BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security Provider SSPI 2.5 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SecurityProvider

This package includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions you use to develop security providers.  


Uses of SecurityProvider in

Subinterfaces of SecurityProvider in
 interface AdjudicationProvider
          The AdjudicationProvider interface exposes the services provided by an Adjudication provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface AdjudicationProviderV2
          The AdjudicationProviderV2 interface exposes the services provided by an Adjudication provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface AuditProvider
          The AuditProvider interface exposes the services provided by an Auditing provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface AuthenticationProvider
          The AuthenticationProvider interface exposes the services provided by an Authentication provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface AuthenticationProviderV2
          The AuthenticationProvider interface exposes the services provided by an Authentication provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface AuthorizationProvider
          The AuthorizationProvider interface exposes the services provided by an Authorization provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface CredentialProvider
          The CredentialProvider interface exposes the services provided by a Credential Mapping provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface CredentialProviderV2
          The CredentialProviderV2 interface exposes the services provided by a Credential Mapping provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface DeployableAuthorizationProvider
          An Authorization provider that supports deploying policies on behalf of Web application and EJB deployment needs to implement this interface.
 interface DeployableCredentialProvider
          A Credential Mapping provider that supports deploying policies on behalf of Resource Adapter deployment needs to implement this interface.
 interface DeployableRoleProvider
          A Role Mapping provider that supports deploying roles on behalf of Web application and EJB deployment needs to implement this interface.
 interface RoleProvider
          The RoleProvider interface exposes the services provided by a Role Mapping provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface VersionableApplicationProvider
          All authorization, role mapping, and credential mapping providers for the security realm must support application versioning for an application to be deployed using versions.

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