Integrating ALES with Application Environments

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Integrating with WebLogic Portal

This section covers the following topics:



Integrating AquaLogic Enterprise Security with WebLogic Portal server and portal application results in an enhanced set of security services for use in protecting WebLogic Portal (see Figure 9-1). AquaLogic Enterprise Security participates in the authoring and management of policy for WebLogic Portal resources. Once AquaLogic Enterprise Security is integrated with WebLogic Portal, you use AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server to manage resources related to portal desktops, books, pages, and portlets.

Therefore, the intent is that you use AquaLogic Enterprise Security for authorization of the resources associated with a portal application as well as standard WebLogic Server J2EE resources. The benefit of using AquaLogic Enterprise Security to manage visitor entitlements is that it offers fine-grained, dynamic role-based authorization. Additionally, AquaLogic Enterprise Security allows you to have common security policies for a heterogeneous environment. For example, you may have a single security infrastructure that supports WebLogic Portal, WebLogic Server, and custom applications.

The AquaLogic Enterprise Security security service does not replace all of the management functionality provided by the Portal Administration Tools. For example, as shown in Figure 9-1, AquaLogic Enterprise Security is not used to manage administrative users and resources associated with Portal Delegated Administration and Portal Content Management; use the Portal Administration Tools for those management tasks.

Figure 9-1 Portal Integration Overview

Portal Integration Overview

AquaLogic Enterprise Security enables you to write, deploy, and manage fine-grained policy for controlling access to WebLogic Portal application resources. You can use AquaLogic Enterprise Security to protect portal desktops, books, pages, portlets, and application look and feels.

For more information, see the following topics:

Integration Features

AquaLogic Enterprise Security and WebLogic Portal can be used with WebLogic Server 9.2 or WebLogic Server 8.1 Service Pack 4 or Service Pack 5. While several different security providers can be used with WebLogic Portal, the following security providers include enhanced WebLogic Portal support:

Supported Use-case Scenario

The following use-case scenario is supported when you integrate AquaLogic Enterprise Security with WebLogic Portal:

Note: To implement this use case scenario, you must define the security configuration as specified in Creating the Portal Application Security Configuration.

Constraints and Limitations

When integrated with AquaLogic Enterprise Security, WebLogic Portal has the following constraints and limitations:


Integration Pre-Requisites

Before you begin, you must ensure that the following pre-requisites are satisfied:


Integrating with WebLogic Portal 9.2: Main Steps

This section describes how to integrate AquaLogic Enterprise Security with WebLogic Portal 9.2. The procedure for integrating ALES with WebLogic Portal 8.1 is different; for information about that, see Integrating with WebLogic Portal 8.1: Main Steps. Once integrated, you can use the AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Console to write and deploy a set of authorization and role mapping policies to protect WebLogic Portal application resources.

AquaLogic Enterprise Security includes an example that demonstrates how to secure a sample WebLogic Portal 9.2 domain with ALES. Follow the instructions in the example's README file, which is located at BEA-HOME/ales22-ssm/wls9-ssm/examples/ALESEnabledWLP92Domain/README. It is strongly recommended that you try the example once before following this procedure.

To integrate AquaLogic Enterprise Security with WebLogic Portal 9.2, perform the following tasks:

Creating the Portal Application Security Configuration

This section describes how to create a new security configuration named myrealm.

  1. Using the AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Console, create a security configuration with the Configuration ID myrealm.
  2. Create instances of the ASI Authorization and ASI Role Mapper providers. Remember or record the setting for these two providers; you will need the information for a later step.
  3. Bind the security configuration to a Service Control Manager.
  4. Distribute the security configuration.
  5. Create an instance of a WebLogic Server 9.x Security Service Module, as described in Creating an Instance of a Security Service Module in Installing Security Service Modules. Set the instance name to portalInstance and the Configuration ID to myrealm.
  6. Enroll the WebLogic Server 9.x Security Service Module instance, as described in Enrolling the Instance of the Security Service Module in Installing Security Service Modules.
  7. Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to finish the security configuration for your WebLogic 9.x SSM. See Using the WebLogic Server Console to Configure Security Providers.

Using the WebLogic Server Console to Configure Security Providers

To configure security providers for the WebLogic Server 9.x Security Service Module, you use the WebLogic Server Administration Console, not the ALES Administration Console. In order to create and configure ALES security provider instances using the WebLogic Server Administration Console, you must first install an extension to the console. See Modifying the startWebLogic File.

