Class AbstractCreditCardPaymentGatewayImpl

  extended by com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractEpDomainImpl
      extended by com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractTransientImpl
          extended by com.elasticpath.domain.payment.impl.AbstractPaymentGatewayImpl
              extended by com.elasticpath.domain.payment.impl.AbstractCreditCardPaymentGatewayImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
EpDomain, CreditCardPaymentGateway, PaymentGateway, Transient,
Direct Known Subclasses:
AuthorizeNetPaymentGatewayImpl, CyberSourcePaymentGatewayImpl, NullPaymentGatewayImpl, PayflowProPaymentGatewayImpl

public abstract class AbstractCreditCardPaymentGatewayImpl
extends AbstractPaymentGatewayImpl
implements CreditCardPaymentGateway

Abstract credit card payment processing gateway. Extend this to implement specific gateways such as CyberSource or Verisign.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.elasticpath.domain.payment.impl.AbstractPaymentGatewayImpl
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.util.List getSupportedCardTypes()
          Get the card types supported by this payment gateway.
 void setSupportedCardTypes(java.util.List cardTypes)
          Set the card types supported by this payment gateway.
 void setValidateCvv2(boolean validate)
          Set whether the payment gateway should validate the Cvv2.
 boolean validateCvv2()
          True if this gateway will validate the Cvv2 (Security Code).
Methods inherited from class com.elasticpath.domain.payment.impl.AbstractPaymentGatewayImpl
getName, getProperties, getSupportedCurrencies, refund, setName, setProperties, setSupportedCurrencies
Methods inherited from class com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractEpDomainImpl
getElasticPath, setElasticPath
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.payment.PaymentGateway
capture, getName, getPaymentType, getProperties, getSupportedCurrencies, preAuthorize, refund, reversePreAuthorization, sale, setName, setProperties, setSupportedCurrencies, voidCaptureOrCredit
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.EpDomain
getElasticPath, setElasticPath

Constructor Detail


public AbstractCreditCardPaymentGatewayImpl()
Method Detail


public java.util.List getSupportedCardTypes()
Get the card types supported by this payment gateway.

Specified by:
getSupportedCardTypes in interface CreditCardPaymentGateway
a List of card type strings (e.g. VISA)


public void setSupportedCardTypes(java.util.List cardTypes)
Set the card types supported by this payment gateway.

Specified by:
setSupportedCardTypes in interface CreditCardPaymentGateway
cardTypes - a List of card type strings (e.g. VISA)


public void setValidateCvv2(boolean validate)
Set whether the payment gateway should validate the Cvv2.

Specified by:
setValidateCvv2 in interface CreditCardPaymentGateway
validate - true if the payment gateway should validate the Cvv2.


public boolean validateCvv2()
True if this gateway will validate the Cvv2 (Security Code).

Specified by:
validateCvv2 in interface CreditCardPaymentGateway
True if this gateway will validate the Cvv2 (Security Code)