Client Application Developer's Guide

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Enabling AquaLogic Data Services Applications for Web Service Clients

Web services provide an industry-standard way to develop SOA (service-oriented architecture) applications. Such services can be thought of as loosely coupled, distributed units of programming logic that can be re-configured easily to deliver new application functionality, both intra- and extra-enterprise.

Using Web services and BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform allow your applications to better leverage enterprise data assets.

This chapter explains you how to expose data services as standard Web services, and how to create client applications that can obtain the benefits of both Web services and SDOs. It covers these topics:

For more information about Web services, see:


Overview of Web Services and AquaLogic Data Services Platform

Exposing data services as Web services makes your information assets accessible to a wide variety of client types, including other Java Web service clients, Microsoft ADO.NET and other non-Java applications, and other Web services. Figure 4-1 illustrates the various approaches that client application developers can take to integrating data services and Web services.

Figure 4-1 Web Services Enable Access to AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Applications from a Variety of Clients

Web Services Enable Access to AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Applications from a Variety of Clients

Note: For information about ADO.NET-enabled Web services and client applications, see Supporting ADO.NET Clients..

Different Styles of Web Services Integration for AquaLogic Data Services Platform

Data services can be integrated with Web services in one of two general ways:

Figure 4-2 shows the end-to-end process — both the server-side and client-side tasks — that expose a AquaLogic Data Services Platform-enabled application as a Web service and implement a client application that invokes operations on that service.

Figure 4-2 Data Service Java Clients Supported Through Web Services

Data Service Java Clients Supported Through Web Services


Server-Side AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Web Service Development

AquaLogic Data Services Platform-enabled Web service development depends on whether you are working with read-only Web services or Web services which support read-write functionality.

Developing AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Read-Only Web Services

There are two ways to create Web services from data services. By:

Both approaches rely on Data Service controls as the component-based integration mechanism.

Adding a Data Service Control to a Web Service

You can easily add one or more Data Service controls to a Web service using WebLogic Workshop. Firstcreate a folder for the controls inside the Web service's project folder, and then create the Data Service controls.

You can also create controls during the process of adding them to the Web service but, for simplicity's sake, the instructions in this section assume that you have created the Data Service controls in advance. (See Creating Data Service Controls for more information on creating Data Service controls.)

Here are the steps involved:

  1. In WebLogic Workshop, open an existing Web service file (JWS) by double-clicking on its name in the Application pane.
  2. Click the Design View tab on the Web service to open the graphical representation of the Web service (as shown in Figure 4-3).
  3. Figure 4-3 Adding a Data Service Control to a Web Service

    Adding a Data Service Control to a Web Service

  4. Right-click and select Add Control Æ Data Service from the popup menu. The Insert Control - Data Service wizard launches (Figure 4-4).
  5. In the STEP 1 field of the dialog, enter a variable name for the Data Service control which is unique in the context of the Web service.
  6. Figure 4-4 Insert Control - Data Services Wizard

    Insert Control - Data Services Wizard

  7. In the STEP 2 field, click Browse... to navigate to the controls folder, then select the Data Service control you want to add to the Web service. (Alternatively, click Create a New Data Service Control button to launch the Data Service control wizard to create and configure a new control.)
  8. Leave the checkbox labeled Make This a Control Factory unselected. (This checkbox would cause the Data Service control to be instantiated at runtime using the factory pattern, rather than as a singleton. To use the control in a Web service, it must be a singleton.)

  9. STEP 3 is active only if your Data Service control is associated with a remote AquaLogic Data Services Platform instance; that is, a AquaLogic Data Services Platform instance running on a separate domain from WebLogic Workshop. The dialog provides for entry of a user name, password, server URL, and domain information associated with the remote Data Service control. This information is needed to complete the link between the Web service and the control.
  10. Click the Create button on the Insert Control - Data Service dialog. The LiquidDataControl.jar file is copied into the Libraries directory of the application. The variable you created in STEP 1 of the dialog displays as a node in the Data Palette, with its functions and procedures listed under the node.
  11. It is these functions and procedures that you can now expose to client applications, by adding them to the Web service's callable interface (shown as the left-hand portion of the Web service's Design View in WebLogic Workshop — see Figure 4-5), as described in the next step.

