Developing Security Providers

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Design Considerations

Careful planning of development activities can greatly reduce the time and effort you spend developing custom security providers. The following sections provide information to help you make design decisions and to understand the process and components of the custom security provider development:


General Architecture of a Security Provider

Although you can develop different types of security providers, all security providers follow the same general architecture. Figure 4-1 illustrates the general architecture of a security provider.

Figure 4-1 Security Provider Architecture

Security Provider Architecture

Figure 4-1 shows the relationship between a single runtime class (MyFooProviderImpl) and an MBean type (MyFooMBean) file. To develop a custom security provider you write an MBean Definition File, the MyFooMBean MBean type file. The MyFooBean file extends the SSPI MBean (FooSSPIMBean). It is written in XML format. When you run the MBean Definition File through the WebLogic MBeanMaker, that utility generates the runtime class for the MBean type,

The process begins when a Security Service Module instance starts and the Security Framework:

  1. Locates the MBean type associated with the security provider. MBean types are located in the MJF file for the provider in the /lib/providers directory.
  2. Obtains the name of the security provider runtime class from the MBean type (if there are two runtime classes, the one that implements the Provider SSPI), and creates a new instance of the provider runtime class.
  3. Passes in the appropriate MBean instance that the security provider uses to initialize (read configuration data) to the initialize() method of the security provider runtime class.
  4. Therefore, both the runtime class or classes and the MBean type form what is called the security provider.


Security Services Provider Interface

You develop a custom security provider by first implementing the security service provider interface to create runtime classes. See Types of Providers for a list of which one to implement for each type of security provider.

Each SSPI that ends in the suffix "Provider" (for example, CredentialProvider) exposes the services of a security provider to the Security Framework. This allows you to manipulate the security provider (initialize, start, stop, and so on).

Figure 4-2 Provider SSPI

Provider SSPI

Figure 4-2 shows the SSPI provided with BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security. This SSPI extends the Security Provider interface ( and its methods and exposes the security services to the framework. Because the custom security provider runtime classes implement a Security Provider interface, all such runtime classes must provide implementations for these inherited methods. Table 4-1 describes the security provider interface methods.

Table 4-1 Security Provider Interface Methods
This method takes two arguments: providerMBean and securityServices.
The providerMBean argument can be narrowed to the security provider MBean associated with the security provider. The MBean instance is created from the MBean type you generate and contains configuration data that allows the Administration Application to manage the custom security provider. If this configuration data is available, you can use the initialize method to extract it.
The securityServices argument is an object from which the custom security provider can obtain the Auditor service. For more information about the Auditor Service and auditing, see Creating Auditing Provider Runtime Classes and Auditing Events from Custom Security Providers
Returns a brief textual description of the custom security provider.
Shuts down the custom security provider.

To develop a custom security provider, you must create runtime classes that implement the security provider SSPI. Using a Credential Mapping provider as an example, Figure 4-3 illustrates the inheritance hierarchy that is common to all SSPIs and shows how a runtime class, can implement the required interfaces. In this example, BEA supplies the SecurityProvider interface and the CredentialProvider and CredentialMapper SSPI. A single runtime class, MyCredentialMapperProviderImpl, implements the CredentialProvider and CredentialMapper SSPI.

Figure 4-3 Credential Mapping SSPI and a Single Runtime Class

Credential Mapping SSPI and a Single Runtime Class

However, Figure 4-3 illustrates only one way you can implement the SSPI, that is, by creating a single runtime class. If you prefer, as illustrated in Figure 4-4, you can create two runtime classes: one for the implementation of the Provider SSPI (for example, the CredentialProvider) and one for the implementation of the other SSPI (for example, the CredentialMapper SSPI).

When you choose to create two runtime classes, the class that implements the Provider SSPI acts as a factory for generating an instance of the runtime class that implements the other SSPI. For example, in Figure 4-4, MyCredentialMapperProviderImpl acts as a factory for generating MyCredentialMapperImpl.

Note: If you choose to create two runtime classes, remember to include both of them in the MBean JAR File when you use the WebLogic MBeanMaker to generate the security provider MBean type.
Figure 4-4 Credential Mapping SSPI and Two Runtime Classes

Credential Mapping SSPI and Two Runtime Classes

Developing Security Providers using the SSPI

BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security provides an extended version of the standard WebLogic Security Service Provider Interface (SSPI). Providers that you write to work in both environments must handle both WebLogic resources and extended ones. Listing 4-1 shows how to use the instanceof operator in providers to check for extended resource.

