Interface BrowsingRequest

All Superinterfaces:
CatalogViewRequest, EpDomain,, Transient
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BrowsingRequest
extends CatalogViewRequest

Represents a catalog browsing request.

Nested Class Summary
static interface BrowsingRequest.FilterSeoUrl
          Represent a simple bean which aggregate seo urls for a filter.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.CatalogViewRequest
Method Summary
 java.util.List getFilterSeoUrls(Category category)
          Composes and returns a list of FilterSeoUrls for all filters specified the search request based on the given category.
 java.lang.String getSeoUrl(Category category)
          Returns the SEO(Search Engine Optimized) url based on the given category.
 java.lang.String getSeoUrl(Category category, int pageNumber)
          Returns the SEO(Search Engine Optimized) url based on the given category and page number.
 java.lang.String getTitle(Category category)
          Composes and returns a title for the browsing page.
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.CatalogViewRequest
addFilter, compare, filterProducts, getCategoryUid, getCurrency, getFilterIds, getFilterQueryStrings, getFilters, getLocale, getMaxReturnNumber, getQueryString, getSorter, getSorterFactory, setCategoryUid, setCurrency, setFiltersIdStr, setLocale, setMaxReturnNumber, setSorterIdStr
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.EpDomain
getElasticPath, setElasticPath

Method Detail


java.util.List getFilterSeoUrls(Category category)
Composes and returns a list of FilterSeoUrls for all filters specified the search request based on the given category. Notice that the uidPk of the given category must match the one in the browsing request.

category - the category
a list of FilterSeoUrls


java.lang.String getSeoUrl(Category category)
Returns the SEO(Search Engine Optimized) url based on the given category. Notice that the uidPk of the given category must match the one in the browsing request.

category - the category
the SEO(Search Engine Optimized) url


java.lang.String getSeoUrl(Category category,
                           int pageNumber)
Returns the SEO(Search Engine Optimized) url based on the given category and page number. Notice that the uidPk of the given category must match the one in the browsing request.

category - the category
pageNumber - the page number
the SEO(Search Engine Optimized) url


java.lang.String getTitle(Category category)
Composes and returns a title for the browsing page. A title will follow this structure:
Brand Name in the correct langauge, only if it exists
Category SEO Title in the correct langauge
Price Filter with currency symbol, only show the lowest applied filter
e.g. Kodak - Digital Cameras - $120 - $140
e.g. Digital Cameras - $200 - $400
e.g. Digital Cameras

category - the category
a title for the browsing page