A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W _


ADJUDICATION - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
An Adjudication Provider is responsible for resolving conflicts when more than one auth provider is configured.
ANY - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
Special "any" privilege.
ATTRIBUTE_KIND_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies any attribute kind.
ATTRIBUTE_KIND_DYNAMIC - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies dynamic attributes.
ATTRIBUTE_KIND_RESOURCE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies resource attributes.
ATTRIBUTE_KIND_SUBJECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies subject attributes.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value assinged directly to the resource.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value assinged directly to the group.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value assigned directly to the user.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_ENFORCED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value based on resource attribute inheritance.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_ENFORCED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value based on the attribute inheritance logic.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_ENFORCED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value based on the attribute inheritance logic.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_ENFORCED_FROM_CHILDREN - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value based on the RBAC attribute aggragation logic, ie, from the children to the parent.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_INHERITED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value assinged to an ancestor of the resource.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_INHERITED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value inherited by the group, from a group membership.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_INHERITED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value inherited by the user, from a group membership.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_INHERITED_FROM_CHILDREN - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value inheried by the group, from children.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type boolean.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_DATE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type date.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type integer.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type IP address.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type string.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_TIME - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type time.
AUDITING - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
An Auditing Service Provider is responsible for collecting all security event information for distribution.
AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
An Authentication provider is responsible for establishing trust by validating a user.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
An Authorization provider is responsible for deciding if a user is allowed access for a given resource.
AttributeElement - interface com.wles.util.AttributeElement.
AttributeElement represents an attribute name value pair.
AttributeElementFactory - class com.wles.util.AttributeElementFactory.
Used to produce new AttributeElement objects.
actions - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The rule's actions (privileges, or roles) granted to the resource.
addAction(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
addConfigurationBinding(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Binds an SSM to an SCM.
addDelegator(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
addPrivilegeToGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Adds a privilege to a privilege group.
addResource(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
addResourceBinding(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Bind a resource to an SSM.
addSchemaAttribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Adds an attribute declaration to the directory's attribute schema.
addSubject(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
addSubjectGroupToSubjectGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Adds a one group (child) as a member of another group (parent).
addUserToSubjectGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Adds a user to a group.
address - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo
The URL of the engine instance.
after(Date) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Compares a java Date object to this Time object.
atomic() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Deterimes if the rule can be split.
attrNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize


BINDING_TYPE_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies any binding type.
BINDING_TYPE_BOUND - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies unbound bindinding type.
BINDING_TYPE_UNBOUND - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies bound binding type.
BLMApplicationManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager.
Manages all the operations on resources.
BLMAuthorizationException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMAuthorizationException.
This is raised when the server encounters authorization problems
BLMBadParameterException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMBadParameterException.
This is thrown when the argument passed are invalid or does not conform to the fully qualified naming standard for the policy language,, the message has futher info on the specific nature of the exception
BLMComponentManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager.
Abstracts all the basic funcitonality of the derived manager classes.
BLMComponentManager() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
BLMContextFactory - class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory.
Implements PoolableObjectFactory for managing BLMContextManager instances.
BLMContextFactory(String, String, String, BLMContextValidator, long) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory
Creates an instance of BLMContextFactory
BLMContextFactory(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory
Same as BLMContextFactory(url, username, password, null, 5).
BLMContextManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager.
Represents a single BLM session for a administrative user.
BLMContextValidator - interface com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextValidator.
Validates an instance of BLMContextManager object.
BLMDBException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMDBException.
Thrown when the any exception is detected by the database engine on the server.
BLMDBObjRefException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMDBObjRefException.
Thrown when objects being deleted are referenced by other policy data elements.
BLMDeclarationManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager.
Manages declarations of constants, attributes, custom enumeration types and evaluation functions.
BLMDirectoryManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager.
Manages operations on identity directories.
BLMException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMException.
Root of the apllication specific exceptions class hierarchy.
BLMLimitReachedException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMLimitReachedException.
Thrown when the query results in more elements then a collection can hold.
BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager.
Manages all operations on subject groups, including creation, deletion and profile operations.
BLMLocalUserManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager.
Manages all operations on users, including creation, deletion and profile operations.
BLMManager - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the BLMManager
BLMManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMManager.
Manages access to the BLM server.
BLMManager(URL) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Create a new BLM connection.
BLMObjRefNotFoundException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMObjRefNotFoundException.
This is raised when the any BLM object was gone
BLMObjectExistsException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMObjectExistsException.
This is raised when the client is trying to create a already existing entity
BLMObjectFindException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMObjectFindException.
Thrown when the requested object cannot be found.
BLMObjectStaleException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMObjectStaleException.
This is raised when the client is trying to access a non existent entity, that may have been removed by another client
BLMPolicyDistributor - class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.
Manages all aspects of policy distributions.
BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus - class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus.
Represents the status of a distribution operation.
BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo - class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo.
Represents the state of an engine instance.
BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus - class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus.
Represents the distribution status of an instance of an engine.
BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
BLMPolicyUpdateInProgressException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyUpdateInProgressException.
This is raised when the client is trying to distribute policy when another distribution is in progress
BLMPrivgrpManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager.
Manages operations on privilege groups.
BLMPrivilegeManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager.
Manages operations on privileges.
BLMRoleManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager.
Manages operations on roles.
BLMRuleException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMRuleException.
This is raised when the client is trying to update a rule and server detects improper usage
BLMRuleManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager.
Manages operations on rules.
BLMRuntimeException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMRuntimeException.
This is raised when the server encounters some system related problems ..like out of memory
BLMSemanticException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMSemanticException.
This exception is raised when the server detects semantic error in the request.
BLMServiceBusyException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMServiceBusyException.
This exception is raised when the request can not be accomodated
BLMServiceFindException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMServiceFindException.
This exception is raised when the service to which the request is sent to is no longer found
BLMStructuralChangeException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMStructuralChangeException.
This exception is raised when the client tries to distribute a policy and there has been a structural change done since the last distribution, use depoyStructuralChange to first deploy the changes.
BLMSyntaxException - exception com.wles.blm.BLMSyntaxException.
This exception is raised when there is a syntactic violation detected
BadParameterException - exception com.wles.BadParameterException.
Indicates that there was an error in one of the supplied parameters.
BadParameterException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.BadParameterException
Constructs a BadParameterException
BadParameterException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.wles.BadParameterException
Constructs a BadParameterException
BadParameterException() - Constructor for class com.wles.BadParameterException
Constructs a BadParameterException
BaseError - exception com.wles.BaseError.
Base class for all ALES error classes.
BaseError() - Constructor for class com.wles.BaseError
BaseError(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.BaseError
Constructs a BaseError with an error message.
BaseError(long) - Constructor for class com.wles.BaseError
Constructs a BaseError with an internal ALES error code.
BaseException - exception com.wles.BaseException.
Base class for all ASI exception classes.
BaseException() - Constructor for class com.wles.BaseException
BaseException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.BaseException
before(Date) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Compares a java Date object to this Time object.
beginTransaction() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Begin a new BLM transaction, if a transaction has already been started then an exception is thrown


