Uses of Interface

Packages that use UserRole

Uses of UserRole in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser with parameters of type UserRole
 void CmUser.addUserRole(UserRole userRole)
          Adds an UserRole to the list of userRoles.
 void CmUser.removeUserRole(UserRole userRole)
          Removes an UserRole from the list of userRoles.

Uses of UserRole in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl that implement UserRole
 class UserRoleImpl
          The default implementation of UserRole.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl with parameters of type UserRole
 void CmUserImpl.addUserRole(UserRole userRole)
          Adds an UserRole to the list of userRoles.
 void CmUserImpl.removeUserRole(UserRole userRole)
          Removes an UserRole from the list of userRoles.

Uses of UserRole in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser that return UserRole
 UserRole UserRoleService.add(UserRole userRole)
          Adds the given userRole.
 UserRole UserRoleService.findByName(java.lang.String name)
          Find the userRole with the given name.
 UserRole UserRoleService.get(long userRoleUid)
          Get the userRole with the given UID.
 UserRole UserRoleService.getDefaultUserRole()
          Return the deafalt userRole, namely, the userRole with name "USER".
 UserRole UserRoleService.load(long userRoleUid)
          Load the userRole with the given UID.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser with parameters of type UserRole
 UserRole UserRoleService.add(UserRole userRole)
          Adds the given userRole.
 boolean UserRoleService.nameExists(UserRole userRole)
          Check whether the given userRole's name exists or not.
 void UserRoleService.remove(UserRole userRole)
          Delete the userRole.
 void UserRoleService.update(UserRole userRole)
          Updates the given userRole.

Uses of UserRole in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl that return UserRole
 UserRole UserRoleServiceImpl.add(UserRole userRole)
          Adds the given userRole.
 UserRole UserRoleServiceImpl.findByName(java.lang.String name)
          Find the UserRole with the given name.
 UserRole UserRoleServiceImpl.get(long userRoleUid)
          Get the userRole with the given UID.
 UserRole UserRoleServiceImpl.getDefaultUserRole()
          Return the deafalt userRole, namely, the userRole with name "USER".
 UserRole UserRoleServiceImpl.load(long userRoleUid)
          Load the userRole with the given UID.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl with parameters of type UserRole
 UserRole UserRoleServiceImpl.add(UserRole userRole)
          Adds the given userRole.
 boolean UserRoleServiceImpl.nameExists(UserRole userRole)
          Check whether the given userRole's name exists or not.
 void UserRoleServiceImpl.remove(UserRole userRole)
          Delete the userRole.
 void UserRoleServiceImpl.update(UserRole userRole)
          Updates the given userRole.