Installation Guide

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Oracle SALT GUI-Mode Installation

The following sections describe how to install Oracle SALT using graphical user interface (GUI) mode installation on both Windows and UNIX systems:


What Is GUI-Mode Installation

GUI- mode installation is a graphics-based method for executing the Oracle SALT installation program. It can run on both Windows and UNIX systems.

To run GUI-mode installation, the computer console on which you are installing the software must support a Java-based GUI. All Windows system consoles support Java-based GUIs, but not all UNIX system consoles do.

Note: To install Oracle SALT on a non-graphical UNIX system console, see Oracle SALT Console-Mode Installation.


Installing on Windows or UNIX Platforms in Graphics Mode

Perform the following steps to install the Oracle SALT software on Windows or on UNIX in graphics mode:

  1. Launch the Oracle SALT installation program.

On Windows:

    1. Choose StartArrow symbolRun. The Run dialog appears.
    2. Click Browse to navigate and select Oracle SALT 10g Release 3 (10.3) for Windows installer executable:
    3. Click Open.
    4. Install Anywhere runs and the Introduction screen (Figure 2-1) appears.
    5. Proceed to Step 2.


    1. Log on as root or another user with sufficient permissions.
    2. Execute the installation program. For example:
    3. sh salt10gR3_tux10gR3_64_hpux_1123_ia.bin

      The Introduction screen (see Figure 2-1) appears.

    4. Proceed to Step 2.
    5. Figure 2-1 Introduction Screen

      Introduction Screen

  1. Click Next to proceed with the installation. The Choose Oracle Home Directory screen appears (see Figure 2-2).
  2. Figure 2-2 Choose Oracle Home Directory Screen

    Choose Oracle Home Directory Screen

    You can select from the following options:

    • Choose a Oracle Home
    • Click the Choose an Oracle Home option button if you already have one or more Oracle Home directories on your system. Select an Oracle Home directory from the list displayed to the right of the option buttons.

      All valid Oracle Home directories are displayed in this list. Valid Oracle Home directories are directories where Oracle products have been installed using the standard installation program.

    • Specify an Oracle Home
    • Click the Specify an Oracle Home button to select an existing directory.

  3. Click Next to proceed with the installation. The Check Prerequisite Result screen appears (see Figure 2-3). The Oracle Home directory and the Tuxedo sub-directory are displayed.
  4. Figure 2-3 Check Prerequisite Result Screen

    Check Prerequisite Result Screen

    Click Next to accept the Oracle Home Directory and Tuxedo sub-directory as the location to install Oracle SALT and proceed with the installation.

    Click Previous to go back and select/specify another Oracle Home Directory.

    Click Cancel to terminate the installation process.

    Note: Oracle SALT installation will report an error and will not proceed in the event of the following:
    • registry.xml not found in the given Oracle Home Directory
    • Tuxedo installation information cannot be obtained from registry.xml.
    • If a previous Oracle SALT version is detected. You are required to uninstall the previous version Oracle SALT prior to installing this program.
    • If an existing Oracle SALT 10g Release 3 (10.3) installation is detected, you are prompted to overwrite it or not. Select “yes” to overwrite the existing installation.
  5. Click Next to proceed with the installation. The Choose Install Set screen appears (see Figure 2-4)
  6. Figure 2-4 Choose Install Set

    Choose Install Set

Choose your required SALT install set.

  1. Click Next to proceed with the installation.The Choose Shortcut Folder screen appears (see Figure 2-5).
  2. Figure 2-5 Choose Shortcut Folder Screen (Windows only)

    Choose Shortcut Folder Screen (Windows only)

    You can select from the following options:

    • In a new Program Group
    • In an existing Program Group
    • If you select an existing Program Group, use the drop down to select the Program Group where you want to install the shortcut icons.

    • In the Start Menu
    • On the Desktop
    • In the Quick Launch Bar
    • Other
    • If you select Other, you should click Choose to browse to another location where you want to install the shortcut icons

    • Do not create icons
    • Note: If “In a new Program Group”, “In the Start Menu”, or “On the Desktop” buttons are selected, the “Create Icons for All Users” check box becomes active.
      Note: If the box is checked, shortcut icons are created for all users who log on to the computer. If the box is not checked, shortcut icons are created for the current logged-on user only.

      Click Next to accept the selected option as the location to install Oracle SALT shortcuts and proceed with the installation. Click Cancel to terminate the installation process.

  3. If the installation process continues, the Pre-Installation Summary screen appears (see Figure 2-6).
  4. Figure 2-6 Pre-Installation Summary Screen

    Pre-Installation Summary Screen

    Review the summary information and click Install if the information is correct.

    Click Previous to go back and modify any input that you want to change.

    Click Cancel to terminate the installation process. This is the last chance you have to cancel your installation without copying any files on your target machine.

  5. The Install Complete screen (Figure 2-7), appears when the installation is finished.
  6. Figure 2-7 Install Complete Screen

    Install Complete Screen

    Click Done to exit the installation program.

Note: On Windows, the SALT 10g Release 3 (10.3) for Tuxedo entry is added to the Add or Remove Programs of the Windows Control Panel after installation. You can use the Control Panel to get more support information by clicking 'Click here for support information' on the SALT 10g Release 3 (10.3) for Tuxedo entry.


See Also

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