Your security realm must include the XACML Authorizer and XACML RoleMapper security providers and they must each be the first providers of their type in the list. Also, the configuration settings for the ASI Authorization and ASI Role Mapper providers must match the configuration of these providers in the ALES Administration Console. For more information about how to configure security providers for ALES and WebLogic Portal 9.2, see Configuring Security Providers for the WebLogic Server 9.x SSM.

Modifying the Portal Server startWeblogic File

Before you can start a WebLogic Portal server that uses BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security, you must modify the startWeblogic file that is located in the WebLogic Portal domain that you are using for you WebLogic Portal server.

The startWeblogic file for the WebLogic Portal sample domain named portalDomain is located at: BEA_HOME\weblogic92\samples\domains\portal

To edit the startWeblogic file, perform the steps:

Note: This procedure assumes a Windows installation of WebLogic Portal in the directory c:\bea with a WebLogic Server Security Service Module instance named portalInstance.
  1. Before you modify the script, make sure to make a backup copy. For example, for Microsoft Windows, copy startWeblogic.cmd to startWeblogic.cmd.original.
  2. Add a line to call the environment batch file set-wls-env.bat. For example, add it below the line: set SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS=
  3. call "c:\bea\ales25-ssm\wls9-ssm\instance\portalInstance\bin\set-wls-env.bat"
  4. Add the AquaLogic Enterprise Security classpath variables to the classpath. For example, add the following text before the line: echo CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%
  6. Add %WLES_JAVA_OPTIONS% to the server start command after %JAVA_OPTIONS%. Listing 9-2 shows, in bold text, where to make this change.
  7. Listing 9-1 Adding WLES_JAVA_OPTIONS to the startWebLogic File
    if "%WLS_REDIRECT_LOG%"=="" (
    echo Starting WLS with line:
    echo %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% %WLES_JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy %PROXY_SETTINGS% %SERVER_CLASS%
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% %WLES_JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy %PROXY_SETTINGS% %SERVER_CLASS%
    ) else (
    echo Redirecting output from WLS window to %WLS_REDIRECT_LOG%
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% %WLES_JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy %PROXY_SETTINGS% %SERVER_CLASS% > "%WLS_REDIRECT_LOG%" 2>&1

After you have completed the procedures in this section, proceed to Configuring Policy for the Portal Application.


Integrating with WebLogic Portal 8.1: Main Steps

This section describes how to integrate AquaLogic Enterprise Security with WebLogic Portal 8.1. Once integrated, you can use the AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Console to write and deploy a set of authorization and role mapping policies to protect WebLogic Portal application resources.

Note: While the instructions provided in this section use a WebLogic Portal server and the sample portal application that ships with the WebLogic Platform software distribution, you can use this procedure to integrate AquaLogic Enterprise Security with your WebLogic Portal server and portal application.

To integrate AquaLogic Enterprise Security with WebLogic Portal, perform the following tasks:

Creating the Portal Application Security Configuration

This section describes how to create a new security configuration named myrealm. A security configuration defines the set of security providers to use for adjudication, authentication, auditing, authorization, role mapping, and credential mapping services. The security configuration named myrealm matches the default security configuration for the WebLogic Portal sample portal application.

Note: To implement the use-case scenario described in Supported Use-case Scenario, you are required to define the security configuration as described in this section. This security configuration is a requirement; it is not optional.

Refer to Table 9-1 and use the AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server to configure the security providers listed there. Set the Configuration ID to myrealm. For instructions on creating a security configuration, see the administration console's help system

Table 9-1 Portal Security Configuration 
Security Provider
Configuration Settings
ASI Adjudication Provider
Uncheck the Require Unanimous Permit check box, and click Create.
Log4j Auditor
Accept the default settings, and click Create.
Database Authentication Provider
Set the Control Flag to SUFFICIENT, and click Create. For the Details tab settings, except for the Identity Scope, the parameters are populated automatically. Set the Identity Scope to myusers, and click Apply.

Note: Even though you set the Identity Scope to myusers, you do not actually create the myusers identity until you perform the steps in Creating the Realm Resource.

WebLogic Authentication Provider
Set the Control Flag to SUFFICIENT, and click Create.

