Using the Oracle Tuxedo Domains Component

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About Domains

What Is the Oracle Tuxedo Domains Component?

Interoperability Among Domains

Types of Domain Gateways

Example of a Domains Configuration

Functionality Supported by Domain Gateways

Request/Response Communication Between Local and Remote Domains

Conversational Communication Between Local and Remote Domains

Queuing Messages on Remote Domains

Encoding and Decoding Operations for Domains

Oracle Tuxedo Domains Architecture

Domains Configuration File

Domain Gateway Servers

Domains Administrative Servers

GWADM Server

DMADM Server

Domains Administrative Tools

dmloadcf Command

dmunloadcf Command

dmadmin Command

Understanding the Domains Configuration File

Location of DMCONFIG File

Binary Version of DMCONFIG File

Descriptions of Sections of the DMCONFIG File

Terminology Improvements for DMCONFIG File

Specifying Domains Data-Dependent Routing

Specifying Domains Transaction and Blocking Timeouts

How the Domains Component Handles Transaction Timeouts

How the Domains Component Handles Blocking Timeouts

Specifying Domains Connection Policies

How To Configure Your Connection Policy

Per Local/Remote Domain Connection Policy

Per TDomain Session Connection Policy

Creating A TDomain Session

Creating A Per TDomain Session Connection Policy

Using Regular Expressions with TDomain Sessions

Using DM_MIB to Specify or Request TDomain Session Information

Using DMADMIN to Specify or Request TDomain Session Information

TDomain Session Interoperability with Older Tuxedo Releases

How To Use Connection Retry Processing

How Connection Policy Determines Availability of Remote Services

Specifying Domains Failover and Failback

How to Configure Domains-Level Failover and Failback

How to Configure Domains Link-Level Failover

How to Configure TDomain Session Link-Level Failover

Specifying Domains Keepalive

What is TCP-Level Keepalive?

How to Configure TCP-Level Keepalive for Domains

What is Application-Level Keepalive?

How to Configure Application-Level Keepalive for Domains

Keepalive Compatibility with Earlier Oracle Tuxedo Releases

Configuring a Domains Environment

Configuring a Domains Environment for Migration

How to Migrate the DMADM Server

How to Migrate a TDomain Gateway Group

Methods for Activating Individual Server Processes

Planning and Configuring ATMI Domains

Planning to Build Domains from Multiple Oracle Tuxedo Applications

Option 1: Reconfigure the Applications as a Single Oracle Tuxedo Domain

Creating the UBBCONFIG File for the Combined Application

Limitations of Option 1

Option 2: Reconfigure the Applications as a Domains Configuration

Creating the UBBCONFIG File for the bankapp Application in the Domains Environment

Creating a DMCONFIG File for the bankapp Application

Creating the UBBCONFIG File for the Credit Card Authorization Application in the Domains Environment

Creating a DMCONFIG File for the Credit Card Authorization Application

Examining the creditapp Domains Configuration

Setting Up a Domains Configuration

Configuring a Sample Domains Application (simpapp)

Configuration Tasks

How to Set Environment Variables for lapp

Windows Example

UNIX Example

How to Define the Domains Environment for lapp in the UBBCONFIG File

Server Group Definitions

Server Definitions

How to Define Domains Parameters for lapp in the DMCONFIG File

DM_LOCAL Section Definitions

DM_REMOTE Section Definitions

DM_EXPORT Section Definitions

DM_IMPORT Section Definitions

DM_TDOMAIN Section Definitions

How to Compile Application and Domains Gateway Configuration Files for lapp

How to Set Environment Variables for rapp

Windows Example

UNIX Example

How to Define the Domains Environment for rapp in the UBBCONFIG File

How to Define Domains Parameters for rapp in the DMCONFIG File

How to Compile Application and Domain Gateway Configuration Files for rapp

How to Compress Data Between Domains

How to Route Service Requests to Remote Domains

Setting Up Security in a Domains Configuration

Domains Security Mechanisms

How to Configure Principal Names for Domains Authentication

How to Configure Domains Password Security

Using the DM_MIB(5) to Set Domains Passwords (DM_PW)

Using the dmadmin Command to Set Domains Passwords (DM_PW)

Examples of Coding Password Security Between Domains

Example 1: Setting Security to NONE

Example 2: Setting Security to APP_PW

How to Configure Domains Access Control Lists

How to Configure ACL Policy for a Remote Domain

How to Configure Domains Link-Level Encryption

Setting Up Connections in a Domains Configuration

How to Request Connections for Client Demands (ON_DEMAND Policy)

How to Request Connections at Boot Time (ON_STARTUP Policy)

How to Limit Connections to Incoming Messages Only (INCOMING_ONLY Policy)

How to Configure the Connection Retry Interval for ON_STARTUP Only

How to Configure the Maximum Retry Number

Example of Coding Connection Policies Between Domains

Controlling Connections in a Domains Configuration

How to Establish Connections Between Domains

How to Break Connections Between Domains

How to Report on Connection Status

How to Initiate Domain Connection Events

Configuring Domains Link-Level Failover and Keepalive

Planning and Configuring CORBA Domains

Overview of the CORBA Domains Environment

Single-Domain Versus Multiple-Domain Communication

Single-Domain Communication

Multiple-Domain Communication

Elements of a CORBA Domains Configuration

Understanding and Using the Configuration Files


Domain Name

Gateway Group and Server Names









The factory_finder.ini File



Specifying Unique Factory Object Identifiers in the factory_finder.ini File

Processing the factory_finder.ini File

Types of CORBA Domains Configurations

Directly Connected Domains

Indirectly Connected Domains

Examples of CORBA Domains Configurations

Sample UBBCONFIG Files

Sample DMCONFIG File

Sample factory_finder.ini File

Administering Domains

Using Domains Run-Time Administrative Commands

Using the Administrative Interface, dmadmin(1)

Using the Domains Administrative Server, DMADM(5)

Using the Gateway Administrative Server, GWADM(5)

Using the Domain Gateway Server

Tuning the Performance of the Domain Gateway

Managing Transactions in a Domains Environment

Using the TMS Capability Across Domains

Using GTRID Mapping in Transactions

Defining Tightly-coupled and Loosely-coupled Relationships

Global Transactions Across Domains

Example of a Service Request Graph Generating Local and Remote Requests

Transaction Trees for Oracle eLink OSI TP and Oracle Tuxedo Domains

Summary of Domains Transaction Management

Using Logging to Track Transactions

Recovering Failed Transactions

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