CATEGORY_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies all declaration categories.
CATEGORY_ASI - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies the ASI declaration category.
CATEGORY_BUILTIN - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies the built-in declaration category.
CATEGORY_CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies the custom declaration category.
CONSTANT_KIND_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies any kind of constant declaration.
CONSTANT_KIND_PRIVILEGE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies privilege constant declarations.
CONSTANT_KIND_RESOURCE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Speciifes resource constant declarations.
CONSTANT_KIND_SUBJECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies subject constant declarations.
CONSTANT_KIND_SUBJECT_GROUP - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies subject group constant declarations.
CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Authentication credentials identifier for specifying the user's directory.
CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Authentication credentials identifier for specifying the user's password.
CREDENTIALS_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Authentication credentials identifier for specifying the user's name.
CREDMAPPING - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
A Credential Mapping provider is responsible for generating credentials for external resources.
CallBasedContextValidator - class com.wles.blm.pool.CallBasedContextValidator.
Validates BLM Context Manager by calling the BLMDeclarationManager.getKind(String) method.
CallBasedContextValidator() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.pool.CallBasedContextValidator
ComFailure - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates that the existing connection to the service failed, and was not able to be re-established
ConstAttributeElement - interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement.
ConstAttributeElement represents an attribute name value pair.
Credentials - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the Credentials
CredentialsMgr - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the CrednetialsMgr
CustomEnumerationValue - class com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue.
Used to represent custom ALES enumeration values.
CustomEnumerationValue(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue
Constructs a CustomEnumerationValue.
clearApplicationContext() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Clear the application context.
clone() - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Perform deep copy.
com.wles - package com.wles
com.wles.blm - package com.wles.blm
com.wles.blm.pool - package com.wles.blm.pool
API for managing the BLMContextManager Pool.
com.wles.util - package com.wles.util
commitTransaction() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Commit a BLM transaction, if a transaction has not been started then an exception is thrown
compareTo(Date) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Compares a java Date object to this Time object.
compareTo(Time) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Compares a java Date object to this Time object.
constraint - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The rule's constraint.
constructRole(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Constructs a qualified role name from an unqualified role name.
constructSubject(SubjectBuilder.Parts) - Static method in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Constructs a qualified subject name from subject structure.
constructSubjectGroup(String, String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Constructs a qualified group name from the directory and unqualified group name.
constructUser(String, String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Constructs a qualified user from the directory and unqualified user name.
convertFromASI(String) - Method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
convertToASI(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
copyLocalUser(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Creates a new user based on an existing user's profile including group membership and attribute values, and rules.
copyObjects(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Copies resources and their attributes and pastes them under another resource.
create(String, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Create a new resource.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Creates the named element.
create(String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Creates a new declaration.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Creates an identity directory
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Create a new group.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Creates a new user.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Creates a privilege group.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Creates a new privilege.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Creates a new role.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Creates a new SCM.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Create a new unbound SSM object for configuration.
createAttributeElement() - Static method in class com.wles.util.AttributeElementFactory
Creates an AttributeElement object.
createAttributeElement(String, Object) - Static method in class com.wles.util.AttributeElementFactory
Creates an AttributeElement object with initial values.
createContext(Hashtable) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Creates BLMContextManager (BLM session) based on the supplied credentials.
createContext(Hashtable, Hashtable) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Creates BLMContextManager (BLM session) based on the supplied credentials and application context.
createProviderConfiguration(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Create a new provider configuration for an SSM.
createRule(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Create rule from rule text.


