Package com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview

Interface Summary
AttributeFilter The AttributeFilter represents the filter on a specified attribute.
AttributeRangeFilter The AttributeRangeFilter represents the attribute filter with a range predefined.
AttributeValueFilter The AttributeFilter represents the filter on a specified attribute.
BranchNode Represents a branch node on a tree.
BrandFilter Represents a filter on product brand.
CatalogViewRequest Represents a search request.
CatalogViewRequest.FilterQueryString Represent a simple bean which aggregate query strings for a filter.
CatalogViewResult Represents a catalog view result.
CatalogViewResultHistory Represents a list of catalog view results that a user has performed.
Filter Represents a filter in a CatalogViewRequest.
FilterDisplayInfo The object contains the localized display info for the range filter.
FilterOption Represents a filter option in a CatalogViewResult.
LeafNode Represents a leaf node on a tree.
PriceFilter Represents a filter on product price.
ProductAdaptorForAttributeRangeFilter Represents an adaptor of a Product to a LeafNode, which can be put under AttributeFilter.
ProductAdaptorForFilter Represents an adaptor of a Product to a LeafNode, which can be put under Filter.
ProductAdaptorForPriceFilter Represents an adaptor of a Product to a LeafNode, which can be put under PriceFilter.
RangeFilter This defines the filter which has a range value.
Sorter Represents a sorter.

Exception Summary
CatalogViewRequestUnmatchException This exception will be thrown when a new catalog view request is not compatible with the previous ones.
EpCatalogViewRequestBindException This exception will be thrown when binding an invalid parameter or attribute from a catalog view request.