Package com.elasticpath.service.index.impl

Class Summary
AbstractIndexBuildServiceImpl A skeleton implementation of IndexBuildService of the GoF template method pattern.
AbstractIndexServiceImpl A high level implementation of an Indexing Service.
AbstractQueryComposerImpl This is an abastract implementation of QueryComposer.
AbstractSpellIndexServiceImpl An implementation of a typical spell index build algorithm.
AnalyzerImpl Provides a bunch of analyzing methods.
CategoryIndexBuildServiceImpl An implementation of IndexBuildService to create index for category.
CategoryQueryComposerImpl A query compose for category search.
CustomerIndexBuildServiceImpl An implementation of IndexBuildService to create index for customer.
CustomerQueryComposerImpl A query compose for customer search.
IndexBuildModeratorForCmUseImpl Represents a index build moderator for CM use.
IndexSearchServiceImpl This is a mediator(see GoF mediator pattern), which distribute search request to appropriate concrete search service.
OrderIndexBuildServiceImpl An implementation of IndexBuildService to create index for order.
OrderQueryComposerImpl A query compose for orders search.
ProductIndexForCmUseBuildServiceImpl An implementation of IndexBuildService to create index for products for CM use.
ProductIndexForSfUseBuildServiceImpl An implementation of IndexBuildService to create index for products for SF use.
ProductQueryComposerImpl A query compose for products search.
ProductSpellIndexForSfUseServiceImpl An implementation of SpellIndexService that will create a spell index from the product index.

Exception Summary
EpEmptySearchCriteriaException This exception will be thrown in case an empty search criteria is given.