DECLARATION_KIND_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies any kind of declaration.
DECLARATION_KIND_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies declarations of attributes (credentials).
DECLARATION_KIND_CONSTANT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies declarations of constants.
DECLARATION_KIND_ENUMERATION - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies declarations of enumerations.
DECLARATION_KIND_EVALUATION_FUNCTION - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies declarations of evaluation functions.
DECLARATION_NAME - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.pool.CallBasedContextValidator
DELEGATE - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect
DELEGATE effect type
DELIM - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Resource delimiter.
DENY - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect
DENY effect type
DISTRIBUTE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.PolicyAvailableForEnum
Indicates that an asynchronous distribution request should return once it is safe to perform another policy distribution.
Domain - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the Domain
decodeAttributeName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Decode a mangled attribute name so it matches how it's presented in the MDF.
decomposeSubject(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Parses a qualified subject string and seperates it into parts.
deconstruct(String, String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Subject
Decompose the qualified subject into SubjectBuilder.Parts.
delegator - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The delegator for a delegate rule, null for non-delegate rules.
deleteQuery(QueryDescription) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
To delete a saved Policy Inquiry query.
destroyContext() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Terminates this session to the BLM.
destroyObject(Object) - Method in class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory
dirNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize
directory - Variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.Parts
distributeConfiguration(String[], PolicyAvailableForEnum) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Distributes the configuration for a given SSM.
distributePolicyAsync(String[], PolicyAvailableForEnum) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor
Asynchronously distributes policy changes.
distributionId - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
The ID of the distribution.
distributionId - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo
The distribution version ID the engine is currently using.


EFFECT_TYPE_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies rules with any effect.
EFFECT_TYPE_DELEGATE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies rules with a DELEGATE effect.
EFFECT_TYPE_DENY - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies rules with a DENY effect.
EFFECT_TYPE_GRANT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies rules with a GRANT effect.
effect - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The rule's effect: grant, deny, delegate.
enableTransactionalAuditing(boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
If the BLM context has is in the middle of a transaction then this method will return tru
engineName - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo
The name of the engine (ssm or scm).
engineName - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
The name of the engine (scm or ssm).
engineStatus - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
The individual status of each engine effected by this distribution.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue
Compares two enumeration values for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Tests for constraint equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Tests two rules for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
Compares to another element for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
extendedSubs421 - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize


FILTER_BY_NAME - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies to filter declarations by name.
FILTER_BY_TYPE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies to filter declarations by type.
FILTER_BY_VALUE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies to filter declarations by value.
FILTER_OPERATOR_AND - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies a filter search operator of AND.
FILTER_OPERATOR_OR - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies a filter search operator of OR.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds a set of matching resource names based on a filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Finds a set of policy elements matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(int, String, String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Finds declarations matching the specified search criteria.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Finds directories matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Find all groups matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds all users matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Finds privilege groups matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Finds all privileges matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Finds roles matching a filter pattern.
filter(RuleTypeEnum, String, String[], String[], String[], String[], String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Finds rules according to the selection criteria.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Finds a set of SCM's based on a filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Find a set of SSM's based on a filter pattern.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Checks for a resource in a resource collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Checks for a named entity within a collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Checks for a named declaration in a collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Check for the existense of a directory in a collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Checks for a group within a group collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Checks for an occurance of the specified user name in a user collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Checks for a privilege group in a collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Checks for a privilege within a privilege collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Checks for a role within a role collection.
find(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Checks that an SCM is in the policy store..
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Checks that an SSM is in an SSM collection.
findRule(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Searches for a rule in a rule collection.
fromASI(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter


