Class EmailServiceImpl

  extended by com.elasticpath.service.impl.AbstractEpServiceImpl
      extended by com.elasticpath.service.misc.impl.EmailServiceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
EpService, EmailService

public class EmailServiceImpl
extends AbstractEpServiceImpl
implements EmailService

Provides image rendering service.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void sendMail(java.util.List toEmailList, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String txtTemplate, java.util.Map templateResources)
          Sends a txt only email to a list of recipients using the provided velocity Templates.
 void sendMail(java.util.List toEmailList, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String htmlTemplate, java.lang.String txtTemplate, java.util.Map templateResources)
          Sends a multipart mime (html & txt) email to a list of recipients using the provided velocity Templates.
 void sendMail(java.lang.String toEmail, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String txtTemplate, java.util.Map templateResources)
          Sends a txt only email to a recipient using the provided velocity Templates.
 void sendMail(java.lang.String toEmail, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String htmlTemplate, java.lang.String txtTemplate, java.util.Map templateResources)
          Sends a multipart mime (html & txt) email to a recipient using the provided velocity Templates.
 void setGeography(Geography geography)
          Set the geography properties map.
 void setMailer(Mailer mailer)
          Set the mailer.
 void setVelocityEngine( velocityEngine)
          Set the velocity engine.
Methods inherited from class com.elasticpath.service.impl.AbstractEpServiceImpl
getElasticPath, setElasticPath
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.service.EpService
getElasticPath, setElasticPath

Constructor Detail


public EmailServiceImpl()
Method Detail


public void sendMail(java.util.List toEmailList,
                     java.lang.String subject,
                     java.lang.String txtTemplate,
                     java.util.Map templateResources)
Sends a txt only email to a list of recipients using the provided velocity Templates.

Specified by:
sendMail in interface EmailService
toEmailList - a list of recipient email addresses.
subject - the subject of the email.
txtTemplate - the txt version of the velocity template to render.
templateResources - a map of resources required to render the provided template.


public void sendMail(java.util.List toEmailList,
                     java.lang.String subject,
                     java.lang.String htmlTemplate,
                     java.lang.String txtTemplate,
                     java.util.Map templateResources)
Sends a multipart mime (html & txt) email to a list of recipients using the provided velocity Templates.

Specified by:
sendMail in interface EmailService
toEmailList - a list of recipient email addresses.
subject - the subject of the email.
htmlTemplate - the html version of the velocity template to render.
txtTemplate - the txt version of the velocity template to render.
templateResources - a map of resources required to render the provided template.


public void sendMail(java.lang.String toEmail,
                     java.lang.String subject,
                     java.lang.String txtTemplate,
                     java.util.Map templateResources)
Sends a txt only email to a recipient using the provided velocity Templates.

Specified by:
sendMail in interface EmailService
toEmail - the email address of the recipient.
subject - the subject of the email.
txtTemplate - the txt version of the velocity template to render.
templateResources - a map of resources required to render the provided template.


public void sendMail(java.lang.String toEmail,
                     java.lang.String subject,
                     java.lang.String htmlTemplate,
                     java.lang.String txtTemplate,
                     java.util.Map templateResources)
Sends a multipart mime (html & txt) email to a recipient using the provided velocity Templates.

Specified by:
sendMail in interface EmailService
toEmail - the email address of the recipient.
subject - the subject of the email.
htmlTemplate - the html version of the velocity template to render.
txtTemplate - the txt version of the velocity template to render.
templateResources - a map of resources required to render the provided template.


public void setGeography(Geography geography)
Set the geography properties map.

geography - the geography properties map.


public void setMailer(Mailer mailer)
Set the mailer.

mailer - the mailer


public void setVelocityEngine( velocityEngine)
Set the velocity engine.

velocityEngine - the velocity engine