Plug-in Programming Guide

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Oracle TSAM Agent Plug-in Programming Introduction


Oracle TSAM Agent Data Collection Framework


Creating an Oracle TSAM Agent Custom Plug-in


Tuxedo Plug-in Framework Concepts



Plug-in Register/Un-register/Modifications

Developing a Oracle TSAM Agent Plug-in

Create Plug-in Source Code

Build the Plug-in

Register the Plug-in

Enable Oracle TSAM Monitoring

Run a Call and Check the Standard Output.

Oracle TSAM Agent Plug-in Interface

Version and Interface Identifier

Function Table

Field Map Operation Facility

Other Help Header Files

Oracle TSAM Agent Plug-in Implementation

Define “perf_mon_1” in the “e_perf_mon.h” Function Table

Define the Plug-in Information Variable

Write the Plug-in Entry Routine

Writing Concrete Plug-in Implementations

Call Path Monitoring Plug-in Routine

A Basic Implementation

Check Commonly Used Metrics

Change Required Fields

Generate Call Path Correlation ID

Service Monitoring Plug-in Routine

A Basic Implementation

Check Commonly Used Metrics

System Server Monitoring Plug-in Routine

A Basic Implementation

Check Commonly Used Metrics

Transaction Monitoring Plug-in Routine

A Basic Implementation

Check Commonly Used Metrics

Configure the Plug-in to Tuxedo

Register to Tuxedo

Un-register from Tuxedo

Oracle TSAM Agent Plug-in Development/Deployment Notes

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