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XQuery Developer's Guide

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BEA XQuery Implementation

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines a set of language features and functions for XQuery. The BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform XQuery engine fully supports language features with one exception (modules) and also supports a robust subset of functions and adds a number of implementation-specific functions and language keywords.

This chapter describes the function and language implementation and extensions in the XQuery engine.

The chapter includes the following topics:


BEA XQuery Function Implementation

Data Services Platform (DSP) supports the W3C Working Draft "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators" dated 23 July 2004 ( ). In addition, DSP supports a number of functions that are enhancements to the XQuery specification, which you can recognize by their extended function prefix fn-bea:. For example, the full XQuery notation for an extended function is: fn-bea:function_name.

This section describes the BEA XQuery function extensions, and contains the following topics:

Function Overview

Table 2-1 provides an overview of the BEA XQuery function extensions.

Table 2-1 BEA XQuery Function Extensions  




Access Control Functions


Checks whether a user associated with the current request context can access the specified resource.


Checks whether the current user is in the specified group.


Checks whether the current user is in the specified role.


Returns the identifier of the user making the request for the protected resource.


Renames a sequence of elements.

Duration, Date, and Time Functions


Returns the date part of a dateTime value.


Returns a new date value from a string source value according to the specified pattern.


Returns a date string with the specified pattern.


Returns a new dateTime value from a string source value according to the specified pattern.


Returns a date and time string with the specified pattern.


Returns the time part of a dateTime value.


Returns a new time value from a string source value according to the specified pattern.


Returns a time string with the specified pattern.

Execution Control Functions


Evaluates an XQuery expression asynchronously, depositing the result of the evaluation into a buffer.


Enables you to define optimization boundaries, dividing queries into islands within which optimizations should occur.


Accepts the value of a Boolean parameter to select one of two other input parameters.


Returns either the full result of the primary expression, or the full result of the alternate expression in cases when the primary XQuery expression times out.

Numeric Functions


Returns a decimal value rounded to the specified precision or whole number.


Returns a decimal value truncated to the specified precision or whole number.

Other Functions


Enables you to write data services that can change behavior based on external influence.


Parses textual XML and returns an instance of the XQuery 1.0 Data Model.


Converts a double to a string using the specified format pattern.

QName Functions


Creates an xs:QName and uses the value of specified argument as its local name without a namespace.

Sequence Functions


Interleaves items specified in the arguments.

String Functions


Returns a list of integers (either an empty list with 0 integers or a list with 2 integers) specifying which characters in the string input matches the input regular expression.


Searches a string using a pattern, specified using the syntax of the SQL LIKE clause. The function optionally enables you to escape wildcards in the pattern.


Removes the leading and trailing white space.


Removes the leading white space.


Removes the trailing white space.

Access Control Functions

Data Services Platform (DSP) uses the role-base security policies of the underlying WebLogic platform to control access to data resources. A security policy is a condition that must be met for a secured resource to be accessed. If the outcome of condition evaluation is false — given the policy, requested resource, and user context — access to the resource is blocked and associated data is not returned.

Once the security policies have been configured using the Data Services Platform Console, you can use the security function extensions described in this section to determine:

This section describes the following DSP access control function extensions to the BEA implementation of XQuery:


The fn-bea:is-access-allowed function checks whether a user associated with the current request context can access the specified resource, which is denoted by a resource name and a data service identifier.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:is-access-allowed($resource as xs:string, $data_service as xs:string) as xs:boolean

where $resource is the name of the resource, and $data_service is the resource identifier.

This function makes a call to the WebLogic security framework to check access for the specified resource. An example is shown below.

if (fn-bea:is-access-allowed("ssn", "ld:DataServices/CustomerProfile.ds"))
        then fn:true() 


The fn-bea:is-user-in-group function checks whether the current user is in the specified group. This function analyzes the WebLogic authenticated subject for appropriate group membership.

This function has the following signature:

fn-bea:is-user-in-group($group as xs:string) as xs:boolean

where $group is the group to test against the current user.

Note: This operation is not automatically authenticated.


The fn-bea:is-user-in-role function checks whether the current user is in the specified global role.This function obtains a list of roles from the WebLogic security framework.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:is-user-in-role($role as xs:string) as xs:boolean

where $role is the role to test against the current user.

Note: This operation is not automatically authenticated.