    Figure 4-5 Adding Data Service Control Functions to a Web Service

    Adding Data Service Control Functions to a Web Service

  12. Select the variable's function or procedure listed in the Data Palette by clicking on the node, and then dragging the function onto the left side of the Web service in Design View.

You can test your Web service as described in Testing a Web Service in WebLogic Workshop. After testing, you can deploy your Web service to a production WebLogic server and use it as you would any other Web service. For information about developing Java-based Web service clients, see Client-Side AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Web Service Development.

Generating a Web Service from a Data Service Control

Another way to create a AquaLogic Data Services Platform-enabled Web service is by generating stateless Web services from Data Service controls. The generated Web services automatically include operations (method calls) for each of the functions and procedures that the Data Service control comprises.

Follow the instructions in this section to generate and test a stateless Web service. (These instructions assume that you have already created the Data Service control and that WebLogic Workshop is open.)

Figure 4-6 Stateless Web Services Are Generated from Data Service Controls

Stateless Web Services Are Generated from Data Service Controls

Here are the steps involved:

  1. From WebLogic Workshop's Application pane, select the Data Service control that you want to use as the basis for your Web service by clicking on its name. While the control is selected, right-mouse-click to display the pop-up menu; select Generate Test JWS File (Stateless) from the menu. WebLogic Workshop generates the JWS Java Web service file for your Data Service control.
  2. Note: Although WebLogic Workshop by default generates Web services that have the word "Test" embedded in the file names, these are deployable Web services. You can rename the generated Web service to eliminate the word "Test".
  3. Click on your Web service project to select it, then right-click, and select Build Project. WebLogic Workshop builds a Web service project.
  4. When the build process completes, double-click on the JWS file. If necessary, click the Design View tab to display the generated Web service in the Design View.
  5. You will see methods (operations) for each of the functions and procedures contained in the Data Service control.

Developing AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Read-Write Web Services

If your Web service must support submits from Java Web service clients, you first need to modify the JWS file before generating the WSDL, as follows:

  1. Modify submit operations in your Java Web service (JWS) implementation control file to accept a DatagraphDocument object as a parameter.
  2. For instance, if the original signature of the submit() method of the generated JWS looks appears as:

    java.util.Properties[] submitCustomerProfile(CustomerProfileDocument doc);

    It should be modified to the following:

    java.util.Properties[] submitCustomerProfile(DatagraphDocument rootDataObject)
  3. Modify the body of the submit operation to instantiate and initialize the document from a DatagraphDocument object being passed as a parameter; for example:
  4. CustomerProfileDocument doc = (CustomerProfileDocument) new    DataGraphImpl(rootDataObject).getRootObject();
    return customerData.submitCustomerProfile(doc); //customerData is the AquaLogic Data Services Platform control
  5. Generate a Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) file from the JWS file by right-clicking on the file name and selecting the Generate WSDL file option.

After you have created the WSDL file, provide it to your client application developers, so they can generate the Web services client interfaces and proxy code necessary (as discussed in Client-Side AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Web Service Development).

Testing a Web Service in WebLogic Workshop

By default, WebLogic Workshop creates two operations in its generated Web services that can be used for testing purposes.

  1. Click the Start icon (or select Debug Arrow symbol Start from the WebLogic Workshop menu) to deploy and run the Web service using the local runtime. An informational message briefly appears, notifying you that the Web service is running. Shortly, the WebLogic Workshop Test Browser launches, displaying the Test Form.
  2. Click the Test button to run the Web service and obtain your result.

