Using Worklist

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Using Oracle Worklist Console

Oracle Worklist Console allows you to manage and monitor Worklist tasks, users, and the business calendar.

Oracle Worklist Console provides a navigation menu containing several modules for performing focused operations. Table 7-1lists the modules available in Oracle Worklist Console and summarizes the tasks associated with each of those modules.

Table 7-1
Associated Tasks
For information about each of the following tasks, see Worklist Administration.
Overview of the Worklist Module
Security Policies
Listing and Locating Worklist System Instances
Managing Sessions
Changing the Worklist System Instance Configuration
Setting the Global Worklist System Instance Policies
Setting the Worklist System Instance Policies
Setting the Global Task Plan Policies
Setting the Task Plan Policies
Purging Tasks
Listing and Locating Event Handlers
Changing the Event Handler Details
Listing and Locating Event Subscriptions
Adding Event Subscriptions
Changing Event Subscriptions
Deleting Event Subscriptions
Viewing Task Plan Details
Changing Task Plan Details
Listing and Locating Worklist Tasks
Constructing a Custom Query for Task Instances
Viewing and Changing Task Details
Updating Task State
Claiming a Task for a User
Assigning a Task to User or Group
Deleting Tasks
Managing User Profiles
Setting the E-mail Address of a User
Reassigning Work to a User
Listing and Locating Work Substitute Rules
Adding a Work Substitute Rule
Changing a Work Substitute Rule
Deleting a Work Substitute Rule
Worklist User
For information about each of the following tasks, see User Management.
Overview of the User Management Module
Oracle WebLogic Integration Users, Groups, and Roles
Security Provider Requirements for User Management
Listing and Locating Users
Adding a User
Viewing and Changing User Properties
Listing and Locating Groups
Adding a Group
Viewing and Changing Group Properties
Listing and Locating Roles
Adding a Role
Constructing a Role Statement
Viewing and Changing Role Conditions
Deleting Users, Groups, or Roles
Business Calendar
For information about each of the following tasks, see Business Calendar Configuration.
About Business Calendars and Business Time Calculations
Overview of the Business Calendar Module
Listing and Locating Business Calendars
Adding a Business Calendar
Viewing and Changing Business Calendars
Defining a Time Period Rule
Associating Business Calendars with Users
Exporting and Importing Business Calendars
Deleting Business Calendars
Worklist Module

Starting Oracle Worklist Console

Access to Oracle Worklist Console is password protected.

To start Worklist Console:
  1. Open the following URL in your Web browser:
  2. http://host name:port/worklistconsole

    Here, host name is the host name or IP address of the Oracle WebLogic Server administrative server, and port is the server listening port.

  3. Enter the username and password when prompted.
  4. Note: To log into Oracle Worklist Console, you must be a valid Oracle WebLogic Server user. However, the actions that you can do and the information that you can see depends upon your security policy. For more information, see “Security Policies” in Worklist Administration. For the sample integration domain, the default login details are:
    username: weblogic
    password: weblogic

    The Oracle Worklist Console home page is displayed.

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