Administration and Deployment Guide

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ALES Architecture

This section describes the components of AquaLogic Enterprise Security and provides information about deploying them on the network.


ALES Components

The following diagram gives a high-level view of ALES components.

Figure 2-1 High-Level View of ALES Components

High-Level View of ALES Components

Administration Server

The Administration Server is a servlet-based application and can run in both WebLogic Server and Tomcat. It consists of the following components:

Business Logic Manager-The BLM is responsible for managing security policies stored in the Policy Database. The BLM includes the policy distributor which pushes policy to the runtime tier of ALES. The BLM features an external API for managing policy and configuration.

Policy Database-Maintains policy data in a relational database. This data is distributed to the Security Service Modules by the Policy Distributor.

Policy Loader-Imports policy data from an external file. The external file can be generated by another system or another Administrative Server, or it can be manually coded. For additional information on how to use the Policy Loader, see the Policy Managers Guide.

Authorization and Role Mapping Engine (ARME)-Enforces security policy for Administration Server and console as it does for any other runtime application.

Administrative Console-Supports administrative policy security and administration delegation through a web browser-based user interface. Security configuration, policy configuration, user attributes (if required), resources, and rules are all managed through the console.

Metadirectory-Stores user attributes from a variety of sources for use in making policy decisions. The metadirectory assembles attributes for each user and caches them for use by Security Service Modules.

Figure 2-2 Administration Server Architecture

Administration Server Architecture

Service Control Manager (SCM)

The Service Control Module (SCM) is an essential component of ALES's remote administration mechanism. Each Service Control Module stores SSM configuration data and provides each SSM on its machine the appropriate data.

The Service Control Manager receives and stores both full and incremental configuration updates. When a configuration change relevant to a SSM is made, it is provisioned to the Service Control Manager through the Policy Distributor. The provisioning mechanism ensures that only the configuration data absolutely required by a Service Control Manager is provisioned to that module. Likewise, the Service Control Manager ensures that only the configuration data absolutely required by an SSM is made available to that module.

Figure 2-3 Service Control Manager

Service Control Manager

Security Service Module (SSM)

SSMs are a platform specific security plug-ins that are embedded in applications, application servers, and web servers to be secured by ALES. The SSM ties the application server (or applications, web servers) into ALES so that all security administration for the application is performed through ALES.

Configuration data for each module is specified centrally and then distributed to and locally cached on the appropriate machine. A benefit of this architecture is that there is no impact on the application if the Administration Server is stopped.

Table 2-1 below describes the SSM modules provided with ALES.

Table 2-1 SSM Modules
SSM Name
WebLogic Server 8.1
Provides runtime enforcement of security services for applications created for WebLogic Server 8.1 and WebLogic Portal 8.1.
WebLogic Server 9.x
Provides runtime enforcement of security services for applications created for WebLogic Server 9.1 and 9.2 and WebLogic Portal 9.2.
IIS Web Server
Provides runtime enforcement of security services for applications running on the Microsoft Internet Information Server. Supports basic single sign-on between Web servers and between the Web tier and the application tier.
Apache Web Server
Provides runtime enforcement of security services for applications running on the ASF Apache Web Server. Supports basic single sign-on between Web servers and between the Web tier and the application tier.
Web Services
Provides runtime enforcement of security services for generic applications making Web Service calls to obtain ALES security services.
Runtime enforcement of security services for generic Java applications.

Security Providers

Security providers are used to provide authentication, authorization, auditing, role mapping, and credential mapping, and other services. Each SSM can be configured with a set of security providers as described in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 ALES Security Providers
Authentication Provider
Performs authentication services for the SSM. Authentication providers are available to for Microsoft Windows NT, Active Directory, LDAP, relational databases, and others.
Identity Asserters are Authentication Providers that accept encrypted identity tokens (e.g., SAML assertions) and return the corresponding authenticated subjects.
Credential Mapper
Allows the Security Service Module to generate credentials for user logins to an external repository or service. This is commonly used for either Single Sign On or access into a remote system on behalf of an authenticated subject (user or group).
Authorization Provider
Controls access to resources based on role and authorization policies. Access decisions provided through a role-based authorization provider incorporate relevant environmental, contextual, and transaction-specific information, allowing security policies to support business processes throughout the organization.
Role Mapping Provider
Supports dynamic role associations by obtaining the set of roles granted to a user for a resource.
Adjudication Provider
Resolves authorization conflicts when multiple authorization providers are in use.
Auditing Provider
Provides an electronic trail of transaction activity. Can include changes to system configuration parameters, policy changes, and transactions. For each audit item, the information can include who, what, when, where, and sometimes why.


Deployment Architecture

An ALES environment can consist of a single or multiple instances of the Administration Server, one or more Service Control Managers (hosted on individual machines), and any number of Security Service Modules, each associated with an SCM. Each Security Service Module may share or use different configuration or policy data, based on the business needs of an organization. The Administration Server serves as a central point of contact for instances and system administration tools.

Generalized Architecture

Installation of ALES depends on the application environment being secured. The basic requirement is that the Administration Server must be accessible to all Security Service Modules that are "plugged" into the applications being secured in that domain. A Service Control Manager must be installed on any machine running one or more SSMs.

Figure 2-4 below shows SSMs deployed on varying application environments and connecting to the Administration Server on a separate machine.

Figure 2-4 Distributed Computing Security Infrastructure

Distributed Computing Security Infrastructure

Location of ALES Components

Figure 2-5 below provides some insight into the interconnections of the ALES components.

Figure 2-5 Location of ALES Components

Location of ALES Components

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