Continue developing the functionality of the Web service as required, testing as you go along. Once the Web service is complete, you can create the artifacts necessary for client application development, as described in the next section, Client-Side AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Web Service Development.

Note: For more information about Web service client applications and WebLogic server in general, see Invoking Web Services in Programming WebLogic Web Services in WebLogic server documentation.


Client-Side AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Web Service Development

Your client application uses either a static or a dynamic approach to Web services. Both approaches are discussed in this section. The following topics provide brief summaries of the appropriate client requirements.

Static Web Service Clients

A static Web service client requires:

AquaLogic Data Services Platform includes the necessary utilities (Java classes and Ant tasks) to generate the following classes for a static Web service client:

A typical static Web service client can use the following to retrieve a customer's record:

CUSTOMERDocument doc = wssoap.getCustomer("987654");
Note: The wssoap class is an instance of the generated Web service client proxy class; the doc object is an instance of the generated Static SDO class named CUSTOMERDocument.

Dynamic Web Service Clients

A dynamic Web service client requires:

Note: Neither the generated SDO classes, nor the Web service client proxy classes are needed for the Dynamic Web service client.

A typical dynamic Web service client can retrieve a customer's record with the following:

XmlObject param = XmlObject.Factory.parse( "<msg:getCustomer xmlns:msg=''><CustomerID>987654</CustomerID></msg:getCustomer>");
DataObject doc = (DataObject)call.invoke(new Object[]{param});
Note: The call class is an instance of the call interface of the JAX-RPC API. The doc object is an instance of the DataObject interface of the Dynamic SDO API.

Developing Static Web Service Clients

The following general steps are involved in developing a static Web service client for AquaLogic Data Services Platform:

As a prequisite to creating the AquaLogic Data Services Platform proxy, you first generate the necessary SDO classes.

Generating SDO Classes for the Web Service Proxy

You can generate SDO classes for your Web service client using an Ant task (sdogen) or through a Java class. Each method is described in this section.

Generating SDO Classes Using Ant

The sdogen Ant task creates an SDO client JAR file that contains the typed classes needed for working with SDOs. The task either can use:

to extracted the needed typed classes.

Environmental Settings

In order to successfully run the sdogen task, make sure your classpath includes:


To create a JAR comprising the necessary client (SDO) classes, add the sdogen tas-kdef to your build script. For example:

<taskdef name="sdogen" classname="com.bea.sdo.impl.SDOGenTask" classpath="path/to/wlsdo.jar:path/to/xbean.jar"/> 

where path/to is replaced with the physical location of your JAR files.

This task implicitly defines an Ant FileSet, and supports all FileSet attributes (for example, dir becomes basedir) as well as the nested attributes and elements. Table 4-7 summarizes the attributes used by the sdogen Ant task.

Table 4-7 Attributes Available for the sdogen Ant Task
Default Value
A file that points to either an individual schema file or a directory of files.

Note: This is not a path reference. If multiple schema files need to be built together, use a nested fileset instead of setting a schema.

Creates a non-default name for the JAR file. For instance, myXMLBean.jar will output the results of this task into a JAR named myXMLBean.
Directory in which to generate .class files.
Current directory
Specify the classpath if Java files are in the schema fileset, or if the fileset imports include compiled XMLBeans JAR files. Also supports a nested classpath.
Adds a classpath, given as reference to a path defined elsewhere.
Indicates whether source should be compiled with debug information.
If set to False (off), -g:none will be passed on the command line for compilers that support it.
If set to True, the value of the debuglevel attribute determines the command line argument.
False (off)
Flag that indicates whether the JDK compiler (javac) should be executed externally.
The initial size of the memory for the underlying VM, if javac is run externally; ignored otherwise. Defaults to the standard VM memory setting.
Configured VM memory setting for the machine.
For example: 83886080, 81920k, or 80m.
The maximum size of the memory for the underlying VM, if javac is run externally; ignored otherwise. Defaults to the standard VM memory setting.
Configured VM memory setting for the machine. For example: 83886080, 81920k, or 80m.
Controls the amount of build message output.