Note: Make sure the authentication providers are configured in the following order: 1) Database Authenticator and 2) WebLogic Authenticator.

Note: The WebLogic Authentication provider can be replaced with another authentication provider that supports write access to users and groups.

ASI Authorization Provider
On the General tab, accept the default settings, and click Create.
On the Details tab, set the Identity Scope to myusers.
WebLogic Authorization Provider
Uncheck the Policy Deployment Enabled check box, and click Create.
WebLogic Credential Mapper Provider
Uncheck the Credential Mapping Deployment Enabled check box, and click Create.
ASI Role Mapping Provider
On the General tab, accept the default settings, and click Create.
On the Details tab, set the Identity Scope to myusers.
WebLogic Role Mapper Provider
Uncheck the Role Deployment Enabled check box, and click Create.

Binding the Security Configuration

The security configuration must be bound to a Service Control Manager.

To bind the myrealm security configuration, see the Console Help

Distributing the Security Configuration

The myrealm security configuration must be distributed.

To distribute the myrealm security configuration, see the Console Help.

Creating an Instance of the Security Service Module

Before starting a WebLogic Server Security Service Module, you must first create an instance of the WebLogic Server Security Service Module using the Create New Instance Wizard.

To create an instance of a WebLogic Server Security Service Module, see Creating an Instance of a Security Service Module in Installing Security Service Modules.

Enrolling the Instance of the Security Service Module

You must have the Administration Server running prior to enrolling the Security Service Module.

Note: While you can use the demonstration digital certificate in a development environment, you should never use it in a production environment.

To enroll a security service module, see Enrolling the Instance of the Security Service Module in Installing Security Service Modules.

Modifying the Portal Server startWeblogic File

Before you can start a WebLogic Portal server that uses BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security, you must modify the startWeblogic file that is located in the WebLogic Portal domain that you are using for you WebLogic Portal server.

The startWeblogic file for the WebLogic Portal domain named portalDomain is located at: BEA_HOME\user_projects\domains\portalDomain

To edit the startWeblogic file, perform the steps:

Note: This procedure assumes a Windows installation of WebLogic Portal in the directory c:\bea with an WebLogic Server Security Service Module instance named portalInstance.
  1. Before you modify the script, make sure to make a backup copy. For example, for Microsoft Windows, copy startWeblogic.cmd to startWeblogic.cmd.original.
  2. Add a line to call the environment batch file set-wls-env.bat. For example, add it below the line: set SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS=
  3. call "c:\bea\ales25-ssm\wls-ssm\instance\portalInstance\bin\set-wls-env.bat"
  4. Add the AquaLogic Enterprise Security classpath variables to the classpath. For example, add the following text before the line: echo CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%
  6. Add %WLES_JAVA_OPTIONS% to the server start command after %JAVA_OPTIONS%. Listing 9-2 shows, in bold text, where to make this change.
  7. Listing 9-2 Adding WLES_JAVA_OPTIONS to the startWebLogic File
    if "%WLS_REDIRECT_LOG%"=="" (
    echo Starting WLS with line:
    echo %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% %WLES_JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy %PROXY_SETTINGS% %SERVER_CLASS%
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% %WLES_JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy %PROXY_SETTINGS% %SERVER_CLASS%
    ) else (
    echo Redirecting output from WLS window to %WLS_REDIRECT_LOG%
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% %WLES_JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy %PROXY_SETTINGS% %SERVER_CLASS% > "%WLS_REDIRECT_LOG%" 2>&1

Creating the File

Create a text file named and place it in the portal domain directory. You use this file to define the AquaLogic Enterprise Security realm and the default realm. Listing 9-3 shows the content of this file for the realm myrealm.

Listing 9-3 File
# AquaLogic Enterprise Security Configuration File
# This file contains AquaLogic Enterprise Security configuration
# properties. By default, the AquaLogic Enterprise Security runtime
# looks for a property file called '' in the
# working directory.

Replacing the Portal p13n_ejb.jar File

To integrate AquaLogic Enterprise Security with WebLogic Portal, you must replace the p13n_ejb.jar file in the top-level portal application directory with the version of that file that is provided in the AquaLogic Enterprise Security software distribution. The AquaLogic Enterprise Security version of p13n_ejb.jar is located in BEA_HOME/ales25-ssm/wls-ssm/lib directory.

