Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility

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Using the Oracle Enterprise Repository Exchange Utility

This section contains the following topics:


Running the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility

The Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility is run from a command-prompt, using the following syntax:

> alrrx.bat <options>

Table 3-1 defines the configuration options available when running the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility.

Table 3-1 Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility Command-line Options 
What it does...
-mode <mode>
Configures the utility to run in either publish or receive mode.
  • To publish Services to Oracle Service Registry from Oracle Enterprise Repository, use:
    alrrx.bat -mode publish
  • To receive Services from Oracle Service Registry into Oracle Enterprise Repository, use:
    alrrx.bat -mode receive
-config <File Name>
Passes the alrrx.xml file as a parameter.
Example usage:
alrrx.bat -mode publish -config C:\rm\uddi\alrrx.xml
If this parameter is omitted, the configuration XML file will be loaded from the current directory where the alrrx.bat file is located using the system’s Classpath.
-map <Dir Name>
Generates a UDDIMappings.xml file by connecting to Oracle Enterprise Repository and populating it with the t-models based on the configured Categorizations. Also, this loads the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility configuration using the -config parameter from the default location. You can customize this file if the t-model already exists in Oracle Service Registry and map an Oracle Enterprise Repository categorization to a t-model.
Example usage: alrrx.bat -map c:/rm/uddi
For more information about the UDDIMappings.xml file, see Configuring Oracle Enterprise Repository Categorizations in the UDDI Mappings File.
-publish_tmodel <File Name>
Publishes all the t-models configured in the UDDIMappings.xml file to Oracle Service Registry. If a t-model already exists in Oracle Service Registry, it will be skipped. You need to manually delete the existing t-models if you want the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility to populate those t-models. Also, this loads the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility configuration using the -config parameter from the default location.
Example usage: alrrx.bat - publish_tmodel c:/rm/UDDIMappings.xml
For more information about the UDDIMappings.xml file, see Configuring Oracle Enterprise Repository Categorizations in the UDDI Mappings File.
-link <asset_id> <service_key>
Links a Service in Oracle Enterprise Repository to a Service in Oracle Service Registry together so that the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility can treat them as the same service. This may be required when the Service in Oracle Enterprise Repository and a service in Oracle Service Registry are the same but were published to Oracle Enterprise Repository and Oracle Service Registry using different tools. For example, AquaLogic SOA Management could have published a service to Oracle Service Registry and the SAM plug-in could have published the same service to Oracle Enterprise Repository. After they are linked, they can be synchronized by the utility.
Example usage: alrrx.bat -link 50822

Note: Use this option with caution when linking two services.

Invoking the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility Using Workflows

By using workflows to invoke the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility, you can automate the synchronization of Oracle Enterprise Repository and Oracle Service Registry.

For more information about the workflow.xml file and configuring workflows, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Repository Configuring and Managing Advanced Registration Flows manual.

Synchronizing Using Timer Based Workflows

A timer based workflow can be used to synchronize Oracle Enterprise Repository from Oracle Service Registry, or to synchronize Oracle Service Registry from Oracle Enterprise Repository.

Table 3-2 shows the names and descriptions of the timer based workflows:

Table 3-2 Timer Based Workflows
Workflow Name
Moves services from Oracle Enterprise Repository to Oracle Service Registry.
Moves services from Oracle Service Registry to Oracle Enterprise Repository.

The timer can be configured to wake up based on the timerInterval settings in the workflow.xml file. The following example shows the autoSyncAlerToUddi and autoSyncUddiToAler workflows configured in the workflow.xml file:

    <autoSyncAlerToUddi configFilename=”AlerToUddiSyncAlrrxConfig.xml”
    mappingFileName=”AlerToUddiSyncAlrrxMapping.xml” timerInterval=”2d”/>
    <autoSyncUddiToAler configFileName=”UddiToAlerSyncAlrrxConfig.xml”
    mappingFileName=”UddiToAlerSyncAlrrxMapping.xml” timerInterval=”3d”/>

Synchronizing When Events are Triggered

Individual services and their metadata can be moved to Oracle Service Registry by wiring the events that get triggered when these services are registered or a lifecycle of a service is changed.