Building a JAR File

To build a WSDL or XML schema definition (XSD) files in the schemas directory and create a JAR named Schemas.jar, your Ant script would need to include the following:

<sdogen schema="MyTestWS.WSDL" destfile="Schemas.jar" classpath="path/to/wlsdo.jar:path/to/xbean.jar"/> 

where path/to represents the physical location of your JAR files.

Generating SDO Classes Using Java

You can use the SDOGen Java class at the command-line to generate SDO client classes from XML schema definition (XSD) files or WSDL files based on data services.

SDOGen is a Java class that extends the XMLBean schema compiler class. See Table 4-8 for command-line options for the SDOGen utility.

Table 4-8 Command-line Options for the Java SDO Class Generation Utility
Default Value
-cp [a;b;c]
-d [dir]
Target directory for binary .class and .xsb files.
-src [dir]
Target directory for generated Java source files.
Flag to prevent compiling Java source files and archiving into JAR file.
-out [result.jar]
Name of the output JAR file.
Enables network downloads for imports and includes.
Off (not enabled).
Do not enforce the unique particle attribution rule.
Do not enforce the particle valid (restriction) rule.
Path to external Java compiler.
Path to JAR (Java Archive) utility.
Initial memory for external Java compiler.
8 Megabyte
Maximum memory for external Java compiler.
256 Megabyte
Compile with debug symbols.
Print minimal informational messages to Java console.
Print maximum amount of informational messages to Java console.
Prints license information.
-allowmdef "[ns] [ns] [ns]"
Ignores multiple defs in given namespaces.

Environmental Settings

To execute the utility, make sure your classpath includes:


To create a JAR comprising the client classes, execute SDOGen at the command prompt as follows:

java com.bea.sdo.impl.SDOGen [options] XMLSchema

The XMLSchema can be:

SDOGen Usage Examples

The following are examples of using SDOGen with various options (Table 4-8) to obtain different results:

Generating the SDO Web Service Client Proxy

You can generate an SDO Web client proxy using an Ant task (sdoclientgen) or invoke a Java class (WSClientGen) to perform the same task. Each approach is described in this section.

Using Ant to Generate Your Client Proxy

The sdoclientgen Ant task generates an SDO-enabled Web services client JAR file that your client applications can use to consume JWS files generated from a Data Service control.

Typically, you can generate a client JAR file from an existing WSDL file of the JWS.

The generated client JAR file includes:

Although you could use the sdoclientgen task to generate a client JAR file from the WSDL file of any existing Web service (not necessarily running on WebLogic server), the task typically is used to generate the JAR file from an existing WSDL file of an SDO-enabled JWS.

Here is an example:

<taskdef name="sdoclientgen" classname="com.bea.sdo.impl.WSClientGenTask" classpath="path/to/SDOclasses:path/to/wlsdo.jar:path/to/xbean.jar:path/to/wlxbean.jar:path/to/xqrl.jar:path/to/webservices.jar"/> 

where path/to is replaced with the physical location of your JAR files.

Note: See also Sample Script for Creating a Static Web Service Client.

The WebLogic server distribution includes a client runtime JAR file (webserviceclient.jar) that contains the client-side classes needed to support the WebLogic Web services runtime component.

Ant Script Attributes

Table 4-9 describes sdoclientgen attributes.

Table 4-9 sdoclientgen Ant Task Attributes
Package name for the generated JAX-RPC client interfaces and stub files.
Full path name or URL of the WSDL that describes a Web service (either WebLogic or non-WebLogic) for which a client JAR file should be generated. The generated stub factory classes in the client JAR file use the value of this attribute in the default constructor.
Name of a JAR file or exploded directory into which the clientgen task puts the generated client interface classes, stub classes, optional serialization class, and so on. To create or update a JAR file, specfy the fullname, including the JAR extension (myclient.jar); otherwise, the clientgen task interprets the name as a directory. If the specified JAR or directory does not exist, the clientgen task creates a new JAR file or directory.
Must include the path to the SDO classes generated from the XSD or WSDL by the SDOGen Ant task.
Adds a classpath, given as reference to a path defined elsewhere.

