Tutorial: Building a Worklist Application

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Step 4: Managing Task Instances Using Worklist Console

This section describes how to use the Worklist Console to modify a task in the Loan_Web project. The key objectives for this section are:

This section is an extension of the previous section, and relies on its environment, it is assumed that you have the Loan Application open in Oracle Workshop for WebLogic, and the myworklist server is up and running.


Update the Application Using Worklist Console

Perform the following steps to log in and re-assign a task:

  1. Open a Web browser and enter the following URL to open the Oracle WebLogic Integration Management Console:
  2. http://localhost:7001/worklistconsole 

    Alternatively, select Run > WebLogic Integration > Worklist Console to open the Oracle WebLogic Integration Management Console in the Oracle Workshop for WebLogic IDE.

  3. Use the following credentials to log in to the Worklist Console, with administrator rights:
  4. Username: weblogic 
    Password: weblogic 
  5. Click View Tasks for the Loan_EAR Worklist System Instance as shown in Figure 3. Worklist Application Management: Worklist System Instance Page

  6. View Task Home Page for User weblogic

    As a user with administrator rights, you can view all the Worklist Instance details at any given point. After clicking View Tasks, the page is refreshed and all the tasks in the Loan_EAR project are listed in the Task Summary page.

  7. In the Task Summary page, select the task from the list by clicking the check box adjacent to the task name. This task has been claimed by Mary, as shown in Figure 5-2.
  8. Figure 5-1 Worklist Application Management: Task Summary Page for the Loan_EAR Project

    Worklist Application Management: Task Summary Page for the Loan_EAR Project

  9. Select Reactivate from the dropdown menu in Apply this action on selected tasks and click Submit.
  10. Click OK to proceed.
  11. Selected action REACTIVATE executed successfully dialog appears in the Tasks Summary - Loan_EAR page.

Note: Since Mary, rejected the loan in the previous chapter, you have to activate the task.
  1. Select the task from the list by clicking the check box adjacent to the task name, and click Assign to update the task with the intent to re-assign it to user weblogic.
Note: At this point, if you log in to the Worklist User Portal as weblogic, you will notice that there are no tasks assigned to you. After completion of this section, the list of tasks assigned should be updated to reflect re-assignment of the task selected in Figure 5-2.
  1. In the refreshed page, move weblogic from the Users list to the Selected Users list, and Administrators from the Group list to the Selected Groups list (see Figure 5-3).
  2. Figure 5-2 Assign Task to User weblogic

    Assign Task to User weblogic

  3. Click Assign to complete this task and the refreshed page displays the Task Summary page. As highlighted in Figure 5-4, the task has been updated as the Claimant field is empty. This task was claimed by Mary prior to this re-assignment exercise.
  4. Figure 5-3 Updated Task Summary Page

    Updated Task Summary Page

  5. Click Logout to close the Worklist Console and proceed to the next section.


Verify Updated Application in Worklist Portal

After completing the re-assignment task, verify if the task has been assigned to the user weblogic using Worklist Portal.

  1. Start a new session of the loan web project in a Web browser using the URL:
  2. http://localhost:7001/Loan_Web.
  3. Log in to the portal using the following credentials:
  4. Username: weblogic 
    Password: weblogic 
  5. Click Login to display the Task home page for user weblogic, as shown in Figure 5-4.
  6. Figure 5-4 View Task Home Page for User weblogic

    View Task Home Page for User weblogic

The task instance Car loan for Maggie May is now displayed in your Assigned Tasks portlet.

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