Note: BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security 2.5 includes two versions of p13n_ejb.jar, the WebLogic Server 8.1 SP4 version: p13n_ejb_81SP4.jar, and the SP5 version: p13n_ejb_81SP5.jar. Be sure to use the correct version.
Note: Because these instructions assume that you are using the sample portal application that ships with WebLogic Portal, this procedure instructs you to replace the p13n_ejb.jar in the sample portal application. To use a different portal application, replace p13n_ejb.jar in that application as well.

To replace p13n_ejb.jar, perform the following steps:

  1. Rename the portal version of the p13n_ejb.jar. For example, rename it to p13n_ejb.jar.original. The portal application version of this file is located in BEA_HOME/weblogic81/samples/portal/portalApp.
  2. Depending on which version of the WebLogic Server 8.1 you are using (SP4 or SP5), copy either p13n_ejb_81SP4.jar or p13n_ejb_81SP5.jar from BEA_HOME/ales25-ssm/wls-ssm/lib/ to BEA_HOME/weblogic81/samples/portal/portalApp and rename it to p13n_ejb.jar.

Replacing the Portal p13n_system.jar File

To integrate AquaLogic Enterprise Security with WebLogic Portal, you must replace the p13n_system.jar file in the BEA_HOME/weblogic81/p13n/lib directory with the version of that file that is provided in the AquaLogic Enterprise Security software distribution. The AquaLogic Enterprise Security version of this file is located in BEA_HOME/ales25-ssm/wls-ssm/lib directory.

Note: BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security 2.5 includes two versions of p13n_system.jar, the WebLogic Server 8.1 SP4 version: p13n_system_81SP4.jar, and the SP5 version: p13n_system_81SP5.jar. Be sure to use the correct version.
Note: Once you replace p13n_system.jar in the /lib directory of the WebLogic Platform installation, all portal domains configured for that installation must be AquaLogic Enterprise Security enabled.

To replace p13n_system.jar, perform the following steps:

  1. Rename the portal version of the p13n_system.jar. For example, rename it to p13n_system.jar.original. The portal version of this file is located in BEA_HOME/weblogic81/p13n/lib.
  2. Depending on which version of the WebLogic Server 8.1 you are using (SP4 or SP5), copy either p13n_system_81SP4.jar or p13n_system_81SP5.jar from BEA_HOME/ales25-ssm/wls-ssm/lib/ to BEA_HOME/weblogic81/p13n/lib and rename it to p13n_system.jar.

Replacing the DefaultAuthorizerInit.ldift File

WebLogic Server uses the DefaultAuthorizerInit.ldift file to establish access controls for J2EE resources. By default, WebLogic Server allows access to all J2EE resources to users in the Everyone role. To protect these resources, WebLogic Server provides the Administration Console and other tools to define security policies.

When using AquaLogic Enterprise Security, there is a need to supersede the WebLogic Server J2EE access controls. The DefaultAuthorizerInit.ldift file, provided in the AquaLogic Enterprise Security 2.5 for the WebLogic Server Security Service Module, is used for this purpose.

To enable the AquaLogic Enterprise Security DefaultAuthorizerInit.ldift file to supersede WebLogic Server access controls for J2EE resources in the sample portal application, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the DefaultAuthorizer.ldift file from BEA_HOME/ales25-ssm\wls-ssm\template\config to BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain.
  2. If the /ldap directory exists at the following location, delete it: BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/portalDomain/portalServer
Note: Because these instructions assume that you are using the sample portal domain that ships with WebLogic Portal, this procedure instructs you to delete the ldap directory in the portalDomain/portalServer directory. Repeat the above steps for all AquaLogic Enterprise Security enabled portal domains.


Configuring Policy for the Portal Application

Developing a set of policies typically begins by determining which resources you need to protect and your access control requirements. You then create the identity directory, resources, groups, users, and roles that you will use to write policies to protect those resources. Next you write a set of authorization and role mapping policies to define access control on those resources. Finally, you deploy the set of polices to the WebLogic Server Security Service Module that you use to control access to your portal application resources.

AquaLogic Enterprise Security provides two means for writing portal application policy, the Administration Console and the Policy Import Tool. In this section you are directed to use the Administration Console to write policy. For more information on how to use the Administration Console to write policy, see the Policy Managers Guide and the Console Help.

