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Integrating ALES with Application Environments

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Integrating ALES with Applications

This chapter provides information about ALES built-in support for integration with specific environments.



ALES provides a number built-in solutions for integration with the following environments:


Security Service Modules

Before a SSM can be integrated with a server, a SSM configuration that specifies the security providers must be created and the configuration must be bound to the SCM running on the same machine.

As shown in Figure 4-1, installation of ALES creates a default SCM configuration named adminconfig that contains a SSM configuration and security providers used by the Administration Server itself.

If the SSM instance will be located on the same machine, you can use the SCM and create a SSM configuration under it. If on a separate machine, you must create a new SCM. For step-by-step instructions on managing SCM and SSM configurations, see the Management Console help system.

Figure 4-1 Default SCM

Default SCM


To create a SSM configuration:

  1. Open the Security Configuration folder.
  2. Select Unbound Configurations in the navigation tree and click on Create a new Security Service Module Configuration in the right page.
  3. On the General tab, complete the following fields and click Create.
  4. Table 4-1 SSM Configuration ID



    Configuration ID

    This entry must match the SSM config ID that is specified when the SSM instance is created on the server machine. The configuration ID is the means by which the SSM receives it configuration from the SCM.


    (Optional) A brief description of the SSM.




SSM Security Providers

The security providers needed depend on the requirements of the application. This section describes the providers included with ALES 2.1. For specific uses of providers with the Web Server SSM, see Security Providers on page 4-9. For step-by-step instructions on managing providers, see the Management Console help system.

Table 4-2 Authentication Providers 



Weblogic Authenticator

Authenticate users with WebLogic's embedded LDAP directory.

ALES Identity Asserter

Supports web server authentication and single sign-on between web server SSMs. Use this provider in conjunction with the ALES Credential Mapper.

Database Authenticator

Authenticates users using the ALES relational database provider.

Single Pass Negotiate Identity Asserter

Supports identity assertion using HTTP authentication tokens from the SPNEGO protocol. For more information, see Enabling SPNEGO-based Single Sign-on.

SAML Identity Asserter

Accepts SAML assertions sent using the Browser POST Profile and returns the corresponding user. For more information, see Enabling SAML-based Single Sign-On.

Open LDAPAuthenticator

Authenticates users using an Open LDAP directory.

Active Directory Authenticator

Authenticates users using Active Directory.


Authenticates users using Windows NT authentication.

iPlanet Authenticator

Authenticates users using an iPlanet LDAP directory.

Novell Authenticator

Authenticates users using a Novell LDAP directory.

X509 Identity Asserter

Supports identity assertion through an X.509 digital certificate, supporting ASN.1 encoding and decoding



Table 4-3 describes Authorization providers.

Table 4-3 Authorization Providers



Weblogic Authorizer

Authorizes access to resources based on WebLogic security policy.

ASI Authorization Provider

Authorizes access to resources based on ALES security policy.



Table 4-4 describes Credential Mapping providers.

Table 4-4 Credential Mapping Providers



Database Credential Mapper

Returns authentication credentials for a user (username and password) from a database.

SAML Credential Mapper

Returns a SAML assertion for an authenticated user. For more information, see Enabling SAML-based Single Sign-On.

ALES Identity Credential Mapper

Supports web server authentication and single sign-on between web server SSMs. Returns a ALES assertion for an authenticated user.

Weblogic Credential Mapper

Returns authentication credentials for a user (username and password) from the Weblogic LDAP directory.


Table 4-5 describes Role Mapping providers.

Table 4-5 Role Mapping Providers



ASI Role Mapper

Returns a set or roles granted to a user on a protected resource based on ALES security policies.

Weblogic Role Mapper

Returns a set or roles granted to a user on a protected resource based on WebLogic security policies.



Web Server SSMs

This section covers Web Server SSMs in the following sections:

Web Server SSM Overview

An ALES Web Server SSM provides the environmental bindings between the ALES and a web server. It can provide six distinct services: Registry, Authentication, Authorization, Auditing, Role Mapping, and Credential Mapping.

Figure 4-2 Web Server SSM Components

Web Server SSM Components


A Web Server SSM makes access decisions for the web server to which it is bound. The security configuration on which the access control decisions are based is defined and deployed by the Administration Server via the Security Control Module.

A Web Server SSM can be tailored to specific needs. Using templates provided as part of the product, security developers can customize the look and feel of authentication pages and configure parameters that allow fine tuning for a particular installation. Web applications can have information added to the HTTP request by the security framework, such as roles and response attributes.

