Administration and Deployment Guide

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Changing Database User Passwords

When you configure an authentication provider for use with an SSM, you specify a database server user name and password that are then used to connect to the database server where the authentication data is stored.

In the case of the Database Authenticator provider in the default console SSM (asiadmin), the provider uses the database configured for the ALES policy store.

In addition, you can configure an ASI Authorizer provider to use a metadirectory, which also requires you to provide a database user name and password.

If you want to change the password for the account that you use to access the authentication database or the ASI Authorizer metadirectory database, follow the instructions that fit your particular circumstance.

Note: See the What's Next section of Installing the Administration Server for instructions on changing the Administrator default password.

Changing the Authentication Provider Database Password for the WLS9.x SSM

  1. Modify the password for the ALES user in the database.
  2. Log in to the WebLogic Server 9.x console for the asiDomain.
  3. Specify the new password in the Database User Password field under the Security Realms > asiadmin > Providers > ALES Database Authenticator > Provider Specific tab.
  4. Set the Database User Password to match the password you used in Step 1. This must be associated with a valid database login for your database with read access to the tables that involve the authentication process.

  5. Click on Activate Changes.
  6. Run the asipassword utility.
  7. Restart the ALES Admin server.

Changing the Authentication Provider Database Password for the WLS SSM

  1. Modify the password for the ALES database user in the database.
  2. Change the password in the ALES Administration Console:
    1. Open the Security Service Module folder that contains the provider you want to change.
    2. Open the Authentication Providers folder, and select the Database Authentication provider to change.
    3. Click the Details tab and set the Database User Password to match the password you used in Step 1. This must be associated with a valid database login for your database with read access to the tables that involve the authentication process.
    4. Enter the same password in the confirmation field.

    5. Click Apply to save your changes.
    6. Note: Note: Changes made to a provider do not take effect until after it is explicitly deployed and the associated Security Service Module is restarted.
  3. Run the asipassword utility.
  4. Restart the Admin server.

Changing the ASI Authorizer (Using Metadirectory) Password for the WLS9.x SSM

  1. Modify the password for the ALES user in the database.
  2. Log in to the WebLogic Server 9.x console for the asiDomain.
  3. Specify the new password in the Database User Password field under Security Realms > asiadmin > Providers > ASI Authorizer > Provider-Specific tab.
  4. Click on activate changes.

Changing the ASI Authorizer (Using Metadirectory) Password for the WLS SSM

  1. Modify the password for the metadirectory database user in the database.
  2. Open the Security Service Module folder that contains the providers you want to change.
  3. Open the Authorization folder, and click Authorization.
  4. The Authorization page appears.

  5. Select the ASI Authorization provider to configure.
  6. Click the Details tab and change the Database Login Password field for the metadirectory database user.
  7. Confirm the password change.
  8. Click Apply to save your changes.
  9. Note: Changes made to a provider do not take effect until after it is explicitly deployed and the associated Security Service Module is restarted.

  10. Run the asipassword utility.
  11. Restart the Admin server.

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