GRANT - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect
GRANT effect type
generateRuleText() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Make rule text from parsed rule.
getASIType() - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Gets the ASI type name.
getASITypeName() - Method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
getActionType() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Action
Get the ActionType for this action.
getActionType() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
getActionType() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction
getActions() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getAllAncestorsSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Get all the groups that the specified group is a member of.
getAllDescendantsSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Get all groups which are a member of the specified group.
getAllMembers(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Get a list of all users and groups who are a member of the specified group.
getAllSubjectGroups(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds all the groups the user is a member of.
getApplicationManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMApplicationManager.
getApplicationNodes(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds application node resources matching a specified filter pattern.
getAttributes(String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds the attributes for a resource.
getBindingNodes(String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds all binding nodes matching a specified filter pattern.
getBoundResources(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Find a set of resources bound to a given SSM.
getBoundSSMs(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Finds all SSMs bound to a specified SCM.
getCondition() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Gets the condition, this is the portion between if and ;
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns the size of the resource or resource attribute collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Gets the number of elements in the specified collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Gets the size of a declaration collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Gets the size of a directory or attribute schema collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
getCount Gets the size of the group or group attribute collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Returns the size of a user or user attribute collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Gets the size of a privilege group collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Returns the size of a privilege collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Returns the size of a role collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Gets the size of a rule collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Returns the size of the SCM collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns the size of the SSM collection.
getDeclarationManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMDeclarationManager.
getDelegators() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getDeletedObjects(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds all resources which have been deleted but the deletion notification has not yet been distributed.
getDescription(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Get a description for an application resource.
getDirectAncestorsSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Gets all groups the specified group is directly a member of.
getDirectDescendantsApplications(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds the resources who are direct decendents of the specified resource.
getDirectDescendantsSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Get all groups which are directly (not via inheritance) a member of the specified group.
getDirectSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds the direct group memberships for the specified user.
getDirectUsers(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Gets all users who are directly members of the specified group.
getDirectoryManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMDirectoryManager.
getDirectoryName() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ScopedSubject
Gets the directory name of the scoped subject.
getDistributionPointNodes(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Find distribution point resources matching a specified filter pattern.
getDistributionStatus(int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor
To get status of an on going or recent distribution.
getEffectType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
return the effect type.
getElements() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Gets the elements contained in the Resource i.e. breaks it up by the slashes
getEligibleSubjectGroupMembers(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Gets all groups who are not currently a member of the specified group.
getEligibleSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds all groups this user is not already a member of.
getEligibleUserMembers(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Gets all users who are not currently a member of the specified group.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.wles.BaseError
Gets the internal error code.
getIndirectSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds the indirect (inherited) group memberships for the specified user.
getKind(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Gets the kind of a declaration.
getLineage() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Gets an array of all resources from this one to the root order starts with this one and works up to root
getLocalSubjectGroupManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager.
getLocalUserManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMLocalUserManager.
getMemberOfPrivgrps(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Returns a list of privilege groups that this privilege belongs to.
getMessage() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMException
Returns the string messgae associated with the exception
getName() - Method in class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
return the query name.
getName() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Return the name of the given configuration element.
getName() - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Gets the attribute Name.
getName() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
Gets the simple unqualified, unescaped name.
getNewObjects(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds all newly created resources which have not yet been deployed.
getOrderType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getOwner() - Method in class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
return the owner's name.
getParameterNumber() - Method in class com.wles.BadParameterException
Get the parameter number which caused the error.
getParent() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Gets the parent resource, or null if this is the root.
getPolicyDistributor() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMPolicyDistributor.
getPrivgrpManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMPrivgrpManager.
getPrivilegeManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMPrivilegeManager.
getPrivilegesInGroup(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Finds the privilegs in a privilege group.
getProperties() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Get a list of all properties currently set for this provider.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Get a provider propert to operate on.
getPropertyReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Returns a report on a provider properties collection.
getPropertyReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Returns a subset of a provider properties collection.
getProviderManager(String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Get a provider instance configuration object to modify an existing provider.
getProviderName() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Return the name of the provider.
getProviderReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns a report on a Provider collection
getProviderReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns a subset of a provider collection
getProviderType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Return the string representation of the provider type.
getProviders(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Find a set of providers based on an SSM's name.
getQualifiedName() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
getReason() - Method in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
Gets the reson code indidcating why the service was not found.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns a report on a a resource collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns a report on a subset of a resource collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Returns a report of the declarations in the specified collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Returns a report of the declarations in the specified collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Returns a report on a directory collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Returns a report on a subset of a directory collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Returns a report on a group collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Returns a report of a subset of a group collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Returns a report on a user collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Returns a report on a subset on a user collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Returns a report on a privilege group collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Returns a report on a subset of a privilege group collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Returns the report of a privilege collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Returns the report of a subset of a privilege collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Returns a report for on a role collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Returns a report on a subset of a role collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Returns a report on a rule collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Returns a report on a subset of a rule collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Returns a report on an SCM collection
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Returns a subset of an SCM collection
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns a report on an SSM collection
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns a subset of an SSM collection
getReportOnAppAttributes(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns a report on a subset of a resource attribute collection.
getReportOnAppAttributes(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns a report on a resource attribute collection.
getReportOnSubjectGroupAttributes(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Returns the report of a group attribute collection.
getReportOnSubjectGroupAttributes(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Returns the report of a subset of a group attribute collection.
getReportOnUserAttributes(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Returns a report on a subset of the user attributes collection.
getReportOnUserAttributes(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Returns a report on the user attributes collection.
getResourceAttribute(String, String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Gets a resource's attribute value.
getResources() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getResultType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getRoleAction() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectRole
Gets the action representation of the SubjectRole
getRoleManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMRoleManager.
getRuleManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMRuleManager.
getRuleType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
return the rule type, either RuleTypeEnum.Policy or RuleTypeEnum.RoleMapping.
getSCM(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns the SCM to which the SSM is bound.
getSCMManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Returns the instance of the SCMConfigurationManager.
getSSM(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns the name of the SSM to which the resource is bound.
getSSMConfigurationManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Returns the instance of the BLMConfigurationManager.
getSchema(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Get a collection of the attributes making up the specified directory's schema.
getSchemaAttributeTemplate(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Get the attribute's template value for a directory's schema.
getSchemaReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Returns a report on a subset of an attribute schema collection.
getSchemaReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Returns a report of the attribute schma collection.
getServiceType() - Method in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
Gets the service type which was not found.
getSubjectGroupAttribute(String, String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Gets the value of an attribute associated with the group.
getSubjectGroupAttributes(String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Finds attributes associated with a group.
getSubjectGroupsWithAttribute(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Finds all groups with the specified attribute value.
getSubjectRole() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction
Gets the Subject representation of the Role action.
getSubjects() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getText() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Get the full text of the constraint this is the portion including if and ;
getType(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Gets the type code of the resource
getType(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Gets the type of an attribute or constant declaration
getType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMException
Returns the exception type as a String
getType() - Method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
getURL() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Gets the URL used to connect to this BLMManager.
getUnboundSSMs() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Finds all unbound SSMs.
getUseType(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Get the useage model for a attribute declaration.
getUserAttribute(String, String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Gets the value of an attribute associated with local user.
getUserAttributes(String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Gets a collection of attributes associated with the specified user.
getUserClosure(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Get all users who are a member of the specified group.
getUsersWithAttribute(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds all users with the specified attribute value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Gets the value of a declaration.
getValue() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Return the value of the given configuration element.
getValue() - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Gets the attribute Value.
getValue() - Method in class com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue
Returns the enumeration value as a String.
getValue() - Method in class com.wles.util.TypeConversionException
getValueAs(Class) - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Attempts to convert internal value to the supplied type.
getValueList() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Return the list representation of the value.
groupNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize
group_prefix - Static variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Prefix for qualified groups.