The fn-bea:userid() function returns the identifier of the user making the request for the protected resource.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:userid() as xs:string

Duration, Date, and Time Functions

This section describes the following duration, date, and time function extensions to the BEA implementation of XQuery:


The fn-bea:date-from-dateTime function converts a dateTime to a date, and returns the date part of the dateTime value.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:date-from-dateTime($dateTime as xs:dateTime?) as xs:date?

where $dateTime is the date and time.



The fn-bea:date-from-string-with-format function returns a new date value from a string source value according to the specified pattern.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:date-from-string-with-format($format as xs:string?, $dateString as xs:string?) as xs:date?

where $format is the pattern and $dateString is the date. For more information about specifying patterns, see Date and Time Patterns.



The fn-bea:date-to-string-with-format function returns a date string with the specified pattern.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:date-to-string-with-format($format as xs:string?, $date as xs:date?) as xs:string?

where $format is the pattern and $date is the date. For more information about specifying patterns, see Date and Time Patterns.



The fn-bea:dateTime-from-string-with-format function returns a new dateTime value from a string source value according to the specified pattern.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:dateTime-from-string-with-format($format as xs:string?, $dateTimeString as xs:string?) as xs:dateTime?

where $format is the pattern and $dateTimeString is the date and time. For more information about specifying patterns, see Date and Time Patterns.



The fn-bea:dateTime-to-string-with-format function returns a date and time string with the specified pattern.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:dateTime-to-string-with-format($format as xs:string?, $dateTime as xs:dateTime?) as xs:string?

where $format is the pattern and $dateTime is the date and time. For more information about specifying patterns, see Date and Time Patterns.



The fn-bea:time-from-dateTime function returns the time from a dateTime value.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:time-from-dateTime($dateTime as xs:dateTime?) as xs:time?

where $dateTime is the date and time.



The fn-bea:time-from-string-with-format function returns a new time value from a string source value according to the specified pattern.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:time-from-string-with-format($format as xs:string?, $timeString as xs:string?) as xs:time?

where $format is the pattern and $timeString is the time. For more information about specifying patterns, see Date and Time Patterns.



The fn-bea:time-to-string-with-format function returns a time string with the specified pattern.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:time-to-string-with-format($format as xs:string?, $time as xs:time?) as xs:string?

where $format is the pattern and $time is the time. For more information about specifying patterns, see Date and Time Patterns.


Date and Time Patterns

You can construct date and time patterns using standard Java class symbols. Table 2-2 outlines the pattern symbols you can use.

Table 2-2 Date and Time Patterns  

This Symbol

Represents This Data

Produces This Result








Month of year

July, 07


Day of the month



Hour of the day (1-12)



Hour of the day (0-23)



Minute of the hour



Second of the minute






Day of the week



Day of the year



Week in the year



Week in the month



am/pm marker



Hour of the day (1-24)



Hour of the day (0-11)



Time zone

Pacific Standard Time

Pacific Daylight Time


Repeat each symbol to match the maximum number of characters required to represent the actual value. For example, to represent 4 July 2002, the pattern is d MMMM yyyy. To represent 12:43 PM, the pattern is hh:mm a.

Execution Control Functions

This section describes the following DSP execution control function extensions to the BEA implementation of XQuery:


The fn-bea:async function evaluates an XQuery expression asynchronously, using a buffer to control data flow between threads of execution.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:async($expression as item()*, $cap as xs:integer) as item()*

where $expression is the XQuery expression to evaluate asynchronously and $cap is the size of the buffer.

The fn-bea:async function enables asynchronous execution of Web services to reduce problems caused by the latency of these services. When used in this manner, a very small buffer size such as 1 or 2 is sufficient, as the time to produce the first token can be long while the production of subsequent tokens should be quicker.


In the following example, CUSTOMER is a database table while the getCreditScore functions are Web services offered by two credit rating agencies.

for $cust in db:CUSTOMER()
where $cust/ID eq $param
let $score1:= fn-bea:async(exper:getCreditScore($cust/SSN), 2),
$score2:= fn-bea:async(equi:getCreditScore($cust/SSN), 2)
if (fn:abs($score1 - $score2) < $threshold)
then fn:avg(($score1, $score2))
else fn:max(($score1, $score2))


The fn-bea:fence function enables you to define optimization boundaries, dividing queries into islands within which optimizations should occur while preventing optimizations across boundaries. You might consider using the fn-bea:fence function when building a query incrementally.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:fence($expression as item()*) as item()*

where $expression is the input expression.

