Installation Guide

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Uninstalling Oracle Data Service Integrator

For most platforms you can automatically remove system-installed, unmodified Oracle Data Service Integrator artifacts from your system. After Oracle Data Service Integrator has been uninstalled, you can manually remove any extra files, such as modified samples or other user-created files, which were not removed automatically by the uninstaller.

You should undeploy any Oracle Data Service Integrator applications before uninstalling Oracle Data Service Integrator from your system. For information about undeploying, see the topic “Undeploying Deployed Applications” in the WebLogic Server documentation.

Automated Uninstallation

To uninstall Oracle Data Service Integrator:

  1. Back up any data you want to retain for use with a new installation.
  2. Shut down your server.
  3. Run the Oracle Data Service Integrator uninstaller.
  4. After the uninstallation, delete the odsi_10.3 folder in the <bea_home> directory. In addition. you may need to remove some other files manually.
  5. When the uninstall is completed, you may be notified that some files could not be removed. This could be a result of new files that were either generated or user-created after Oracle Data Service Integrator was installed.

    For example, if you added new target schemas, stored queries, Web services, and so on to the Oracle Data Service Integrator repository make sure that you save them elsewhere before proceeding to the next step.

    Note: The Uninstall option does not remove any Oracle Data Service Integrator dataspaces or other Workshop for WebLogic applications that you have created if they are created outside the <aldsp_home> directory. It is advised that you created your domains and other projects outside <aldsp_home> directory.

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