Administration Guide

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Oracle TSAM Manager

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The Oracle TSAM Manager is the data manipulation and representation component of Oracle TSAM. It is a J2EE application. The Oracle TSAM Manager provides the following functionality:

Oracle TSAM Data Server

The Oracle TSAM Data Server is the communication interface to Oracle TSAM Agent. It includes two key servlets:

Note: From an HTTP perspective, the Oracle TSAM Agent LMS is the HTTP client, and the Oracle TSAM Manager is the HTTP server. If a firewall is deployed between the Oracle TSAM Manager and Tuxedo applications, the firewall must allow the LMS to issue HTTP requests to the Oracle TSAM Manager.

Oracle TSAM Console

TSAM Console is the Web application which provides a GUI interface for administration and data presentation. For more information, see the Oracle TSAM Console User Guide.

Java Application Server

The Oracle TSAM Manager runs in a Java application server. The supported Java application servers include Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle OC4J and Apache Tomcat.


Oracle TSAM uses a relational database to store the following information:

The Oracle TSAM Manager supports Oracle Database and Apache Derby. Pre-built SQL scripts are provided to create the database schema for Oracle TSAM Manager. For more information, see the Oracle TSAM Deployment Guide.


Configuring Oracle TSAM Manager

All configuration parameters for the Oracle TSAM Manager are located in the

web.xml file(short for tsam/WEB-INF/web.xml) and faces-config.xml file (short for tsam/WEB-INF/config/faces-config.xml).

Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 provide detailed web.xml and faces-config.xml configuration information.

The Oracle TSAM Manager runtime log is based on Jarkata commons logging with Apache log4j as the logging implementation. The log setting file is located at:


For more information, see the Apache log4j Web site.

Table 3-1 web.xml Configuration
Specifies how long TSAM Manager temporary image files remain in the file system (in minutes).
JDBC connection string for TSAM Manager database.
Derby Example: Oracle Example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
TSAM Manager database connection user name.
TSAM Manager database connection password.
Active interval (in seconds) for TSAM Manager house keeping thread.
Specifies how long active monitored application data are cached (in seconds). The default value is 600 seconds, or 10 minutes.
Specifies how long finished monitored application data are cached (in seconds). The default value is 1800 seconds, or 30 minutes.
Specifies the size of the cache which holds active and finished monitored application data. The default value is 1000.
Specifies the time-out value (in seconds) for communication originated from TSAM Manager to Tuxedo. The default value is 30 seconds.

Table 3-2 faces-config.xml Configuration
Time Zone
Specifies the TSAM Manager time zone date/time fields. Attribute: “timeZoneID” for “util” bean.
If not set, the default time zone (where TSAM Manager is located) is used.

Notes: When you want to customize the Oracle TSAM Manager use web.xml and faces-config.xml as templates. Remember to backup these file before changing their configurations.
Note: There are other configuration settings in web.xml and faces-config.xml that are not included in this document. It is strongly advised that you do not alter these settings. If these settings altered, Oracle TSAM Manager may function incorrectly or not function at all.

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