The fn-bea:fence function is a pass-through function that does not change the input stream, but indicates to the optimizer that global rewritings should not occur across itself. Specifically, the fn-bea:fence function stops the following rewritings: view unfolding, loop unrolling, constant folding, and Boolean optimizations.


The fn-bea:if-then-else function examines the value of the first parameter. If the condition is true, DSP returns the value of the second parameter (then). If the condition is false, DSP returns the value of the third parameter (else). If the returned condition is not a Boolean value, DSP generates an error.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:if-then-else($condition as xs:boolean?, $ifValue as xdt:anyAtomicType, $elseValue as xdt:anyAtomicType)as xdt:anyAtomicType

where $condition is the condition to test, $ifValue is the value to return when the condition evaluates to true, and $elseValue is the value to return when the condition evaluates to false.



The fn-bea:timeout function returns either the full result of the primary expression, or the full result of the alternate expression in cases when the primary XQuery expression times out.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:timeout($expression as item()*, $millisec as xs:integer, $alt as item()*) as item()*

where $expression is the primary XQuery expression to evaluate, $millisec is the time out value in milliseconds, and $alt is an alternative XQuery expression to evaluate after a time out has occurred.

You can use the fn-bea:timeout function in the following ways:

Note that the fn-bea:timeout function immediately returns the alternative expression in cases when accessing the data source causes an error. Also, an instance of fn-bea:timeout that has failed over to the alternate expression once will not re-evaluate the original expression during the same query evaluation.


$param is a external parameter

for $cust in db:CUSTOMER()
where $cust/ID eq $param
fn-bea:timeout(exper:getCreditScore($cust/SSN), 200,
fn-bea:timeout(equi:getCreditScore($cust/SSN), 200,

Numeric Functions

This section describes the following numeric function extensions to the BEA implementation of XQuery:


The fn-bea:format-number function converts a double to a string using the specified format pattern.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:format-number($number as xs:double, $pattern as xs:string) as xs:string

where $number represents the double number to be converted to a string, and $pattern represents the pattern string. The format of this pattern is specified by the JDK 1.4.2 DecimalFormat class. (For information on DecimalFormat and other JDK 1.4.2 Java classes see:


The fn-bea:decimal-round function returns a decimal value rounded to the specified precision (scale) or to the nearest whole number.

The function has the following signatures:

fn-bea:decimal-round($value as xs:decimal?, $scale as xs:integer?) as xs:decimal?

fn-bea:decimal-round($value as xs:decimal?) as xs:decimal?

where $value is the decimal value to round and $scale is the precision with which to round the decimal input. A scale value of 1 rounds the input to tenths, a scale value of 2 rounds it to hundreths, and so on.



The fn-bea:decimal-truncate function returns a decimal value truncated to the specified precision (scale) or to the nearest whole number.

The function has the following signatures:

fn-bea:decimal-truncate($value as xs:decimal?, $scale as xs:integer?) as xs:decimal?

fn-bea:decimal-truncate($value as xs:decimal?) as xs:decimal?

where $value is the decimal value to truncate and $scale is the precision with which to truncate the decimal input. A scale value of 1 truncates the input to tenths, a scale value of 2 truncates it to hundreths, and so on.


Other Functions

This section describes the following function extensions to the BEA implementation of XQuery:


The fn-bea:get-property function enables you to write data services that can change behavior based on external influence. This is an implicit way to parameterize functions.

The function first checks whether the property has been defined using the DSP Console. If so, it returns this value as a string. In cases when the property is not defined, the function returns the default value.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:get-property($propertyName as xs:string, $defaultValue as xs:string) as xs:string

where $propertyName is the name of the property, and $defaultValue is the default value returned by the function.


The fn-bea:inlinedXML function parses textual XML and returns an instance of the XQuery 1.0 Data Model.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:inlinedXML($text as xs:string) as node()*

where $text is the textual XML to parse.



The fn-bea:rename function renames an element or a sequence of elements.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:rename($oldelements as element()*, $newname as element()) as element()*)

where $oldelements is the sequence of elements to rename, and $newname is an element from which the new name and type are extracted.

