Tutorials for Developing Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications

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Developing an Oracle Tuxedo Application

Before Developing Your Oracle Tuxedo Application

Creating an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Client

Client Tasks

Creating an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Server

Server Tasks

Using Typed Buffers in Your Application

Using Oracle Tuxedo Messaging Paradigms in Your Application

Using the Request/Response Model (Synchronous Calls)

Using the Request/Response Model (Asynchronous Calls)

Using Nested Calls

Using Forwarded Calls

Using Conversational Communication

Using Unsolicited Notification

Using Event-based Communication

Using Queue-based Communication

Using Transactions

Tutorial for simpapp, a Simple C Application

What Is simpapp?

Preparing simpapp Files and Resources

Before You Begin

About This Tutorial

What You Will Learn

Step 1: How to Copy the simpapp Files

Step 2: Examining and Compiling the Client

How to Examine the Client

How to Compile the Client

Step 3: Examining and Compiling the Server

How to Examine the Server

How to Compile the Server

Step 4: Editing and Loading the Configuration File

How to Edit the Configuration File

How to Load the Configuration File

Step 5: How to Boot the Application

Step 6: How to Execute the Run-time Application

Step 7: How to Monitor the Run-time Application

Step 8: How to Shut Down the Application

Tutorial for bankapp, a Full C Application

What Is bankapp?

About This Tutorial

Familiarizing Yourself with bankapp

Learning About the bankapp Files

Exploring the Banking Application Files

Examining the bankapp Clients

What Is the bankclt.c File?

How ud(1) Is Used in bankapp

A Request/Response Client: audit.c

A Conversational Client: auditcon.c

A Client that Monitors Events: bankmgr.c

Examining the bankapp Servers and Services

bankapp Request/Response Servers

bankapp Conversational Server

bankapp Services

Algorithms of bankapp Services

Utilities Incorporated into Servers

Alternative Way to Code Services

Preparing bankapp Files and Resources

Step 1: How to Set the Environment Variables

Step 2: Building Servers in bankapp

How to Build ACCT Server

How to Build the BAL Server

How to Build the BTADD Server

How to Build the TLR Server

How to Build the XFER Server

Servers Built in the bankapp.mk File

Step 3: Editing the bankapp Makefile

How to Edit the TUXDIR Parameter

How to Edit the APPDIR Parameter

How to Set the Resource Manager Parameters

How to Run the bankapp.mk File

Step 4: Creating the bankapp Database

How to Create the Database in SHM Mode

How to Create the Database in MP Mode

Step 5: Preparing for an XA-Compliant Resource Manager

How to Change the bankvar File

How to Change the bankapp Services

How to Change the bankapp.mk File

How to Change crbank and crbankdb

How to Change the Configuration File

How to Integrate bankapp with Oracle (XA RM) for a Windows 2003 Platform

Step 6: How to Edit the Configuration File

Steps 7 and 8: Creating a Binary Configuration File and Transaction Log File

Before Creating the Binary Configuration File

How to Load the Configuration File

How to Create the Transaction Log (TLOG) File

Step 9: How to Create a Remote Service Connection on Each Machine

How to Stop the Listener Process (tlisten)

Sample tlisten Error Messages

Running bankapp

Step 1: How to Prepare to Boot

Step 2: How to Boot bankapp

Step 3: How to Populate the Database

Step 4: How to Test bankapp Services

Step 5: How to Shut Down bankapp

Tutorial for CSIMPAPP, a Simple COBOL Application


Preparing CSIMPAPP Files and Resources

Before You Begin

What You Will Learn

Step 1: How to Copy the CSIMPAPP Files

Step 2: Examining and Compiling the Client

How to Examine the Client

How to Compile the Client

Step 3: Examining and Compiling the Server

How to Examine the Server

How to Compile the Server

Step 4: Editing and Loading the Configuration File

How to Edit the Configuration File

How to Load the Configuration File

Step 5: How to Boot the Application

Step 6: How to Test the Run-time Application

Step 7: How to Monitor the Run-time Application

Step 8: How to Shut Down the Application

Tutorial for STOCKAPP, a Full COBOL Application


Familiarizing Yourself with STOCKAPP

Learning About the STOCKAPP Files

Exploring the Stock Application Files

Examining the STOCKAPP Clients

System Client Programs

Typed Buffers

A Request/Response Client: BUY.cbl

BUY.cbl Source Code

Building Clients

Examining the STOCKAPP Servers


Preparing STOCKAPP Files and Resources

Step 1: How to Set Environment Variables

Additional Requirements

Step 2: Building Servers in STOCKAPP

How to Build the BUYSELL Server

Servers Built in STOCKAPP.mk

Step 3: Editing the STOCKAPP.mk File

How to Edit the TUXDIR Parameter

How to Edit the APPDIR Parameter

How to Run the STOCKAPP.mk File

Step 4: How to Edit the Configuration File

Step 5: Creating a Binary Configuration File

Before Creating the Binary Configuration File

How to Load the Configuration File


Step 1: How to Prepare to Boot

Step 2: How to Boot STOCKAPP

Step 3: How to Test STOCKAPP Services

Step 4: How to Shut Down STOCKAPP

Tutorial for XMLSTOCKAPP: a C and C++ XML Parser Application


Familiarizing Yourself with XMLSTOCKAPP

Learning About the XMLSTOCKAPP Files

Examining the XMLSTOCKAPP Clients

A Request/Response Client: stock_quote_beas.xml

See Also

Examining the XMLSTOCKAPP Servers

Preparing XMLSTOCKAPP Files and Resources

Step1: Copy the XMLSTOCKAPP Files to a New Directory

Step 2: Set Environment Variables

Additional Requirements

Step 3: Building Clients

Step 4: Building Servers in XMLSTOCKAPP

How to Build the stockxml and stockxml_c Servers

See Also

Step 5: How to Edit the Configuration File

See Also

Step 6: Creating a Binary Configuration File

How to Load the Configuration File

See Also


Step 1: How to Prepare to Boot

Step 2: How to Boot XMLSTOCKAPP

See Also

Step 3: How to Test XMLSTOCKAPP Services

Step 4: How to Shut Down XMLSTOCKAPP

See Also

Tutorial for xmlfmlapp: A Full C XML/FML32 Conversion Application

What Is xmlfmlapp?

Familiarizing Yourself with xmlfmlapp

Learning About the xmlfmlapp Files

TExamining the xmlfmlapp Client

Request/Response Client

See Also

Examining the xmlfmlapp Server

Preparing xmlfmlapp Files and Resources

Step 1: Copy the xmlfmlapp Files to a New Directory

Step 2: Set Environment Variables

Additional Requirements

Step 3: Create FML32 Field Table

Step 4: Build the xmlfmlapp Binaries

Step 5: Edit the Configuration File

See Also

Step 6: Create the Binary Configuration File

Loading the Configuration File

See Also

Running xmlfmlapp

Step 1: xmlfmlapp Boot Preparation

Step 2: Boot xmlfmlapp

See Also

Step 3: Test xmlfmlapp Services

Step 4: Shut Down xmlfmlapp

See Also

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