Sample Script for Creating Static Web Service Client

The following Ant script provides a working sample illustrating the creation of a static Web service client. It generates all SDO and Web service client classes into a single JAR file, demonstrating the following:

Environmental Settings

In order to execute the sdoclientgen task, your classpath must include the following JAR files in the following order:

  1. wlsdo.jar
  2. webservices.jar
  3. xbean.jar
  4. wlxbean.jar
  5. xqrl.jar
  6. the generated SDO JAR file (for example: xmltype.jar)
The wlsdo.jar file can be found at:
The other non-generated JAR files can be found at:

Define your Ant task for SDOClientGen as shown in this example:

<taskdef name="sdoclientgen" classname="com.bea.sdo.impl.WSClientGenTask" classpath="path/to/SDOclasses:path/to/wlsdo.jar:path/to/xbean.jar:path/to/wlxbean.jar:path/to/xqrl.jar:path/to/webservices.jar"/> 
Usage Examples
<sdoclientgen wsdl="" packageName="sdoclient" clientJar="myapps/mySDO_WSclient.jar" classpathref="all the JAR files listed in the task"/> 

Using Java to Generate the Client Proxy

The Web Services Client Generation utility is a Java class (WSClientGen) that you can use to generate Web services client interfaces and stub classes from a WSDL that uses typed SDO classes for argument and return types.

The utility should be used to generate Web service clients that allow a client to consume a Web service (that is, a JWS file) from a Data Service control that invokes a AquaLogic Data Services Platform query or submit.

Here are the steps involved:

  1. If you want to obtain the WSDL by using the Web service's URL make sure the Web service is running.
  2. Use the sdogen ant task to generate the JAR file (of typed SDO classes) from the AquaLogic Data Services Platform-enabled Web service's WSDL. (For details on sdogen see Generating SDO Classes for the Web Service Proxy.)
  3. Execute the Java utility as follows:
  4. java com.bea.sdo.impl.WSClientGen [options] wsdl

    The WSDL can be the URL of the WSDL (available over the network), or the actual, physical WSDL file located on your machine. Command-line options that you can pass to the utility are shown in Table 4-10.

    Table 4-10 WSClientGen Utility Options
    Print version information to the Java console.
    Print the maximum amount of informational messages to the Java console.
    Specify the name for the generated JAR file.
    Package name of the generated JAX-RPC client interfaces and stub.
    Boolean that specifies if existing files should be overwritten by newly generated code.

Usage Examples

Here are some examples of using the utility:

Using the SDO Web Service Client Gen Utility

The SDO Web Service Client Gen utility is an Ant build script that you can invoked from a command line to build SDO objects for the client. The script (including its pathname) is:


The WSDL file you created in the procedure described in Developing AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Read-Write Web Services is passed to the utility as a parameter, and the SDO objects generated by sdo_wsclientgen.xml are based on that file.

The configuration parameters for the Ant build script sdo_wsclientgen.xml are:

Before using the Ant script to build SDO classes, make sure you set your environment by calling the setWLSEnv.cmd in the command prompt window. This command file is located in the directory:


You must include the following packages in your client's CLASSPATH to work with SDO objects:

The specific steps you need to perform with the Ant utility in order to build SDO classes are:

