Installing Security Service Modules

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BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security includes a set of components named Security Service Modules (SSMs). The following SSMs are available in this release of AquaLogic Enterprise Security:

Each Security Service Module ties the protected resources of its underlying application into the AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server so that all administrative security activities are performed through the Administration Sever. The Administration Server with the Security Service Module add-on supports enterprise-level security by making security for applications an integral part of the enterprise policy.


Installation Overview

Each of the available SSMs is installed using the same installation file. You can install one or more of the available SSMs in a single installation. To install an SSM, perform the following tasks:

  1. Ensure that the installation prerequisites are met. For prerequisites, see Installation Prerequisites.
  2. Install the SSMs. For instructions, see Installing.
  3. Enroll the Service Control Manager. For instructions, see Enrolling the Service Control Manager.
  4. Configure the Service Control Manager. For instructions, see Configuring a Service Control Manager.
  5. Configure and bind the SSM. For instructions, see Configuring and Binding a Security Service Module.
  6. Create and instance of the SSM. For instructions, see Creating an Instance of a Security Service Module.
  7. Enroll the instance of the SSM. For instructions, see Enrolling the Instance of the Security Service Module
  8. Start the SSM processes. For instructions, see Starting and Stopping Processes.

After you have completed these installation and post-installation procedures, you need to configure ALES to integrate with the applications you are securing. These configuration procedures vary depending on the nature of the applications you are securing. For more information, see Integrating ALES with Application Environments.

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