The PublishAssetToUDDI workflow can be used to move the services. The PublishAssetToUDDI workflow can be wired to any event trigger, depending on the requirements.

For example, the following configuration moves the service when the Asset Lifecycle stage is QA:

<state name=”urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:CategorizationChanged:AssetLifecycleStage” value =”QA”

Also, note that the configuration related to where the registry is running is configured using the alrrxConfigFileName setting, and that the mapping file related to the categorization is configured using the alrrxMappingFileName setting.

You could have differerent configuration files configured to point to different registries. Depending on the lifecycle, the services can be moved to different registries based on the Asset Lifecycle triggers.

Example Use Cases

Oracle Enterprise Repository supports the following use cases for automated workflows:


How the Exchanged Metadata Is Synchronized

This section describes how metadata is synchronized when assets are exchanged between Oracle Enterprise Repository and Oracle Service Registry.

Synchronizing the Metadata Published from Oracle Enterprise Repository to Oracle Service Registry

This section describes how metadata is synchronized when publishing assets from Oracle Enterprise Repository to Oracle Service Registry.

Note: When synchronizing a service to Oracle Service Registry that was previously synchronized, Oracle Service Registry does not show the updated values if an Oracle Service Registry browser instance is already open. Therefore, all the Oracle Service Registry browser instances need to be restarted to see the updated values. For more information, see Known Issues.

Business Entities

Check if the Service asset being published has a related (by configured relation) Business Entity asset, as follows:


Check if the Service asset being published has one or more related endpoint assets, as follows:


Check if Categorizations are applied to Service and Endpoint assets, as follows:

Registration and Active Status

The Registration and Active Status are added to Category Bags. Figure 3-1 illustrates how references appear in Oracle Service Registry.

Figure 3-1 Oracle Service Registry t-model Categories for a WSDL Service

Oracle Service Registry t-model Categories for a WSDL Service

Figure 3-2 illustrates how two endpoints that are linked to a service in Oracle Enterprise Repository appear in Oracle Service Registry.

Figure 3-2 WSDL Bindings in Oracle Service Registry

WSDL Bindings in Oracle Service Registry

Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4 illustrate how the different entities and their relationships appear in the Oracle Enterprise Repository Navigator.

Figure 3-3 Entity Relationship in Oracle Enterprise Repository Navigator

Entity Relationship in Oracle Enterprise Repository Navigator

Figure 3-4 Another Entity Relationship in Oracle Enterprise Repository Navigator

Another Entity Relationship in Oracle Enterprise Repository Navigator

Sample Flow of Metadata from Oracle Enterprise Repository to Oracle Service Registry

Figure 3-5 illustrates the Oracle Enterprise Repository > Oracle Service Registry metadata synchronization described in this section.

Figure 3-5 Flow of Metadata Published from Oracle Enterprise Repository to Oracle Service Registry

Flow of Metadata Published from Oracle Enterprise Repository to Oracle Service Registry

Synchronizing the Metadata from Oracle Service Registry to Oracle Enterprise Repository

This section describes how metadata is synchronized when receiving assets into the repository from Oracle Service Registry.

Business Entities

Check if the Service asset being received exists and is related to a Business Entity asset, as follows:

If the Service asset is newly created, get the default Business Entity asset type for UDDI Business from the Oracle Enterprise Repository configuration:

Check if an asset exists with that name and type, as follows:


Check if the Service asset being received has one or more Endpoint assets related, as follows:


Check if Categorizations are present in the Category Bag, as follows:

Sample Flow of Metadata from Oracle Service Registry to Oracle Enterprise Repository

Figure 3-6 illustrates the Oracle Service Registry > Oracle Enterprise Repository metadata synchronization described in this section.

Figure 3-6 Flow of Metadata Received from Oracle Service Registry

Flow of Metadata Received from Oracle Service Registry

Web Service Endpoint Management

Use the Oracle Enterprise Repository Asset Editor to add the new Endpoint:Web Service asset type so that the endpoint information can be published to Oracle Service Registry.