hashCode() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
hashCode() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
Computes a hashCode for the element.
hostName - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
The name of the host the engine is running on.


IF - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
String identifying the start of a constraint.
InternalException - exception com.wles.InternalException.
Represents an error which was not related to user actions.
InternalException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.InternalException
InternalException() - Constructor for class com.wles.InternalException
instanceName - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo
The name of the engine instance.
instanceName - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
The name of the engine instance.
isAnyPrivilege() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
Determine if this is the special "any" privilege.
isApplicationNode(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Determine if the specified resource is an application resource.
isBindingNode(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Determines if the specified resource is a binding resource.
isDecendant(RuleParser.Resource) - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Tests if supplied node is an ancestor of this resource i.e. this node is a child/decentant of supplied node.
isDistributionPoint(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Determines if the specified resource is a distribution point.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Determines if the condition is empty, or just true i.e. grant(...); or grant(...) if true;
isGuarded(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Checks if the specified resource is bound to an engine.
isLeaf(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Determines if the specified resource is a leaf, i.e. resource with no defined children.
isLimitReached(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Checks if the server specified limit has been crossed for this collection.
isList() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Specifies whether this particular attribute is a list attribute or not.
isList() - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Determines if this is a multi-valued attribute.
isRoot() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Tests if this is the root resource.
isTransactionalAuditingEnabled() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
If the BLM context has is in the middle of a transaction then this method will return tru
isVirtualResourceAllowed(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Determines if the specified resource may have virtual children.


Location - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the Location
LocationService - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the LocationService
lastModifiedBy - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The subject that modified this rule the last time.
lastModifiedDate - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The date when the rule was modified this last time.
listQueries(RuleTypeEnum, String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Returns an array of QueryDescription of the saved Policy queries.
listRegisteredEngines(boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor
Gets a list of the registered engine instances.


makeObject() - Method in class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory
modifyRule(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Modifies a rule by rule text.