In addition, the ALES Administration Server installation includes a set of sample polices for BEA WebLogic Portal, located at BEA_HOME/ales25-admin/examples/policy/portal_sample_policy. You can import these sample policies and use them as a starting point for developing a full set of policies for your applications. For information about how to import the sample policies, see the README files in each of the sample directories and see also Importing Policy Data in the Policy Managers Guide.

This section covers the following topics:

Creating the Identity Directory and Users

This section describes how to use the Administration Console to create an identity directory, groups, and users for a portal application.

Note: This procedure uses myusers as the name of the Identity directory; however, you can use a different name.

To create the Identity directory and users:

  1. In the left pane, click Identity. The Identity page displays the name of each directory available.
  2. Click New. The Create Directory dialog box appears.
  3. In the Name text box, type myusers and click OK. The myusers directory appears in the list of Identity directories.
  4. In the left pane, click Users. The myusers>Users page displays.
  5. Click New. The Create User dialog box appears.
  6. Create the users that will visit your portal application.
  7. If you are using the WebLogic 9.x SSM, create a user with the Admin role to access the WebLogic Server Administration Console. The default WebLogic Server Admin user and password is weblogic/weblogic.

Configuring Resources and Privilege

This section describes how to use the Administration Console to define the portal application resources that you will protect using AquaLogic Enterprise Security.

To configure resources, perform the following tasks:

Creating the Realm Resource

Note: myrealm is used is this procedure as the realm name because the WebLogic Portal 8.1 sample portal application exists in the myrealm realm. You can choose any realm name for your portal application; however, if you are integrating WebLogic Portal 9.2 using the WebLogic Server 9.x SSM, the Configuration ID must match the name of the WebLogic Server security realm.

To create a realm resource, perform the following steps:

  1. Expand the Resources folder, and click Resources. The Resource page displays.
  2. In the Resources page, select the Policy node, and click New. The Create Resource dialog box appears.
  3. In the Name text box, enter myrealm, select Binding from the Type drop-down list box, and click Ok. The myrealm resource appears under the Policy node.
  4. Select the myrealm resource and click Configure. The Configure Resource dialog box appears.
  5. From the Type drop-down list box, select Binding Application, check the Distribution Point and Allow Virtual Resources check boxes, and click Ok.
  6. Refer to Table 9-2 and modify the configuration of the ASI Authorization provider as described there.
    Table 9-2 Portal Security Configuration Modifications 
    Security Provider
    Configuration Settings
    ASI Authorization Provider
    On the Details tab, set the Application Deployment Parent to //app/policy/myrealm and click Apply. On the Bindings tab, from the Bind drop-down menu, select //app/policy/myrealm, and click Bind.

Creating the Shared Resources

Figure 9-2 shows the shared resources that you must create.

Figure 9-2 Shared Resources

Shared Resources

To create the shared resources, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the myrealm resource and click New. The Create Resource dialog box appears.
  2. In the Name text box, enter shared, and click Ok. The shared resource appears under myrealm.
  3. Select the shared resource and click Configure. The Configure Resource dialog box appears.
  4. Check the Allow Virtual Resources and click Ok.
  5. Click the shared resource and click New. The Create Resource dialog box appears.
  6. In the Name text box, enter adm and click Ok. The adm resource appears under the shared resource.
  7. To configure the jdbc, jndi, and svr resources as shown in Figure 9-2, repeat steps 5 and 6 for each resource.

Creating the Console Resources

Figure 9-3 shows the console resources that you must create.

Figure 9-3 Console Resources

Console Resources

To create the console resources, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the myrealm resource and click New. The Create Resource dialog box appears.
  2. For WebLogic Portal 9.2, in the Name text box, enter consoleapp, and click Ok. The consoleapp resource appears under myrealm.
  3. For WebLogic Portal 8.1, in the Name text box, enter console, and click Ok. The console resource appears under myrealm.

  4. To create the url, console, login, and bea_logo.gif resources as shown in Figure 9-3, repeat steps 1 and 2 for each resource.
  5. Select the console or consoleapp resource directly under myrealm and click Configure. The Configure Resource dialog box appears.
  6. Check the Allow Virtual Resources and click Ok.

Creating the PortalApp Resources

Note: This procedure uses portalApp as the name of the portal application resource because it is the name of the WebLogic Portal sample portal application. However, you should use the name of your portal application when creating the portal application resource.

