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This page last changed on Mar 11, 2008.

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How To Map Functions and Procedures to SQL Objects

This topic describes how to create SQL objects (tables, stored procedures, and database functions) from dataspace project operations including conforming physical and logical functions and procedures. Once created, the objects will be available to client applications through JDBC.

Creating an SQL Map

To create an SQL map:

  1. In Studio, right-click a dataspace project folder in the Project Explorer and choose Add SQL Map. Data Service Studio creates an SQL Map with a default catalog and schema.

    You can define only a single SQL Map for a dataspace. You can, however, add multiple catalogs and schemas to an SQL Map.
    You can rename the default catalog and schema by expanding the SQL Map in the Project Explorer, right-clicking the catalog or schema, choosing Rename. and entering the new name.
  2. Select the schema to which you want to map the data service functions and procedures. Studio displays folder tabs for Tables, Stored Procedures, and Functions.
  3. Drag-and-drop the data service functions and procedures from the Project Explorer to the corresponding folder tab in the SQL Map.

    If you drag-and-drop an entire data service to a folder tab in the SQL Map, Studio attempts to map all functions contained in the data service to the corresponding SQL object type (Table, Stored Procedure, or Function).
    If you attempt to map a dataspace object which does not meet SQL map criteria, a dialog will appear, explaining the problem.

    You can map the same data service function or procedure to multiple schemas. You can also map a function or procedure to multiple SQL object types, however, Studio displays an alert dialog (see Map Data Service Functions for SQL Use Alert Dialog) in case of a naming conflict and suggests a new SQL name. You can edit this new name, as required.

Populated SQL Map 

Removing an SQL Map

To remove an SQL map:

  • Right-click the dataspace project folder and choose Remove SQL Map.

See Also

Document generated by Confluence on Apr 28, 2008 15:57