Class EpSfFieldChecks

  extended by org.springmodules.commons.validator.FieldChecks
      extended by com.elasticpath.commons.validator.impl.EpFieldChecks
          extended by com.elasticpath.sfweb.util.impl.EpSfFieldChecks
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EpSfFieldChecks
extends EpFieldChecks

EpFieldChecks defines customized validation rules to be integrated into the springmodules validator. This class extends EpFieldChecks to implement checks that are specific to the Storefront.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.springmodules.commons.validator.FieldChecks
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean validateRequiredExistingCardSecurityCode(java.lang.Object bean, org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorAction validatorAction, org.apache.commons.validator.Field field, org.springframework.validation.Errors errors)
          This is a specialized validation that checks that a security code for an existing credit card has been entered when it has been selected as the card to use for a checkout payment.
Methods inherited from class com.elasticpath.commons.validator.impl.EpFieldChecks
validateCondition, validateEmail, validateEpCartQuantity, validateNoLeadingTrailingWhiteSpaces, validatePasswordRequired, validatePhoneNumber, validateRequiredWhen, validateSubCountryRequired, validateTwoFields
Methods inherited from class org.springmodules.commons.validator.FieldChecks
validateByte, validateCreditCard, validateDate, validateDouble, validateDoubleRange, validateFloat, validateFloatRange, validateInteger, validateIntRange, validateLong, validateMask, validateMaxLength, validateMinLength, validateRange, validateRequired, validateRequiredIf, validateShort
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EpSfFieldChecks()
Method Detail


public static boolean validateRequiredExistingCardSecurityCode(java.lang.Object bean,
                                                               org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorAction validatorAction,
                                                               org.apache.commons.validator.Field field,
                                                               org.springframework.validation.Errors errors)
This is a specialized validation that checks that a security code for an existing credit card has been entered when it has been selected as the card to use for a checkout payment.

bean - - the current form bean (command object).
validatorAction - - validator action instance.
field - - the form field to check.
errors - - errors.
- result.