Figure 9-4 shows the portalApp resources that you must create. In addition, if you are integrating WebLogic Portal 9.2 using the WebLogic Server 9.x SSM, you must create these virtual resources under myrealm:

PortalApp Resources

To create the portalApp resources, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the myrealm resource and click New. The Create Resource dialog box appears.
  2. In the Name text box, enter portalApp, and click Ok. The portalApp resource appears under myrealm.
  3. Select the portalApp resource and click New. The Create Resource dialog box appears.
  4. In the Name text box, enter ejb and click Ok. The ejb resource appears under the portalApp resource.
  5. Select the ejb resource and click Configure. The Configure Resource dialog box appears.
  6. Check the Allow Virtual Resources and click Ok.
  7. To configure the url resource, repeat steps 5 and 6.
  8. Select the portalApp resource and click New. The Create Resource dialog box appears.
  9. In the Name text box, enter wlp and click Ok. The wlp resource appears under the portalApp resource. Do not configure the wlp resource to allow virtual resources.
  10. Select the url resource and click New. The Create Resource dialog box appears.
  11. In the Name text box, enter portalappadmin and click Ok. The portalappadmin resource appears under the url.
  12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 to create the remaining resources shown under the portalApp resource in Figure 9-4. Do not configure any of the remaining resources to allow virtual resources.

Creating the Role Mapping Policy

This section describes how to use the Administration Console to create role mapping policy that will be used to control access to portal application resources.

Table 9-3 lists and describes the role mapping policy that you have to create for the WebLogic Portal domain.

Table 9-3 Portal Application Role Mapping Policy
Role Mapping Policy
grant(//role/Everyone, //app/policy/myrealm, //sgrp/myusers/allusers/) if true;
Creates the role mapping policy necessary for the Everyone role to be used in the myrealm Identity directory.

Note: If you do not create the Everyone role mapping policy correctly, none of the policy rules defined in Table 9-4 that use the Everyone role will work properly.

To create the role mapping policy, refer to Table 9-3 and perform the following steps:

Caution: If you do not create the Everyone role mapping policy correctly, none of the authorization policies defined in Table 9-4 and Table 9-5 that use the Everyone role will work properly.
  1. Expand the Policy folder in the left pane, and click Role Mapping Policies. The Role Mapping Policies page appears.
  2. Click New. The Create Role Mapping Policy dialog box appears.
  3. Select the Grant radio button.
  4. Select the Roles tab, select Everyone in the Available Roles list box, and click Add.
  5. Select the Resources tab, select myrealm, and click Add.
  6. Select the Policy Subjects tab, select the allusers in the list box, click Add, and click Ok.

Creating Authorization Policies

This section describes how to use the Administration Console to create authorization policies to protect portal application resources.

Table 9-4 lists and describes the authorization policies that you have to create for the WebLogic Portal domain to protect the sample portal application resources. In addition, Table 9-5 lists the authorization policies required for WebLogic Portal 9.2.

Table 9-4 Portal Application Authorization Policies 
Authorization Policies
grant(any, //app/policy/myrealm/shared/svr, //role/Admin) if true;
grant(any, //app/policy/myrealm/shared/adm, //role/Admin) if true;
Authorization policies for booting the WebLogic Portal server and performing administrative tasks.
grant(any, //app/policy/myrealm/portalApp/url/
sampleportal, //role/Everyone) if true;
grant(any, //app/policy/myrealm/portalApp/url/tutorial, //role/Everyone) if true;
grant(any, //app/policy/myrealm/portalApp/url/welcome.jsp, //role/Everyone) if true;
Grants permission to those in the role Everyone (includes the anonymous user) to access all of the tutorial and sample portal url resources. This authorization policy creates Portal open by default orientation for these two sample portals.
grant(GET, //app/policy/myrealm/portalApp/url/
//role/Everyone) if true;
Allows unauthenticated users to access images used on the Administration Portal login page.
grant(any, //app/policy/myrealm/portalApp/url/
//role/ PortalSystemAdministrator) if true;
Grants permission for those is the role PortalSystemAdministrator to access the WebLogic Portal Administration url Portal resources
grant(lookup, //app/policy/myrealm/shared/jndi, //role/Everyone) if true;
Grants permission for those is the Everyone role to lookup JNDI resources.
grant(reserve, //app/policy/myrealm/shared/jdbc, //role/Everyone) if true;
Grants permission for those is the Everyone role to reserve JDBC resources.
grant(any, //app/policy/myrealm/console, //role/Admin) if true;
Grants permission for those in the Admin role to access the url resources of the WebLogic Server console.
grant(GET, //app/policy/myrealm/console/url/console/login/bea_logo.gif, //role/Everyone) if true;
Grants permission for those in the Everyone role to get access to the bea_logo.gif image resource in the WebLogic Server console
grant(any, //app/policy/myrealm/portalApp/ejb, //role/Everyone)
Initially allows access to all EJB methods.