For each element in the original sequence, the fn-bea:rename function returns a new element with the following:


for $c in CUSTOMER()
{fn-bea:rename($c/FIRST_NAME, <FNAME/>)}
{fn-bea:rename($c/LAST_NAME, <LNAME/>)}

In the above, if CUSTOMER() returns:


The output value would be:


QName Functions

This section describes the following QName function extensions to the BEA implementation of XQuery:


The fn-bea:QName-from-string function creates an xs:QName and uses the value of $param as its local name without a namespace.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:QName-from-string($name as xs:string) as xs:QName

where $name is the local name.

Sequence Functions

This section describes the following sequence function extensions to the BEA implementation of XQuery:


The fn-bea:interleave function interleaves the specified arguments. The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:interleave($item1 as item()*, $item2 as xdt:anyAtomicType) as item()*

where $item1 and $item2 are the items to interleave.

For example, fn-bea:interleave((<a/>, <b/>, </c>), " ") returns the following sequence:

(<a/>, " ", <b/>, " ", </c>)

String Functions

This section describes the following string function extensions to the BEA implementation of XQuery:


The fn-bea:match function returns a list of two integers specifying the characters in the string input that match the input regular expression (or an empty list, if none found). When the function returns a match, the first integer represents the index of (the position of) the first character of the matching substring and the second integer represents the number of matching characters starting at the first match. The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:match($source as xs:string?, $regularExp as xs:string?) as xs:int*

where $source is the input string and $regularExp uses the standard regular expression language.

Table 2-3 presents regular expression syntax examples.

Table 2-3 Regular Expression Syntax Examples  


Syntax Example




Matches the specified unicode character.


Used to escape metacharacters such as *, +, and ?.


Matches a single backslash ( \ ) character.


Matches the specified octal character.


Matches the specified 8-bit hexidecimal character.


Matches the specified 16-bit hexidecimal character.


Matches an ASCII tab character.



Matches an ASCII new line character.


Matches an ASCII return character.


Matches an ASCII form feed character.

Simple Character Classes


Matches the characters b or c.


Matches any character between a and f.


Matches any character except b and c.

Predefined Character Classes


Matches any character except the new line character.


Matches a word character: an alphanumeric character or the underscore ( _ ) character.


Matches a non-word character.


Matches a white space character.


Matches a non-white space character.


Matches a digit.


Matches a non-digit.

Greedy Closures
(Match as many characters as possible)


Matches expression A zero or more times.


Matches expression A one or more times.


Matches expression A zero or one times.


Matches expression A exactly n times.


Matches expression A at least n times.

A(n, m)

Matches expression A between n and m times.

Reluctant Closures

(Match as few characters as possible, and stops when a match is found)


Matches expression A zero or more times.


Matches expression A one or more times.


Matches expression A zero or one times.

Logical Operators


Matches expression A followed by expression B.


Matches expression A or expression B.


Used for grouping expressions.



The fn-bea:sql-like function tests whether a string contains the specified pattern. Typically, you can use this function as a condition for a query, similar to the SQL LIKE operator used in a predicate of SQL queries. The function returns TRUE if the pattern is matched in the source expression, otherwise the function returns FALSE.

The function has the following signatures:

fn-bea:sql-like($source as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string?, $escape as xs:string?) as xs:boolean?

fn-bea:sql-like($source as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string?) as xs:boolean?

where $source is the string to search, $pattern is the pattern specified using the syntax of the SQL LIKE clause, and $escape is the character to use to escape a wildcard character in the pattern.

You can use the following wildcard characters to specify the pattern:

You can include the % or _ characters in the pattern by specifying an escape character and preceding the % or _ characters in the pattern with this escape character. The function then reads the character literally, instead of interpreting it as a special pattern-matching character.



The fn-bea:trim function removes the leading and trailing white space.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:trim($source as xs:string?) as xs:string?

where $source is the string to trim. In cases when $source is an empty sequence, the function returns an empty sequence. DSP generates an error when the parameter is not a string.



The fn-bea:trim-left function removes the leading white space.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:trim-left($input as xs:string?) as xs:string?

where $input is the string to trim.



The fn-bea:trim-right function removes the trailing white space.

The function has the following signature:

fn-bea:trim-right($input as xs:string?) as xs:string?

where $input is the string to trim.


Unsupported XQuery Functions

The following functions from the XQuery 1.0 specification are not supported in current BEA XQuery engine implementation:

Implementation-Specific Functions and Operators

In addition to the support for XQuery functions and operators and the BEA extensions described previously, the W3C Working Draft "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators" dated 23 July 2004 ( ) allows implementors to use their discretion in implementing various aspects of the specification, as listed in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4



DSP XQuery Engine

6.2—Operators on Numeric Values [Overflow and Underflow during Arithmetic Operations]

Choice between raising an error and other options for overflow or underflow of numeric operations.

