Interface Metadata

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface Metadata

Metadata interface. Provides programmatic access to the contents of DSP metadata artifacts, namely DS, XSD, WS and WS policy files. Access is read-only.

Method Summary
 java.util.Collection findFunctionCollectionRefs(java.lang.String scope, SearchCriteria criteria)
 java.lang.String generateReport(ReportSpec spec)
 java.util.Collection getDependencyRefs(NodeRef reference)
          This call supports deferred resolution of metadata artifact dependencies.
 java.util.Collection getDependencyRefs(NodeRef reference, ImpactAnalysisOptions options)
          This call supports deferred resolution of metadata artifact dependencies.
 java.util.Collection getDependentRefs(NodeRef reference)
          This call supports deferred resolution of metadata artifact dependents.
 java.util.Collection getDependentRefs(NodeRef reference, ImpactAnalysisOptions options)
          This call supports deferred resolution of metadata artifact dependents.
 Function getFunction(FunctionRef reference)
          This is a convenience singleton method, provided in addition to the collection method for the case when the collection parameter is a singleton.
 FunctionCollection getFunctionCollection(FunctionCollectionRef reference)
          This is a convenience singleton method, provided in addition to the collection method for the case when the collection parameter is a singleton.
 java.util.Collection getFunctionCollections(java.util.Collection references)
 java.util.Collection getFunctions(java.util.Collection references)
 RepositoryNode getRepositoryRoot()
          The root of the repository tree.
 Schema getSchema(SchemaRef reference)
          This is a convenience singleton method, provided in addition to the collection method for the case when the collection parameter is a singleton.
 java.util.Collection getSchemas(java.util.Collection references)
 WebService getWebService(WebServiceRef reference)
          This is a convenience singleton method, provided in addition to the collection method for the case when the collection parameter is a singleton.
 java.util.Collection getWebServicePolicies(java.util.Collection references)
 WebServicePolicy getWebServicePolicy(WebServicePolicyRef reference)
          This is a convenience singleton method, provided in addition to the collection method for the case when the collection parameter is a singleton.
 java.util.Collection getWebServices(java.util.Collection references)

Method Detail


RepositoryNode getRepositoryRoot()
The root of the repository tree. Clients may use this call to obtain access to the hierarchical, navigable view of the metadata artifacts, reflecting the repository stucture.

The repository root.


java.util.Collection findFunctionCollectionRefs(java.lang.String scope,
                                                SearchCriteria criteria)
scope - The prefix that all the LD locators in the result should match. It can be used to limit the scope under particular subfolders (e.g. by setting the scope to "ld:d1/"). It may be null.
criteria - Used to specify name-based and/or content-based filters that should be used during the search. It may be null.
A collection of references to function collections that match the specified scope and criteria. Any function collections whose loading resulted in errors are ignored.


java.lang.String generateReport(ReportSpec spec)
spec - A user-defined specification determining the contents of the metadata report.
A metadata report for the given specification as HTML.


java.util.Collection getDependencyRefs(NodeRef reference)
                                       throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
This call supports deferred resolution of metadata artifact dependencies.

Depending on the kind of metadata artifact specified by reference, the results of this call are as follows:

reference - The reference to a metadata artifact. May not be null.
A collection of references indicating the dependencies of the artifact correspoding to the specified reference. May be empty but not null.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of the specified node failed.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If reference is null.
See Also:
com.bea.ld.metadata.EntityNode#getDependencyRefs() EntityNode}


java.util.Collection getDependencyRefs(NodeRef reference,
                                       ImpactAnalysisOptions options)
                                       throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
This call supports deferred resolution of metadata artifact dependencies.

Depending on the kind of metadata artifact specified by reference, the results of this call are as follows:

reference - The reference to a metadata artifact. May not be null.
options - A set of flags providing settings used by dependency analysis. May not be null.
A collection of references indicating the dependencies of the artifact correspoding to the specified reference. May be empty but not null.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of the specified node failed.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If reference or options is null.
See Also:
com.bea.ld.metadata.EntityNode#getDependencyRefs() EntityNode}, com.bea.ld.metadata.ImpactAnalysisOptions ImpactAnalysisOptions}


java.util.Collection getDependentRefs(NodeRef reference)
                                      throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
This call supports deferred resolution of metadata artifact dependents.