  1. From the File menu, select New to create a new Endpoint:Web Service asset type.
  2. Add a description if necessary.
  3. Select the Taxonomy tab to relate the asset to the Service asset by:
    1. Scroll down to the Relationships section and click Add.
    2. On the Add Relationship dialog box, select the Provides Access to Relationship Type.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Click Approve to save the change.
  4. Select the Overview tab (shown in Figure 3-7), and do the following:
    1. In the Endpoint URI field, click Add to enter the URI for the asset. Then click OK to add the Endpoint URI.
    2. In the File Information field, click Add to enter the effective WSDL that contains the port. Then click OK to add the WSDL.
    3. Note: You can omit this step if the WSDL attached to the Service contains the port information.
    4. Click Approve to save the change.
    5. Figure 3-7 Configure EndPoint:Web Service Asset Type

      Configure EndPoint:Web Service Asset Type

  5. Optionally, you can set the Asset Lifecycle to this asset if the Endpoint needs to be filtered by the Asset Lifecycle.

For more information on using the Asset Editor to manage assets, see the Oracle Enterprise Repository Registrar Guide.


Searching for Oracle Service Registry Exchanged Metadata in Oracle Enterprise Repository

The Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility tags each published and received Service with information that can be used for querying, as follows:

To query published/received Service information, use the Oracle Enterprise Repository More Search Options feature, as follows:

  1. In the Oracle Enterprise Repository Web console, open the Assets page.
  2. In the Search box in the sidebar, click the More Search Options link.
  3. The More Search Options dialog box opens.

  4. Select the Filter by Additional Criteria check box to reveal the additional filtering criteria options.
  5. On the Select a Field drop-down, select the option.
  6. In the field next to the Add button, enter the date the metadata was exchanged, as shown in Figure 3-8.
  7. Figure 3-8 More Search Options Dialog Box

    More Search Options Dialog Box

  8. Click the Search button at the bottom of the dialog box.

For more information on using the Oracle Enterprise Repository search options, see the Oracle Enterprise Repository User Guide.


Checking the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility Log File

The Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility uses log4j for logging the detailed tasks performed. The log file is stored in the <ExhangeUtility Tool Home> directory. The logging options can be changed by updating the file file located in the <ExhangeUtility Tool Home> directory.


Known Issues

This section describes the known issues when using the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility.

Resynchronizing Oracle Service Registry Services

When synchronizing a Service to Oracle Service Registry that was previously synchronized, there is known issue where Oracle Service Registry does not show the updated values if an Oracle Service Registry browser instance is already open. Therefore, all the Oracle Service Registry browser instances need to be closed to see the updated values.

Import of Oracle Service Bus WSDLs

Oracle Enterprise Repository WSDL import is not currently capable of supporting the import of an XSD into a WSDL document using the WSDL import mechanism. This is considered improper use of the WSDL import element by the industry. An example of the improper usage of the WSDL import element to import an XSD, along with an example of the correct way to import XSD into a WSDL is included. Note that Oracle Enterprise Repository WSDL import does support the importing of WSDL into a WSDL document using the WSDL import element.

Oracle Service Bus currently generates WSDLs that incorrectly import XSD using the WSDL import element. This causes a problem in the AL suite due to the fact that these Oracle Service Bus WSDLs can be parsed and submitted to Oracle Enterprise Repository properly by the common Eclipse tooling; however, the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility is not capable of parsing the WSDLs when migrating them back to Oracle Service Registry.

Workaround of Solution

Example of improper usage of the WSDL import element to import XSD:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<definitions name='OrderProcessing'

<import namespace='urn:iwaysoftware:ibse:jul2003:createPO' location='bapipo.xsd'/>
<import namespace='urn:iwaysoftware:ibse:jul2003:createPO:response' location='bapipor.xsd'/>
<import namespace='urn:iwaysoftware:ibse:jul2003:POStatus' location='POStatus.xsd'/> .

Example of proper usage of the XSD import element to import XSD:

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace='urn:listing2'
<xsd:schema targetNamespace='urn:listing2'
<xsd:import namespace='urn:listing3'
schemaLocation='listing3.xsd' />

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