Uses of Class

Packages that use EpSfWebException

Uses of EpSfWebException in com.elasticpath.sfweb

Subclasses of EpSfWebException in com.elasticpath.sfweb
 class EpSearchKeyWordNotGivenException
          This exception gets thrown when the search keyword is not given.
 class EpSearchKeyWordTooLongException
          This exception gets thrown when the search keyword given is too long.
 class ProductUnavailableException
          Thrown when the user attempts to view a product that is not currently available.
 class SessionExpiredException
          Exception thrown when an action is taken by a customer who's session has expired.

Uses of EpSfWebException in com.elasticpath.sfweb.context.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.sfweb.context.impl that throw EpSfWebException
 void EpContextConfigListener.contextInitialized(javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent event)
          Complete the context initialization for ElasticPath.

Uses of EpSfWebException in com.elasticpath.sfweb.util.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.sfweb.util.impl that throw EpSfWebException
 java.lang.Long RequestHelperImpl.getLongParameter(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, java.lang.String parameterName)
          Retrieve the given parameter as Long from the given request.
 ShoppingCart RequestHelperImpl.getShoppingCart(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Return a ShoppingCart instance if there is one stored in http session.
 void RequestHelperImpl.setShoppingCart(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
          Set a ShoppingCart into http sessino.