Depending on the kind of metadata artifact specified by reference, the results of this call are as follows:

reference - The reference to a metadata artifact. May not be null.
A collection of references indicating the dependents of the node correspoding to the specified reference. May be empty but not null.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of the specified node failed.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If reference is null.
See Also:
com.bea.ld.metadata.EntityNode.getDependentRefs() EntityNode}


java.util.Collection getDependentRefs(NodeRef reference,
                                      ImpactAnalysisOptions options)
                                      throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
This call supports deferred resolution of metadata artifact dependents.

Depending on the kind of metadata artifact specified by reference, the results of this call are as follows:

reference - The reference to a metadata artifact. May not be null.
options - A set of flags providing settings used by dependent analysis.
A collection of references indicating the dependents of the node correspoding to the specified reference. May be empty but not null.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of the specified node failed.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If reference or options is null.
See Also:
com.bea.ld.metadata.EntityNode.getDependentRefs() EntityNode}, com.bea.ld.metadata.ImpactAnalysisOptions ImpactAnalysisOptions}


java.util.Collection getFunctionCollections(java.util.Collection references)
                                            throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
references - A collection of function collection references. If null this method returns an empty collection.
A collection of function collection nodes corresponding to the specified references. The resulting nodes are returned in the order of the specified references.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of at least one of the specified nodes failed, or if one of the specified references is not a function collection reference.


java.util.Collection getSchemas(java.util.Collection references)
                                throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
references - A collection of schema references. If null this method returns an empty collection.
A collection of schema nodes corresponding to the specified references. The resulting nodes are returned in the order of the specified references.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of at least one of the specified nodes failed, or if one of the specified references is not a schema reference.


java.util.Collection getWebServices(java.util.Collection references)
                                    throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
references - A collection of webservice references. If null this method returns an empty collection.
A collection of webservice nodes corresponding to the specified references. The resulting nodes are returned in the order of the specified references.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of at least one of the specified nodes failed, or if one of the specified references is not a webservice reference.


java.util.Collection getWebServicePolicies(java.util.Collection references)
                                           throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
references - A collection of webservice policy references. If null this method returns an empty collection.
A collection of webservice policy nodes corresponding to the specified references. The resulting nodes are returned in the order of the specified references.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of at least one of the specified nodes failed, or if one of the specified references is not a webservice policy reference.


java.util.Collection getFunctions(java.util.Collection references)
                                  throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
references - A collection of function references. If null this method returns an empty collection.
A collection of function nodes corresponding to the specified references. The resulting nodes are returned in the order of the specified references.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of at least one of the specified nodes failed, or if one of the specified references is not a function reference.


FunctionCollection getFunctionCollection(FunctionCollectionRef reference)
                                         throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
This is a convenience singleton method, provided in addition to the collection method for the case when the collection parameter is a singleton.

reference - A function collection reference.
A function collection node corresponding to the specified reference. null if reference is null.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of the specified node failed, or if the specified reference is not a function collection reference.


Schema getSchema(SchemaRef reference)
                 throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
This is a convenience singleton method, provided in addition to the collection method for the case when the collection parameter is a singleton.

reference - A schema reference.
A schema node corresponding to the specified reference. null if reference is null.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of the specified node failed, or if the specified reference is not a schema reference.


Function getFunction(FunctionRef reference)
                     throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
This is a convenience singleton method, provided in addition to the collection method for the case when the collection parameter is a singleton.

reference - A function reference.
A function node corresponding to the specified reference. null if reference is null.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of the specified node failed, or if the specified reference is not a function reference.


WebService getWebService(WebServiceRef reference)
                         throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
This is a convenience singleton method, provided in addition to the collection method for the case when the collection parameter is a singleton.

reference - A webservice reference.
A webservice node corresponding to the specified reference. null if reference is null.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of the specified node failed, or if the specified reference is not a webservice reference.


WebServicePolicy getWebServicePolicy(WebServicePolicyRef reference)
                                     throws com.bea.ld.MetadataException
This is a convenience singleton method, provided in addition to the collection method for the case when the collection parameter is a singleton.

reference - A webservice policy reference.
A webservice policy node corresponding to the specified reference. null if reference is null.
com.bea.ld.MetadataException - If the introspection of the specified node failed, or if the specified reference is not a webservice policy reference.

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