  1. Clear the CLASSPATH variable
  2. set CLASSPATH=
  3. Set the WebLogic environment. For example:
  4. \bea\weblogic81\server\bin\setWLSEnv.cmd
  5. Set the domain environment. For example:
  6. \bea\weblogic81\samples\domains\ldplatform\setDomainEnv.cmd
    Note: This will change your current path; navigate back to the path for your application.
  7. Create the sdotemp directory and add it to the classpath:
  8. mkdir sdotemp
    set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;sdotemp
  9. Call Ant from the command line:
  10. ant -buildfile <bea_home>\weblogic81\liquiddata\bin\sdo_wsclientgen.xml -Dwsdl path/to/nameOfWSDL.wsdl 

    where sdo_wsclientgen.xml is a build file packaged with your weblogic installation and path/to represents the physical location of your wsdl file. For example:

    ant -buildfile D:\bea\weblogic81\samples\liquiddata\bin\sdo_wsclientgen.xml -Dwsdl D:\bea\weblogic81\samples\liquiddata\RTLApp\StaticWebService\controls\CustomerProfileJWSContract.wsdl

After using the Ant utility (that is by issuing the command, ant sdo_wsclientget.xml), a JAR file is created; among other generated artifacts, the JAR file contains the typed SDO classes. You can distribute the JAR files to all clients that will consume operations from this Web service.

After running the Ant utility, you can call the modified submit operation that you created in step 2 of the procedure described in Developing AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Read-Write Web Services. For example, your client code would be as follows, based on the submitCustomerProfile method shown in step 2, above:

Listing 4-2 Example of Invoking the Submit Method
CustomerDataTestSoap wssoap = new CustomerDataTest_Impl().getCustomerDataTestSoap();
CustomerProfileDocument doc = wssoap.getCustomerProfile(customer_id);
DataGraphImpl dg = (DataGraphImpl) doc.getDataGraph();

Developing Static Web Service Clients

How To Set Up a Web Service Client Environment for AquaLogic Data Services Platform

The following instructions enable you to set up your Web service client environment for AquaLogic Data Services Platform.

After generating the SDO Web service client classes in a JAR file (SDOClient.jar), set up the classpath for the Web service client using the following JAR files in the following order:

Steps Involved in Developing Your Web Service Client

If you are not already familiar with the concept of using a Web service client proxy or JAX-RPC API to invoke Web services, see Developing AquaLogic Data Services Platform-Enabled Read-Write Web Services.

Then, in developing your Web service client, follow these steps:

  1. Invoke the Web service method (e.g. getCustomer) to get the strongly typed root SDO data object (e.g. CUSTOMERDocument). At this point, a SDO datagraph has already been created and attached to the root data object (i.e. CUSTOMERDocument). Change tracking is also turned on by default.
  2. Use the Static SDO API to read the data (e.g. getCustomerName). Alternative you can use the static API to modify the data (e.g. setCustomerName("J D")).
  3. Alternatively, you can also use the dynamic SDO API to read or modify the data.

    See Data Programming Model and Update Framework for details on handling insertions and deletions using the static and dynamic SDO APIs.

  4. Invoke the Web service proxy method to submit the changed SDO datagraph to your server to update your data sources. Here is an example of such an invocation:
  5. wssoap.submitCustomer(((DataGraphImpl)doc.getDataGraph()).getSerializedDocument());

Sample Java Static Web Service Client

The following code shows a sample Java static Web services client for AquaLogic Data Services Platform:

public class test_read_write_static {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try {
CustomerProfileJWS ws = new CustomerProfileJWS_Impl();
CustomerProfileJWSSoap wssoap = ws.getCustomerProfileJWSSoap();
CUSTOMERPROFILEDocument cpdoc = wssoap.getCustomerByCustID("CUSTOMER1");
wssoap.submitCustomer(((com.bea.sdo.impl.DataGraphImpl)cpdoc.getDataGraph()).getSerializedDocument() );
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {

Developing Dynamic Web Service Clients

Developing your dynamic Web services involves the following:

Setting Up a Dynamic Web Service Environment

Set up the classpath for your Web service client using the following JAR files in the following order:

Note: The order of files shown above must be maintained.

Developing the Dynamic Web Service Client

There are three aspects to developing a dynamic Web service client. First the client must be created using standard development procedures. Then there are several AquaLogic Data Services Platform specific steps.