NULL_DISTRIBUTION_ID - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor
Identifier used to repesent the null distribution id.
Normalize - class com.wles.util.Normalize.
This class contains static functions to help ensure that data sent into the ARME and BLM use the allowed character sets.
name - Variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.Parts
normalizeAttributeName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize an attribute name.
normalizeDirectoryName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a directory name.
normalizeGroupName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a group name.
normalizeObjectBranch(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a multi-element resource name, i.e.
normalizeObjectName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalizes a single-element resource name.
normalizePrivilegeName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a privilege name.
normalizeRoleName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a role name.
normalizeUserName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a user name.


ORDER_BY_DELEGATOR - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
ORDER_BY_EFFECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies the order type of queryPolicy method.
ORDER_BY_PRIVILEGE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
ORDER_BY_RESOURCE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
ORDER_BY_ROLE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
ORDER_BY_SUBJECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
objectNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize


PRIVILEGE - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ActionType
Identifies actions which are privileges.
Policy - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.RuleTypeEnum
Specifies authorization rules. i.e. rules granting privileges to subjects.
PolicyAvailableForEnum - class com.wles.blm.PolicyAvailableForEnum.
Used for specifing how long an asynchronous policy distribution request should block.
PolicyDistributor - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the PolicyDistributor
PolicyQuery - class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery.
PolicyQuery(RuleTypeEnum, String, String[], String[], String[], String[], int, String) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
parse(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Action
Parse an action string to create an action.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect
Parse the supplied string as a rule effect.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Subject
Parse the subject string and return a Subject object.
parseRule(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser
Parses a text rule into a series of rule elements.
percentComplete - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
Indicates how much of the distribution has been completed.
policyQuery - Variable in class com.wles.blm.SavedQuery
prefix - Variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.Parts
privNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize


QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
Privilege qualifier.
QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Resource qualifier.
QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction
Role qualifier.
QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectGroup
Subject group qualifier.
QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectRole
Role qualifier.
QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.User
User qualifier.
QueryDescription - class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription.
This class is used to wrap policy query information.
QueryDescription(String, String) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
Construct the QueryDescription instance.
queryDescription - Variable in class com.wles.blm.SavedQuery
queryPolicy(PolicyQuery) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Returns a string that is an ID pointing to the collection of rules retrieved.


