Interface JMSControl

All Superinterfaces:
Control, Serializable, XMLControl
All Known Subinterfaces:
JMSControl, WliJMSControl

public interface JMSControl
extends XMLControl

Simplifies access to the Java Message Service. Use this control to send and receive JMS messages. Incoming messages are delivered asynchronously through callbacks.

By default, JMS controls you add to your application will provide an interface that includes built-in and customizable members. You use the customizable members to send or publish messages, and to receive messages through callback handlers.

For more information about using the EJB control, see JMS Control.

Nested Class Summary
static class JMSControl.DeliveryMode
static interface JMSControl.JMS
static interface JMSControl.JMSCallBackHeaders
static interface JMSControl.JmsSend
static interface JMSControl.JMSSendHeaders
static interface JMSControl.Properties
          The method parameter representing one or more properties.
static interface JMSControl.PropertyValue
static interface JMSControl.TransactionSetting
static class JMSControl.Type
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.bea.control.Control
Field Summary
          /** Indicates the JMSCorrelationID message header.
          Indicates the JMSDeliveryMode message header.
          Indicates the JMSExpiration message header.
          Indicates the JMSMessageID message header.
          Indicates the JMSPriority message header.
          Indicates the JMSRedelivered message header.
          Indicates the JMSTimestamp message header.
static String HEADER_TYPE
          Indicates the JMSType message header.
Method Summary
 Map getHeaders()
          Gets the JMS headers of the last message received.
 Map getProperties()
          Gets the JMS properties of the last message received.
 javax.jms.Session getSession()
          Returns the JMS session used by this control.
 void setHeaders(Map headers)
          Sets the JMS headers to be assigned to the next JMS message sent.
 void setProperties(Map properties)
          Sets the JMS properties to be assigned to the next JMS message sent.
 void subscribe()
          Indicates that this control is now interested in receiving incoming messages published to the topic.
 void unsubscribe()
          Indicates that this control is no longer interested in receiving incoming messages published to the topic.

Field Detail


static final String HEADER_CORRELATIONID
/** Indicates the JMSCorrelationID message header. Use with the getHeaders and setHeaders methods.

See Also:
getHeaders(), setHeaders(Map), Constant Field Values


static final String HEADER_DELIVERYMODE
Indicates the JMSDeliveryMode message header. Use with the getHeaders and setHeaders methods.

See Also:
getHeaders(), setHeaders(Map), Constant Field Values


static final String HEADER_EXPIRATION
Indicates the JMSExpiration message header. Use with the getHeaders and setHeaders methods.

See Also:
getHeaders(), setHeaders(Map), Constant Field Values


static final String HEADER_MESSAGEID
Indicates the JMSMessageID message header. Use with the getHeaders and setHeaders methods.

See Also:
getHeaders(), setHeaders(Map), Constant Field Values


static final String HEADER_PRIORITY
Indicates the JMSPriority message header. Use with the getHeaders and setHeaders methods.

See Also:
getHeaders(), setHeaders(Map), Constant Field Values


static final String HEADER_REDELIVERED
Indicates the JMSRedelivered message header. Use with the getHeaders and setHeaders methods.

See Also:
getHeaders(), setHeaders(Map), Constant Field Values


static final String HEADER_TIMESTAMP
Indicates the JMSTimestamp message header. Use with the getHeaders and setHeaders methods.

See Also:
getHeaders(), setHeaders(Map), Constant Field Values


static final String HEADER_TYPE
Indicates the JMSType message header. Use with the getHeaders and setHeaders methods.

See Also:
getHeaders(), setHeaders(Map), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


javax.jms.Session getSession()
Returns the JMS session used by this control.

The session object.


void subscribe()
Indicates that this control is now interested in receiving incoming messages published to the topic. Note that when the control is first created it will not receive messages on the topic until it is explicitly requested so.

Also note that this method applies only to controls which listen to topics. Invoking this method on a control that does not listen on a topic has no effect.


void unsubscribe()
Indicates that this control is no longer interested in receiving incoming messages published to the topic. This method cancels a subscription previously registered by subscribe().

Note that this method applies only to controls which listen to topics. Invoking this method on a control that does not listen on a topic has no effect.


Map getProperties()
Gets the JMS properties of the last message received. If no message has been received then null is returned. The return value maps property names (Strings) to property values.

The properties of the last message received; null if no message has been received.


Map getHeaders()
Gets the JMS headers of the last message received. If no message has been received then null is returned. The return value maps header names (Strings) to header values.

The headers of the last message received; null if no message has been received.


void setProperties(Map properties)
Sets the JMS properties to be assigned to the next JMS message sent. Note that these properties are set only on the next message, subsequent messages will not get these properties. Also note that if the next message is sent through a publish method, then any property set through this map will override properties set in the message itself.

properties - A map of property names (Strings) to property values.


void setHeaders(Map headers)
Sets the JMS headers to be assigned to the next JMS message sent. Note that these headers are set only on the next message, subsequent messages will not get these headers. Also note that if the next message is sent through a publish method, then any header set through this map will override headers set in the message itself.

headers - A map of header names (Strings) to header values.