Arithmetic overflow and underflow follows behavior of the underlying Application Server's JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

6.2—Operators on Numeric Values [xs:decimal value digit precision]

Number of digits of precision for xs:decimal results

18 digits.


In addition to supporting required normalization form "NFC", conforming implementations may also support implementation-defined semantics.

Not supported.

7.5—Functions Based on Substring Matching

Ability to decompose strings into collation units.

No collations supporting this feature are available.

10.1.1—Limits and Precision

Limits and precision for Durations, Dates and Times larger then those specified in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes

Fractional seconds are supported for more than 3 digits of accuracy: seven digits for serialized data (binXML package), 18 digits during computations.

15.5.4—Functions and Operators on Sequences [fn:doc]

Processing or document URI, usage of DTD or Schema for validation, handling of non-XML media types and construction of data model instances from non-XML resources and error handling for document processing.

fn:doc() function does not validate. DSP uses predefined external functions for access to external XML and non-XML data sources.

Implementation-Defined Values


BEA XQuery Language Implementation

This section describes the BEA XQuery language implementation, and contains the following topics:

XQuery Language Support (and Unsupported Features)

The Data Services Platform (Version: 2.0.1) conforms to the W3C Working Draft "XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language" dated 23 July 2004 (, with these exceptions:

Extensions to the XQuery Language in the DSP XQuery Engine

Beyond compliance with the specification, BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform's XQuery language implementation (the DSP XQuery engine) extends the XQuery language via the following:

Generalized FLWGOR (group by)

BEA offers a group by clause extension to standard FLWOR expressions. The following EBNF shows the syntax of the general FLWGDOR:

flwgdorExpression := (forClause | letClause) (forClause 
| letClause
| whereClause
| groupbyClause
| orderbyClause)* returnClause
groupbyClause := "group" [variable "as" variable] "by" (expression 
["as" variable]) ("," (expression ["as" variable]))*

The remaining clauses referenced in the EBNF fragment follow the standard definition, as presented in the XQuery specification.

As an example, consider the case of grouping books by year, without loosing books that do not have a year attribute. Using standard XQuery, you would need to perform a self-join with the result of the fn:distinct-values function, concatenating the result of the self-join with the result for books without a year attribute.

The following illustrates the XQuery expression to accomplish this:

let $books := document("bib.xml")/bib/book return (
for $year in fn:distinct-values($books/@year)
<year>{ $year }</year>
<titles>{ $books[@year eq $year]/title }</titles>
<titles>{ $books[fn:empty(@year)]/title }

Using the BEA group by extension, you could write the same query as follows:

for $book in document("bib.xml")/bib/book
group $book as $partition by $book/@year as $year
<year>{ $year }</year>
<titles>{ $partition/title }</titles>

Table 2-5 Bindings Before Group By Clause is Applied


<book year="1994" ISBN="147...">...</book>

<book year="1994" ISBN="198..."> ...</book>

<book year="2000" ISBN="123..."> ...</book>

Table 2-6 Bindings After Group By Clause is Applied




(<book year="1994" ISBN="147...">...</book>,
<book year="1994" ISBN="198..."> ...</book>)


<book year="2000" ISBN="123..."> ...</book>

The FLWGOR expression conceptually builds a sequence of binding tuples, where the size of the tuple is the number of variables in scope at that point in the FLWGOR. In the example, the tuple at the group by clause consists of a single variable binding $book which binds to each book in the bib.xml document, one book at a time (Table 1).

The group by creates a new sequence of binding tuples with each output tuple containing variables defined in the group by clause. After the group by, all variables there were previously in-scope go out of scope.

In the example, the output tuple from the group by clause is of size two with the variable bindings being for $year and $partition (Table 2).

The number of output tuples is equal to the number of unique group by value bindings. In the above example, this is the number of unique book/@year values: 2. The variable introduced in the group clause ($partition in the example above) binds to the sequence of all matching input values.

Optional Indicator in Direct Element and Attribute Constructors

This extension enables external consumers of XML generated by XQuery to have certain empty elements and attributes omitted. You can specify this using optional indicators, instead of employing computed constructors, conditional statements, and custom functions.