Initiating Dynamic Web Service Client Development

Follow the JAX-RPC instructions in JAX-RPC documentation ( to create the framework for a dynamic Web services client. Essentially this work involves:

Steps Specific to AquaLogic Data Services Platform

To enable the dynamic Web service for AquaLogic Data Services Platform you then need to:

  1. Create a DataGraphCodec instance using the URL to WSDL.
  2. Create a TypeMappingRegistry.
  3. Create a TypeMapping and register the DataGraphCodec instance to be used to serialize/de-serialize the SOAPElement for both the request and response message.
Completing Dynamic Web Service Client Development

Finally complete development by:

  1. Creating an instance of the JAX-RPC call interface for your read method (such as getCustomer( ) ).
  2. Invoke your Web service.
  3. Read or modify the response data using the SDO Dynamic Data API.
  4. Create a call instance for the submit( ) method (such as submitArrayOfCustomer( ) ).
  5. Wrap the serialized SDO datagraph with the SOAP message for the submit( ) method.
  6. Invoke the submit( ) method to update your data sources.

Sample Java Dynamic Web Service Client

The following code (with comments emphasized) shows a complete Java dynamic Web services client for AquaLogic Data Services Platform, including import statements.

Listing 4-3 Sample Java Dynamic Web Service Client
import com.bea.sdo.impl.DataGraphCodec;
import com.bea.xml.XmlObject;
import commonj.sdo.DataObject;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.rpc.Call;
import javax.xml.rpc.Service;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory;
import javax.xml.rpc.encoding.TypeMapping;
import javax.xml.rpc.encoding.TypeMappingRegistry;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement;

public class TestCodecArray
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

System.setProperty("javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory", "weblogic.webservice.core.soap.MessageFactoryImpl");

// Setup the global JAX-RPC service factory
System.setProperty( "javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory", "weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.ServiceFactoryImpl");

// create service factory
ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();

// define qnames
String targetNamespace = "";

QName serviceName = new QName(targetNamespace, "org3Test");

QName portName = new QName(targetNamespace, "org3TestSoap");

URL wsdlLocation = new URL("http://localhost:7001/ElecWS/controls/org3Test.jws?WSDL");

// create service
Service service = factory.createService(wsdlLocation, serviceName);

// create Codec
DataGraphCodec dgCodec = new DataGraphCodec(wsdlLocation);

TypeMappingRegistry registry = service.getTypeMappingRegistry();

TypeMapping mapping = registry.getTypeMapping( SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_ENCODING );

mapping.register( SOAPElement.class,
new QName(targetNamespace, "getCustomer"),
dgCodec );
mapping.register( SOAPElement.class,
new QName( targetNamespace, "getCustomerResponse" ),
dgCodec );
mapping.register( SOAPElement.class,
new QName( targetNamespace, "submitArrayOfCustomer" ),
dgCodec );
mapping.register( SOAPElement.class,
new QName( targetNamespace, "submitArrayOfCustomerResponse" ),
dgCodec );

// create call for read
Call call = service.createCall(portName, new QName(targetNamespace, "getCustomer"));

XmlObject reqdoc = XmlObject.Factory.parse( "<getCustomer xmlns=''/>");

DataObject[] customerdocs = (DataObject[]) call.invoke(new Object[]{reqdoc});

// user can modify the DataObject here
DataObject customer = customerdocs[0].getDataObject(0);
customer.setString("EmailAddress", "");

String dgstring = customer.getDataGraph().toString();

// create call for submit
call = service.createCall(portName, new QName(targetNamespace, "submitArrayOfCustomer"));

XmlObject submitdoc = XmlObject.Factory.parse(   "<sub:submitArrayOfCustomer   xmlns:sub=''><sub:docs>" +      dgstring + "</sub:docs></sub:submitArrayOfCustomer>");

     Object obj = call.invoke(new Object[]{submitdoc});



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