READ - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.PolicyAvailableForEnum
Indicates that an asynchronous distribution request should return once it is safe to perform read operations on the system.
RESOURCE_TYPE_APPLICATION - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Application resource type, used to designate the logical root of an application.
RESOURCE_TYPE_BASIC - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Basic resource type, a resoure below a binding node.
RESOURCE_TYPE_BINDING - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Binding resource type, used to designate a resource which may be bound to an SSM.
RESOURCE_TYPE_ORGINIZATIONAL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Orginization resource type is used to designate top level resources.
ROLE - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ActionType
Identifies actions which are roles.
ROLEMAPPING - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
A Role Mapping provider is responsible for obtaining the set of security roles granted to a user for a resource.
ROOT - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Root resource.
RULE_COMPOUND - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
RULE_FLAT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies the result type of queryPolicy method.
RoleMapping - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.RuleTypeEnum
Specifies role mapping rules. i.e. rules grant roles to subjects.
RuleParser - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.
Supports parsing and generation of ALES rules.
RuleParser.Action - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Action.
Base class representation for actions (roles, privileges) names.
RuleParser.ActionType - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ActionType.
Enumeration of different action types.
RuleParser.Constraint - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint.
Class for representing a rule's constraint.
RuleParser.Constraint(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Construct a constraint based on the supplied text.
RuleParser.Effect - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect.
Class represnetation for the effect portion of a rule.
RuleParser.ParsedRule - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule.
Class representation of a parsed rule.
RuleParser.ParsedRule() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Default constructor, builds an empty rule.
RuleParser.ParsedRule(RuleParser.Effect, RuleParser.Action[], RuleParser.Resource[], RuleParser.Subject[], RuleParser.User, RuleParser.Constraint) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Construct a rule from rule element classes.
RuleParser.ParsedRule(String, String[], String[], String[], String, String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Construct a rule from rule element strings.
RuleParser.ParsingException - exception com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsingException.
Exception used to indicate parsing errors.
RuleParser.ParsingException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsingException
RuleParser.Privilege - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege.
Class representation of a privilege action.
RuleParser.Privilege(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
Constuct a Privilege object for the named privilege.
RuleParser.QualifiedElement - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement.
Base class of parser for all named rule elements.
RuleParser.Resource - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource.
Class for representing a resource.
RuleParser.Resource(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Constructs a resource form a named value.
RuleParser.RoleAction - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction.
Class representation of a Role action.
RuleParser.RoleAction(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction
Constructs a RoleAction from a named role.
RuleParser.ScopedSubject - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ScopedSubject.
Base class for subjects which include a directory component.
RuleParser.Subject - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Subject.
Base class representation of subjects (User, Group, Role).
RuleParser.SubjectGroup - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectGroup.
Class for representing a qualified subject group in a directory.
RuleParser.SubjectGroup(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectGroup
Construct a SubjectGroup from a group name.
RuleParser.SubjectRole - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectRole.
Class for representing a qualified role name to be used a subject.
RuleParser.SubjectRole(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectRole
Construct a role from a named value.
RuleParser.User - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.User.
Class for representing a qualified user in a directory.
RuleParser.User(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.User
Constructs a User from the supplied name.
RuleTypeEnum - class com.wles.blm.RuleTypeEnum.
Identifies different rule types.
readQuery(QueryDescription) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Returns a PolicyQuery of the the content of a saved Policy Inquiry query.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Releases the a resource or resource attribute collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Releases the specified collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Releases a declaration collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Releases a reference to a directory or attribute schema collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Releases a group or group attribute collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Releases a user or user attribute collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Release the privilege group collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Release a privilege collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Releases a role collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Releases a rule collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Releases the SCM collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Releases an SSM collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Releases an SSM collection.
releaseProviderReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Releases a provider collection.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Removes a resource from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Removes the named entity from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Removes a declaration.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Removes a directory from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Remove a group from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Removes a user from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Removes a privilege group from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Removes a privilege from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Removes a role from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Removes an SCM and unbinds any SSM's bound to it.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Remove an SSM object from the system.
removeCascade(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Removes a resource and all related elements from the system.
removeCascade(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Removes a directory and all associated entities from the system.
removeCascade(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Remove a group from the system, including all rules referencing it.
removeCascade(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Removes a user and all associated policy data from the system.
removeConfigurationBinding(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Unbinds an SSM from an SCM.
removeEngineRegistration(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor
Removes an engine instance registration.
removePrivilegeFromGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Removes a privilege from a privilege group.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Remove a configuration property for this provider.
removeProviderInstanceConfiguration(String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Remove a provider from an SSM.
removeResourceAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Removes an attribute assignment from a resource.
removeResourceBinding(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Unbind a resource from an SSM.
removeRule(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Removes a rule by rule text.
removeSchemaAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Removes an attribute declaration from the directory's attribute schema.
removeSchemaAttributeTemplate(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Removes the template value for a directory's schema.
removeSubjectGroupAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Removes the value of a group's attribute.
removeSubjectGroupFromSubjectGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Removes a group (child) from another group's (parent) membership.
removeUserAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Removes the value of a user's attribute.
removeUserFromSubjectGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Removes a user from a group.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Renames a resource in the system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Renames a policy element.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Renames a declaration.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Renames a Directory.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Rename a group within the system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Renames a user.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Renames a privilege group in the system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Renames a privilege in the system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Renames a role in the system.
resources - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The rule's resources.
roleNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize
role_prefix - Static variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Prefix for qualified roles.
rollbackTransaction() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Rollback a BLM transaction, if a transaction has not been started then an exception is thrown
ruleId - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The unique ID of the rule.