ALES provides three Web Server SSMs: IIS Web Server SSM (SSM), Apache Web Server SSM, and Web Services SSM (see Figure 4-3).

Figure 4-3 Web Server SSM Components

Web Server SSM Components


Web Server Environmental Binding

The environmental binding is used to bind to and interact with web servers. Binding a web server SSM to the server projects the ALES subsystem into the web server environment. The SSM accepts HTTPS requests from the web server and presents them to the ALES security framework.

Bindings are provided for two types of web servers: ASF Apache and Microsoft IIS. The second function is ultimately for enforcing access control and providing a means of implementing the SAML Browser/POST profile.

Additionally, the Web Server SSM implements the server-side includes (SSIs) that process SAML Browser/POST profile.

Web Services Security Service APIs

The Web Services Security Service APIs enable access to the ALES security framework. These APIs provide the following security services:

Note: The following topics provide a very brief description of these APIs. For more information, see Programming Security for Web Services.

Authentication Service

There are two variations of authentication, JAAS-based and identity assertion. JAAS-based authentication collects evidence (credentials) from a user in order to establish user identity.

Note: For more information on JAAS, see Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) on the Web at

Identity assertion authentication consumes a trusted token object to establish identity. The Web Services SSM supports both types of authentication.

Authorization Service

In addition to providing a simple permit or denied decision on a URL, the authorization service also has the ability to return attributes into the request as determined by the access control policy implemented. Because the inclusion of coding in the application to handle these attributes creates an undue coupling between the application and security infrastructure, the SSM inserts these returned attributes into the HTTP request header. Depending upon the technology used (ASP, CGI, ISAPI), these headers can be extracted and used by the application.

Auditing Service

The auditing service audits all transactions through the security subsystem. Every URL accessed is sent through the auditing infrastructure.

Role Mapping Service

Although roles are primarily used in authorization, some applications may wish to have access to the roles to which a user is mapped for the purposes of role-based personalization. In order to provide this information to the running applications, the Web Services SSM adds a list of roles to the HTTP request header. Depending upon the technology used (ASP, CGI, ISAPI), the application can extract this list of roles from the header and use it.

Credential Service

The credential service returns sensitive credentials to an application so that the application can use systems that require a secondary (or tertiary) layer of authentication. The Web Services SSM extracts mapped credentials from the security system and makes them available in the HTTP header for use by the application. Depending upon the technology used (ASP, CGI, ISAPI), the application can extract the credential headers and use them to authenticate to other back-end systems.

Security Providers

Installing a SSM deploys a JAR file that contains all ALES security providers. However, before any of the security providers can be used, you must use the Administration Console to configure them. You have the option of configuring either the security providers that ship with the product or custom security providers, which you may develop yourself or purchase from third-party security vendors.

Note: To use security providers with the SSM, you must deploy the security provider MBean JAR file (MJF) to the providers directory on both the machine on which you install the SSM and on the machine on which you install the Administration Console.

The Web Server SSMs use the following security providers:

For more information on security providers, see SSM Security Providers on page 4-3. For more information on how to develop custom security providers, see Developing Security Providers for BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security.

Web Server SSM Features

This section describes the Web Server SSM features in the following sections

Web Single Sign-on Capabilities

This section covers the following topics:

What is Web Single Sign-On?

Web single sign-on enables users to log on to one web server and gain access to other web servers in the same domain without supplying login credentials again, even if the other web servers have different authentication schemes or requirements. Figure 4-4 shows the basic components of a web single sign-on service.


Figure 4-4 Web Single Sign-on

Web Single Sign-on


While web single sign-on facilitates access and ease of use, it does not improve security. In fact, security requirements should be considered when implementing a web single sign-on solution.

Single Sign-On Use Cases

The Web Server SSM supports the following single sign-on (SSO) use cases.

Single Sign-On with ALES Identity Assertion

The Web Server and WebLogic Server 8.1 SSMs support single sign-on using the ALES Identity Assertion provider. For instructions on how to implement Single Sign-On, see "Configuring Web Single Sign-on with ALES Identity Assertion" in Installing the Web Server and Web Services Security Service Modules.

Authentication Service Features

The authentication service supports the following features:

Authorization Service Features

The authorization service supports the following features:

Auditing Service Features

The auditing service has the following capabilities:

Role Mapping Features

The role mapping service supports hard-coded roles in applications. Generally hard-coding behavior into an application based on roles is not recommended. It is possible, however, that some customers may need to replace an existing system that uses this mechanism or may want to use roles for user interface personalization. Support for this feature requires that a list of mapped roles available from a security provider for a particular request be provided in a usable form by applications running within the web server.

