
Class Summary
AbstractEpConstantType This is the abstract parent class for defining a Hibernate customer value type EpConstant.
AbstractPropertyCriterionImpl PropertyCriteriaImpl represents the criteria around a domain object property.
AbstractRelationCriterionImpl RelationCriterion represents the relational criteria around two PropertyCriterion.
AttributeTypeValueType This class defines a Hibernate customer value type AttributeType.
CustomerRoleType This class defines a Hibernate customer value type CustomerRole.
DistinctAttributeValueCriterionImpl Creates criterion for querying the persistence layer for distinct lists of attribute values.
HibernatePropertyCriterionEqualImpl HibernatePropertyCriterionLikeImpl is the implementation of PropertyCriterion for hibernate with condition "equal".
HibernatePropertyCriterionLikeImpl HibernatePropertyCriterionLikeImpl is the implementation of PropertyCriterion for hibernate with condition "like".
HibernateRelationCriterionAndImpl HibernatePropertyCriterionLikeImpl is the implementation of RelationCriterion for hibernate with condition "or".
HibernateRelationCriterionOrImpl HibernatePropertyCriterionLikeImpl is the implementation of RelationCriterion for hibernate with condition "or".
ImportTypeValueType This class defines a Hibernate customer value type ImportType.
OrderCriterionImpl Implementation of OrderCriterion that constructs the appropriate criteria for order queries.
OrderPaymentStatusType This class defines a Hibernate customer value type OrderPaymentStatus.
OrderReturnReasonType This class defines a Hibernate customer value type OrderReturnReason.
OrderShipmentStatusType This class defines a Hibernate customer value type OrderShipmentStatus.
OrderStatusType This class defines a Hibernate customer value type OrderStatus.
UserPermissionType This class defines a Hibernate customer value type UserPermission.