Perform the following steps create the authorization policies listed in Table 9-4 (and, for WebLogic Portal 9.2, Table 9-5).

  1. Expand the Policy folder in the left pane, and click Authorization Policies. The Authorization Policies page appears.
  2. Click New. The Create Authorization Policy dialog box appears.
  3. Select the Grant radio button.
  4. To create the first authorization policy listed in Table 9-4, click the Privileges tab, select the any privilege from the Select Privileges from Group list box, and click Add.
  5. Click the Resources tab, select the svr resource from the Child Resource box and click Add.
  6. Note: If you want to assign multiple resources to a single privilege and role, you may define all of the resources in one authorization policy.
  7. Click the Policy Subjects, select the Admin role from the Roles List box, click Add, and click Ok.
  8. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each of the remaining authorization policies.

Policy for Visitor Entitlements to Portal Resources

Visitor entitlements is a mechanism used by WebLogic Portal for determining who may access the resources in a portal application and what they may do with those resources. AquaLogic Enterprise Security provides a means of defining robust role-based policy for portal resources. The resources that can be entitled within a portal application include:

Table 9-5 shows the capabilities of each of these resources:

Table 9-5 Capabilities According to Resource Type 
Resource Type
Look & Feel

The capabilities listed in Table 9-5 are defined as follows:

The following topics provide information on how to use AquaLogic Enterprise Security to configure portal resources:

Configuring Policy for Desktops

A desktop is a view of the portal that the visitor accesses. There can be one or more desktops per portal, so the portal is effectively a container for the desktops. A Desktop is referenced as a resource in AquaLogic Enterprise Security in the following manner:



If you define an authorization policy at the samplePortal level, you can control access at the samplePortal desktop level.

Table 9-6 shows an authorization policy that grants the view privilege to the samplePortal desktop for visitors in the SampleVisitor role.

Table 9-6 SamplePortal Authorization Policy
Policy Subject
SampleVisitor role

Configuring Policy for Books

A book is a collection of pages. A book is referenced as a resource in AquaLogic Enterprise Security in the following manner:


where book_1 is the label definition of the book.

If you define an authorization policy at the book_1 level, you can control access at the book_1 book level.

Table 9-7 shows an authorization policy that grants the view privilege to the book_1 book for visitors in the SampleVisitor role.

Table 9-7 Book_1 Authorization Policy
Policy Subject


SampleVisitor role

Configuring Policy for Pages

A page is the primary holder of individual portal elements such as portlets. A page is referenced as a resource in AquaLogic Enterprise Security in the following manner:


where page_2 is the label definition of the page.

If you define an authorization policy at the page_2 level, you can control access at the page_2 page level.

Table 9-8 shows an authorization policy that grants the view privilege to the page_2 page for visitors in the SampleVisitor role

Table 9-8 Page_2 Authorization Policy
Policy Subject
SampleVisitor role

Configuring Policy for Portlets

Portlets are the visible components that act as the interface to applications and content. A portlet is referenced as a resource in AquaLogic Enterprise Security in the following manner:


where portlet_login is the label definition of the portlet.

If you define an authorization policy at the portlet_login1 level, you can control access at the portlet_login1 Portlet level.

Table 9-9 shows an authorization policy that grants the view privilege to the portlet_login1 Portlet for visitors in the SampleVisitor role.

Table 9-9 Portlet_login1 Authorization Policy
Policy Subject
SampleVisitor role

Configuring Policy for Look and Feels

A Look and Feel is a selectable combination of skins and skeletons that determine the physical appearance of a portal desktop. A Look and Feel is referenced as a resource in AquaLogic Enterprise Security in the following manner:


where textLookAndFeel is the label definition of the Look and Feel.

If you define an authorization policy at the textLookAndFeellevel, you can control access at the textLookAndFeel level.

