Annotation Type DynamicTransformationControl.Xquery

public static @interface DynamicTransformationControl.Xquery

Specifies the XQuery files and their attributes for XQuery transformations at run time.

Required Element Summary
 String xqueryArgNames
          Contains the semicolon-separated list of argument names used during the XQuery execution at run time.
Optional Element Summary
 String designTimeEncoding
          Stores the encoding, such as UTF-8, or the .xq files at design time
 String validateParms
          At run time, when true, validates the parameters for typed XML documents.
 String validateReturn
          At run time, when true validates the return type for typed XML documents.

Element Detail


public abstract String xqueryArgNames
Contains the semicolon-separated list of argument names used during the XQuery execution at run time. If an XQuery definition has the following signature: ConvertPO(String Xqname, String PO, PoDocument poDoc) the attribute values would be: PO;poDoc.


public abstract String validateParms
At run time, when true, validates the parameters for typed XML documents.

"Not Specified"


public abstract String validateReturn
At run time, when true validates the return type for typed XML documents.

"Not Specified"


public abstract String designTimeEncoding
Stores the encoding, such as UTF-8, or the .xq files at design time

"Not Specified"