For example, consider the following query:

<a><b>{()}</b><c foo="{()}"/></a>,

The extension enables the following to be returned:


instead of:

<a><b/><c foo=""/></a>

The extension uses the optional indicator '?' with direct element and attribute constructors. This mean that in the following you could change the production DirElemConstructor to the following:

[94]    DirElemConstructor    ::=    "<" QName "?"? DirAttributeList
("/>" | (">" DirElemContent* "</" QName S? ">")) /* ws: explicit */

Likewise, you could change the DirAttributeList to the following:

[95]    DirAttributeList    ::=    (S (QName "?"? S? "=" S?

When ? is present, elements with no children and attributes with the value "" are omitted. The query in the example could then be written as:

<a><b?>{()}</b><c foo?="{()}"/></a>

which produces the following result:


In another example, consider the case of constructing a new customer element with different tags. One requirement is that you do not want a phone element in the resulting customer when the phone number does not exist in the original customer. Using standard XQuery, you would have to write:

for $cust in CUSTOMER()
<id>{ fn:data($cust/C_ID) }</id>
if (fn:exists($cust/PHONE))
then <phone>{ fn:data($cust/PHONE) }</phone>
else ()

Using the optional element constructor, you could instead write the following:

for $cust in CUSTOMER()
<id>{ fn:data($cust/C_ID) }</id>
<phone?>{ fn:data($cust/PHONE) }</phone>

Similarly, when you want the resulting customer element to use attributes instead of elements, you would need to employ computed attribute constructors using standard XQuery, as illustrated by the following:

for $cust in CUSTOMER()
id="{ fn:data($cust/C_ID) }"
if (fn:exists($cust/PHONE))
then attribute { "phone" } { fn:data($cust/PHONE) }
else ()

Using the optional attribute constructor, the query becomes:

for $cust in CUSTOMER()
id="{ fn:data($cust/C_ID) }"
phone?="{ fn:data($cust/PHONE) }"

Implementation-Defined Values for XQuery Language Processing

In addition, for some aspects of language processing, the W3C working draft document leaves the details to the implementor's discretion, but requires each implementor to specify and document the implementation details. All such "implementation defined1" language features of the XQuery language as implemented in BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform Version: 2.0.1 are listed in Table 2-7.

Table 2-7 Implementation-Defined Values



DSP XQuery Engine

2.1.2—Dynamic Context

Implicit timezone (value of type xdt:dayTimeDuration) that will be used when a date, time, or dateTime value that does not have a timezone is used in a comparison (or any other operation).

Timezone of the JVM of the underlying application server.

2.5.1—Kinds of Errors—Static Error

Mechanism for reporting static errors (errors that must be detected during the analysis phase, such as syntax errors).

Parser and compiler APIs throw Java exceptions

2.5.1—Kinds of Errors—Warnings

In addition to static, dynamic, and type errors, an XQuery implementation can (optionally) raise warnings during the analsyis or evaluation phases, in response to specific conditions.

Provides a WarningListener API, but has no special warnings defined for the core XQuery language implementation

2.6.3—Full Axis Feature

Set of optional axes when Full Axis Feature is not supported

None.—Must-Understand Extensions—XQuery Flagger

Mechanism by which the XQuery Flagger (which flags queries containing `must understand' extensions) is enabled, if at all—by default, it is disabled.

XQuery Flagger is not supported.—Static Typing Extensions—XQuery Static Flagger

Mechanism by which the XQuery Static Flagger is provided, if at all.

XQuery Static Flagger is not supported.


Choice of XML 1.0 or XML 1.1 for character references (the XML-style references for Unicode characters, such as &#0151; for an em-dash).

XML 1.0—Namespace Declaration Attributes

Support for XML Names 1.1


3.8.3—Order By and Return Clauses

Ordering specification (orderspec) can be implemented as empty least or empty greatest (for evaluating greater-than relationship between two orderspec values in an order by clause of an XQuery).

Empty least.

4.10—Module Import

String literals following the at keyword are optional location hints in module import statements that can be interpreted (or disregarded) by the implementor.

Not applicable—Since the DSP XQuery engine does not support modules, there is no implementation.

4.13—Function Declaration

Protocol by which parameters are passed to an external function and the result of the function is returned to the invoking query.

Set of Java APIs provided.

A.2—Lexical structure

Lexical rules can follow XML 1.0 and XML Names, or XML 1.1 and XML Names 1.1.

XML 1.0 and XML Names


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