Uses of Interface

Packages that use Price

Uses of Price in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog

Subinterfaces of Price in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog
 interface ProductPrice
          A product price.
 interface SkuPrice
          A product sku price.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog that return Price
 Price ProductSku.getPrice(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the price of this product in the specified currency.
 Price Product.getPrice(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the price of this product in the specified currency.
 Price ProductSku.getPriceWithoutFallback(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the price of this product sku in the specified currency.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog with parameters of type Price
 void ProductSku.addPrice(Price price)
          Convenience method for setting the price.
 void Product.addPrice(Price price)
          Convenience method for setting the price.

Uses of Price in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl that implement Price
 class AbstractPriceImpl
          The abstact implementation of Price.
 class ProductPriceImpl
          A Product Price class.
 class SkuPriceImpl
          A Sku Price class.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl that return Price
 Price ProductSkuImpl.getPrice(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the price of this product sku in the specified currency.
 Price ProductImpl.getPrice(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the price of this product in the specified currency.
 Price ProductSkuImpl.getPriceWithoutFallback(java.util.Currency currency)
          Get the price of this product sku in the specified currency.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl with parameters of type Price
 void ProductSkuImpl.addPrice(Price price)
          Convenience method for setting the price.
 void ProductImpl.addPrice(Price price)
          Convenience method for setting the price.