Note: It is important to note that roles are not global in ALES but can change depending upon the resource and various elements of the context.

Credential Mapping Features

ALES defines two types of credential objects: username/password credentials and generic credentials; however, there is no limitation as to the format of objects that can be used. Credentials can be "mapped" and associated with a resource and identity or an alias.

The credential mapping service has the following features:

Administration Features

Administering the security configuration involves writing policies for users, groups, roles, and the web application resources that the SSM protects. The Web Server SSM has the following features:

Session Management Features

To manage session behavior, the Web Server SSM supports the following capabilities:

Configuration Features

The web server is configured to use the filter component of the Web Server SSM. Local configuration of the web server should only be necessary once and should be static. The Web Server SSM has the following configuration capabilities:

Web Server Constraints and Limitations

The Web Server SSM has the following constraints and limitations:

Web Server SSM Integration Tasks

This section provides an overview of integration tasks. Integration tasks center on managing SSM configurations (including the security providers) and configuring the web server to use the web filters. For step-by-step instructions, see the Installing Web Server and Web Services Security Service Modules.

The major tasks performed are:

  1. Create a SCM and a SSM configuration using the Administration Console. This includes specifying the security providers.
  2. Create a parent resource for the application. This will contain ALES's representation of the application.
  3. Create the SSM instance on the web server machine and enroll it in the ALES trust environment. The instance will use the security providers defined in step 1 above.
  4. For detailed instructions on setting up Web Server SSM instances, see the Installing Web Server and Web Services Security Service Modules.

    During the instance creation process, the configuration file is created. This file contains the connection information for the ALES services.

  5. Configure the web server environmental binding as described in the next section. This loads the web filter on the server and establishes the connection between the web server and ALES.

Web Server Environmental Bindings

This section describes how the IIS and Apache SSMs bind to the web server.

Internet Information Server

To load the web server SSM into IIS:

  1. Use the IIS management tool to call the ALES web server filter (wles_isapi.dll).
  2. Set authentication to Anonymous and insure that Anonymous user has Read and Read/Execute permissions on the lib, ssl, and config directories where the SSM is installed.
  3. Configure server's NamePasswordForm.acc file for:
  4. <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/<directory>/NamePasswordForm.acc">

    where <directory> is the location of the acc file.

Apache HTTP Server

To load the web server SSM into Apache HTTP server:

  1. Add LoadModule, WLESConfigDir, ServerName, Alias, and Group directives to the server's httpd.conf file to load the SSM when the server is booted. The web filter file name is as follows:
  2. mod_wles.dll (Windows) (UNIX)

  3. Modify the LD-LIBRARY_PATH statement in the envvars file (in ServerRoot/bin) to ensure that the server loads the dependency libraries for
  4. Set the Apache ctl script to start or restart the server in the ServerRoot/bin directory.
  5. Configure the NamePasswordForm.html file for the Apache Web Server as follows:
  6. <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/test/NamePasswordForm.html">


WebLogic Server SSMs

This section provides an overview of integration tasks required for using the WebLogic Server SSM. For step by step instructions, see Installing WebLogic Server v8.1 Security Service Module. That guide provides specific steps for integration tasks associated with WebLogic Server, WebLogic Portal, and Aqualogic Data Services.

The WebLogic Server SSM basically provides a means of replacing WebLogic Server's security framework with ALES.

Warning: The WebLogic security framework controls access to it's own administration console as well as the applications it is hosting. When replacing this framework with ALES, you must configure ALES to secure the server's administration console when the WebLogic Server SSM is deployed. If this is not done, the WebLogic administration console will not be accessible.

WebLogic Server SSM Integration Tasks

  1. Using the ALES Administration Console, create a SCM and a SSM configuration using, including the necessary security providers.
  2. Create a parent Resource node that contains two branches: one for application resources and one for the WebLogic administration console. You can create the branch for the WebLogic administration console by copying the //asi/console tree using the Clone function.
  3. Create the SSM instance on the web server machine and enroll it in the ALES trust environment. The instance will use the security providers defined in step 1 above.
  4. For detailed instructions on setting up SSM instances, see the SSM installation guides.

    During the instance creation process, the configuration file is created for the web server SSM. This file contains the connection information for the ALES services.

  5. Modify the WebLogic domain's startup script as described in Installing WebLogic Server v8.1 Security Service Module.


WebLogic Server SSM Environmental Bindings

For instructions, see Installing the WebLogic Server v8.1 Security Service Module.


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