SCMManager - class com.wles.blm.SCMManager.
Manages all operations on SCMs.
SSMConfigurationManager - class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager.
Manages all operations on SSM objects.
SSMProviderConfigElement - class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement.
Configuration Element object
SSMProviderConfigElement() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Constructs an empty Configuration Element object.
SSMProviderManager - class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager.
Manages all operations on a single provider object.
SSMProviderTypes - interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes.
Provides easy access to the string representation of each provider type.
SavedQuery - class com.wles.blm.SavedQuery.
This class is used to combine PolicyQuery and QueryDescription to one class, then other methods can use it.
SavedQuery() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.SavedQuery
SavedQuery(QueryDescription, PolicyQuery) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.SavedQuery
ServiceNotFoundException - exception com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException.
Indicates that there is no connection between the client application and the specified ALES service.
ServiceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
Construct a ServiceNotFoundException.
ServiceNotFoundException(String, ServiceNotFoundException.ServiceType, ServiceNotFoundException.Reason) - Constructor for class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
Construct a ServiceNotFoundException.
ServiceNotFoundException() - Constructor for class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
Construct a ServiceNotFoundException.
ServiceNotFoundException.Reason - class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException.Reason.
Enumeration of reasons why service was not found.
ServiceNotFoundException.ServiceType - class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException.ServiceType.
Enumeration of ALES service types.
ServiceUnavailable - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates that the there was not active server running for the specified service
ServiceUnknown - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates that the requested service was not known to the system
StringTypeConverter - class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter.
StringTypeConverter() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
SubjectBuilder - class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.
This class contains static functions to help in constructing and decomposing ASI qualified subjects.
SubjectBuilder() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
SubjectBuilder.Parts - class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.Parts.
Parsed representation of a subject.
SubjectBuilder.Parts() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.Parts
saveQuery(QueryDescription, PolicyQuery, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
To create (save) a Policy query if the query does not exist.
setActions(String[]) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setApplicationContext(Hashtable) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Sets the application context in the BLM.
setApplicationNode(String, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies a resource as an application, or unset it.
setDelegators(String[]) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setDescription(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Adds or resets a description for an application resource.
setDistributionPoint(String, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies a resource as a distribution point, or undeclare it.
setEffectType(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setName(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
set the query name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Set the name of the configuration element.
setName(String) - Method in interface com.wles.util.AttributeElement
Set the attribute name.
setOrderType(int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setOwner(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
set the owner's name.
setPasswordKnown(String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Resets the value of a user's password, requiring validation of the existing password.
setPasswordUnknown(String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Sets or resets a user's password without requiring knowledge of the current password.
setProperty(SSMProviderConfigElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Set a configuration property for this particular provider.
setResourceAttribute(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Creates or reset an attribute value for a resource.
setResources(String[]) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setResultType(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setRuleType(RuleTypeEnum) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
set the rule type, either RuleTypeEnum.Policy or RuleTypeEnum.RoleMapping
setSchemaAttributeTemplate(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Set or reset the value of a templated attribute for a directory's attribute schema.
setSubjectGroupAttribute(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Sets the value of a group attribute.
setSubjects(String[]) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setTime(long) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Sets the time.
setUseageModel(String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Set the usage model for an attribute declaration
setUserAttribute(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Sets the value for a user's attribute.
setValue(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Sets value of a declaration.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Set the value of the configuration element.
setValue(String[]) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Set the list value of the configuration element.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface com.wles.util.AttributeElement
Set the attribute value.
setVirtualResourceAllowed(String, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies if a resource may have virtual children or not.
singleton - Static variable in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
split() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Splits rule up into multiple rules i.e. a*r*s returns null if not splittable
standardSubs421 - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize
status - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
Indicates the current status of the distribution.
subjects - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The rule's subjects.
success - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
An indicator specifying if the engine was able to process the update.


TERMINATOR - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
String identifying the end of a constraint.
TERMINATOR - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ScopedSubject
The charater used to terminate subject names.
TRUE - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
String identifying the contents of a default constraint.
Time - class com.wles.util.Time.
Used to represent ALES time values.
Time() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.Time
Constructs a Time object with the current time.
Time(long) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.Time
Constructs a Time object with the specified time.
Time(Date) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.Time
Constructs a Time object with the specified time.
TypeConversionException - exception com.wles.util.TypeConversionException.
Indicates that the conversion between ASI and Java types failed.
TypeConversionException() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.TypeConversionException
TypeConversionException(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.TypeConversionException
timestamp - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
The timestamp of the distribution.
toASI(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
toString() - Method in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException.Reason
toString() - Method in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException.ServiceType
toString() - Method in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
This method is to return a String representing all element inside PolicyQuery object
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue
Returns the enumeration value as a String.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ActionType
Returns the action type as a string.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Returns a report on the structure of the constraint.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect
Returns the rule effect as a String.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Returns report of the contents of the rule.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
Returns a report on parsed element.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Returns a report of information on the resource structure.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ScopedSubject
Return a report of information on the subject structure.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Returns the time as a string in ALES time format.
transactionIsActive() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
If the BLM context has is in the middle of a transaction then this method will return tru


UnsupportedTypeException - exception com.wles.util.UnsupportedTypeException.
The specified type is not registered with the TypeConverter.
UnsupportedTypeException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.UnsupportedTypeException
UnsupportedTypeException() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.UnsupportedTypeException
unsetVirtualResourceAllowed(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Unsets a resources virtual resource setting.
user - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
The user who issued the distribution.
userNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize
user_prefix - Static variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Prefix for qualified users.


validate(BLMContextManager) - Method in interface com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextValidator
Checks validity of the BLMContextManager instance
validate(BLMContextManager) - Method in class com.wles.blm.pool.CallBasedContextValidator
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Validates that the internal string is a constraint.
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
Validate that the internal string is a syntatically correct privilege.
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
Validates that the element is of the proper form.
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Validate that the internal string is a syntatically correct resource name.
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction
Validates that the internal string is a syntatically correct role.
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Subject
Validate that the internal string is a syntatically correct subject name.
validateObject(Object) - Method in class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory


WRITE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.PolicyAvailableForEnum
Indicates that an asynchronous distribution request should return once it is safe to perform write operations on the system.


_BLMManager - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the BLMManager field
_ComFailure - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the ComFailure field
_Credentials - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the Credentials field
_CredentialsMgr - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the CredentialsMgr field
_Domain - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the Domain field
_Location - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the Location field
_LocationService - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the LocationService field
_PolicyDistributor - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the PolicyDistributor field
_ServiceUnavailable - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the ServiceUnabailable field
_ServiceUnknown - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the ServiceUnknown field

A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W _

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