

Upgrading a Domain in Graphical Mode

Starting the Oracle WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in Graphical Mode to Upgrade a Domain

Procedure for Upgrading a WebLogic Domain

Upgrading a WLI 10.2 Domain

WLI 10.2 Domain Without WLP 10.2

WLI 10.2 Domain With WLP 10.2

Upgrading a Domain in Silent Mode

Known Limitations for Domain Upgrade

Upgrading Applications to Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3)

Before You Begin

The Upgrade Process

Upgrading the 8.1.x or 8.5.x Application Using the Import Wizard

Upgrading the 9.x Application

Using the Command Line to Upgrade 8.1.x or 8.5.x Applications

Using an Ant task to Upgrade 8.1.x or 8.5.x Applications

Understanding the Upgrade Log

Outages During or After Deployment

Manual Changes You Need to Do After Upgrade

Testing the Upgrade

Upgrading Business Processes and Control Files for Use with WLI

Upgrading Business Processes

Upgrading JCX or WebLogic Integration Control Files

Upgrading JCS Control Files

Control Annotations

Data Transformation Controls

Email Controls

File Controls

HTTP Controls

Message Broker Controls

MQSeries Controls

Process Controls

Service Broker Controls

Task Control-level Annotations

Task Control Method-level Annotations

Task Worker Control-level Annotation

Task Worker Control Method-level Annotations

Dynamic Transformation Controls

Oracle WebLogic Integration JMS Controls

TIBCO Controls

Other Component Changes

Control Factories

XQuery Files

JPD and Control Callbacks

JPD Process Language

DTF Transformation

Channel Files

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