Table 9-10 shows an authorization policy that grants the view privilege to the textLookAndFeel Look and Feel visitors in the SampleVisitor role.

Table 9-10 Portlet_login1 Authorization Policy
Policy Subject
SampleVisitor role

Defining Policy for Portlets using Instance ID

Portlets have a unique instance ID that allows for granular authorization policy definition outside the standard hierarchy of the Desktop->Book->Page->Portlet. To use this in AquaLogic Enterprise Security, add a condition statement in the portlet rule that adds the portlet instance ID. For example:

grant( [//priv/maximized,//priv/minimized,//priv/view], //app/policy/myrealm/portalapp/wlp/sampleportal/com_bea_p13n/Portlet
/portlet_login1, //role/Operator) if instanceid = "portlet_login1";

Table 9-11 shows an authorization policy that grants the view privilege to the portlet_login1 Portlet for visitors in the Operator role.

Table 9-11 Portlet_login1 Authorization Policy Using Instance ID
Policy Subject
Operator role
if instanceid = "portlet_login1";

Discovering Portal Application Resources

When developing policies for use with a Security Service Module, you can use the discovery mode feature of the AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server to help define your policy components. Instructions for using discovery mode are provided in the Resource Discovery section in the Policy Managers Guide.

Distributing Policy and Security Configuration

Distribute policy and security configuration to the WebLogic Server Security Service Module.

For information on how to distribute policy and security configuration, see the Console Help. Be sure to verify the results of your distribution.

Starting the WebLogic Portal Server

To start a WebLogic Portal server, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a shell (command prompt) on the machine on which you created the portal domain.
  2. Change to the portal domain directory:
    • For WebLogic Portal 9.2, BEA_HOME\weblogic92\samples\domains\portal.
    • For WebLogic Portal 8.1, BEA_HOME\user_projects\domains\portalDomain.
  3. Run the following script:
  4. On Windows: startWebLogic.cmd

    On UNIX:

Configuring Portal Administration to Use the WebLogic Authenticator

To use the WebLogic Authentication provider to manage administrative users for portal administration, perform the following steps:

  1. Within the Portal Administration console, go to Service Administration.
  2. Select Authentication Hierarchy Service.
  3. Add WebLogicAuthenticator to the Authentication Providers to Build list.

Using Portal Administration Tools to Create a Portal Desktop

Before you can use AquaLogic Enterprise Security to control access to a portal desktop, you must use WebLogic Portal Administration Tools to create a portal desktop.

To create a portal desktops, perform the following steps:

  1. To have full control of the definition and instance labels, use WebLogic Workshop to create the initial portal application.
  2. Using the initial portal application as a template, use the Portal Administration Tools to create the portal desktops.

For instructions on using Portal Administration Tools to create portal desktops, see Create a Desktop in the WebLogic Administration Portal Online Help.

To create a portal desktop for the sample portal application using the Portal Administration Tools, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a browser and point it to: http://<hostname>:7001/testportalappAdmin. The Sign In page appears.
  2. Enter Username: portaladmin, Password: portaladmin, and click Sign In. The Portal Resources navigation tree appears.
  3. Right click on Portals and select New Portal. The Portal Resource page appears.
  4. Enter a Name for this Portal, for example: myportal, enter a partial URL for this Portal, for example: myportal, and click Save. The Available Portals list appears.
  5. Select the myportal link from the list. The Editing Portal: myportal page appears.
  6. Click Create New Desktop. The New Desktop Properties dialog appears.
  7. Enter Title, for example: mydesktop and a Partial URL, for example: mydesktop.
  8. Choose a Template. Choose: testportalweb/test.portal and click Create New Desktop. Desktops contained in Portal myportal list appear.
  9. Select mydesktop from the list. The Editing Desktop: mydesktop page appears.
  10. Select View Desktop. mydesktop is displayed in a new browser window. Verify that the desktop contains the sample portal application.
  11. Close the mydesktop browser and Logout. The Sign In page appears.
  12. Exit the Portal Administration Tool by closing its browser.

Accessing the Portal Application

To access a portal application running on a portal server, open a browser and point it to the desktop URL. For example, if you set up the desktop for the sample portal application as described in Using Portal Administration Tools to Create a Portal Desktop, you can access the sample portal application using the following URL:


where <host_name> is the machine on which portal application is running.

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