Interface ProductAjaxBean

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProductAjaxBean

This bean provides access to product-related data needed for display in the Javascript UI. The product domain model object itself is available through this bean as well as other data that may be required on the UI such as the result of invoking a method on the product domain object.

Method Summary
 java.util.Map getFullAttributeValuesByLanguage()
          Get a map of language codes to full lists of attribute values for that language code.
 java.lang.String[] getMerchandizingTypeNames()
          Get the names of merchandizing types that may be associated with this product.
 Product getProduct()
          Get the domain model object representing a product.
 java.util.List getProductAssociationsByType()
          Get a list structure of product associations for this product.
 void setFullAttributeValuesByLanguage(java.util.Map fullAttributeValuesByLanguage)
          Set a map of language codes to full lists of attribute values for that language code.
 void setMerchandizingTypeNames(java.lang.String[] merchandizingTypeNames)
          Set the names of merchandizing types that may be associated with this product.
 void setProduct(Product product)
          Set a reference to the domain model object representing a product.
 void setProductAssociationsByType(java.util.List productAssociationsByType)
          Set a structure of product associations for this product.

Method Detail


java.util.Map getFullAttributeValuesByLanguage()
Get a map of language codes to full lists of attribute values for that language code.

fullAttributeValueMap the map


java.lang.String[] getMerchandizingTypeNames()
Get the names of merchandizing types that may be associated with this product.

a String array


Product getProduct()
Get the domain model object representing a product.

the product


java.util.List getProductAssociationsByType()
Get a list structure of product associations for this product. Each element of the list is a list of ProductAssociations of a particular association type.

the list structure described above


void setFullAttributeValuesByLanguage(java.util.Map fullAttributeValuesByLanguage)
Set a map of language codes to full lists of attribute values for that language code.

fullAttributeValuesByLanguage - the map


void setMerchandizingTypeNames(java.lang.String[] merchandizingTypeNames)
Set the names of merchandizing types that may be associated with this product.

merchandizingTypeNames - a String array


void setProduct(Product product)
Set a reference to the domain model object representing a product.

product - the DO-layer product.


void setProductAssociationsByType(java.util.List productAssociationsByType)
Set a structure of product associations for this product. Each element of the list should be a list of the product associations of a given type with the first element being a list of the first kind of product associations and so on.

productAssociationsByType - a list structure as described above