Listing 4-1 Adding Code to Providers to Check for Extended Resource
if ( myresource instanceof ) {
// This is a ALES resource that uses the enhanced SSPI.
} else {
// This is a WLS resource. You must test further for more object
// types and handle them explicitly.

Using ResourceActionBundle

The interface is a representation of a resource. As the name implies, this interface is merely a container for two other objects, ProviderResource and ProviderAction. ProviderResource is the resource portion of this object and ProviderAction is the action. The security provider understands which object is the operand and which is the verb.

A ProviderResource object gives the provider a mechanism to parse this resource name without having to understand the intricacies of the specific format. The ProviderResource.getDeepEnumeration() method extracts a collection of NameValueTypes that can may be mapped into the internal representation of the provider for that resource. The ProviderResource.getEnumeration() method is another method that provides a set of ordered NameValueTypes, however, this method provides a shallow enumeration, breaking the resource into more coarsely grained pieces. How this resource is parsed is determined by the application developer by means of a naming authority.

A resource type directly relates to its naming authority. A resource that has a naming authority of "HR_URL" is considered a different kind of resource than one who has a naming authority of "INTERNET_URL," even if both resources map to the same keys and values. You can get the name of a resource's naming authority with the ProviderResource.getAuthorityName() method.

Additionally, a ProviderResource object can also return a reference to its parent resource (ProviderResource.getResourceParent() method), if available. Therefore, a provider does not have to know how to produce a parent from the resource; in fact, the resource and the action can have separate parents.

A ProviderAction object is very similar to a ProviderResource. It can be enumerated, parented, and linked to its own naming authority name as well.

Using the ProviderAuditRecord Interface

BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security provides an extended version of the standard WebLogic Security Service Provider Interface (SSPI). Providers that you write to work in both environments must handle both WebLogic audit records and extended ones. Listing 4-2 shows how to use the instanceof operator in providers to check for extended audit records.

Listing 4-2 Adding Code to Providers to Check for an Extended Audit Record
if ( myauditrecord instanceof {
// This is a ALES audit record that uses the enhanced SSPI.
} else {
// This is a WLS audit record. You must test further for more object
// types and handle them explicitly.

A simple audit provider can use the toString() method to render the audit record as a string; thus, the provider does not require specific knowledge of the audit record type.

A more complex auditing provider that tracks events by many keys and needs to distinguish messages by various types and attributes, requires a data-driven method of event introspection. The Provider Audit Record Interface,, satisfies this requirement.

This interface addresses this requirement by employing a similar mechanism as is used to inspect resources. An audit event can be enumerated using the ProviderAuditRecord.getEnumeration() and getDeepEnumeration() methods.

Additionally, the Provider Audit Record interface can associate an application context with an audit event.

This allows the auditing provider to select some context elements to audit when events occur. For example, when an audit event occurs, you may choose to audit the number of concurrent sessions, the time the user logged on, or some other application specific value propagated by the application context.


Security Services Provider Interface MBeans

The next task in developing a custom security provider is generating an MBean type for the custom security provider.

Understanding why You Need an MBean Type

In addition to creating runtime classes for a custom security provider, you must also generate an MBean type. The term MBean is short for managed bean, a Java object that represents a Java Management eXtensions (JMX) manageable resource. MBeans are used to expose configuration to the provider runtime class.

Note: JMX is a specification created by Sun Microsystems that defines a standard management architecture, APIs, and management services. For more information, see the Java Management Extensions web page.

Determining which SSPI MBeans to Extend

You use MBean interfaces called SSPI MBeans to create MBean types. Based on the custom security provider you plan to develop, refer to Table 4-2 and locate the required SSPI MBean.

Table 4-2 Required SSPI MBeans
Package Name
Required SSPI MBean
Authentication provider
Identity Assertion provider
Authorization provider
Adjudication provider
Role Mapping provider
Auditing provider
Credential Mapping provider

Understanding the Basic Elements of an MBean Definition File

An MBean Definition File is an XML file used by the WebLogic MBeanMaker utility to generate the Java files that comprise an MBean type. All MBean Definition Files must extend a required SSPI MBean that is specific to the type of the security provider you have created. Listing 4-3 shows a sample MBean Definition File and an explanation of its content follows.

Note: For a complete reference of MBean Definition File element syntax, see MBean Definition File Element Syntax.
Listing 4-3 SampleCredentialMapper.xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE MBeanType SYSTEM "commo.dtd">
<!-- MBean Definition File (MDF) for the Sample Credential Mapper.
     Copyright (c) 2003 by BEA Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
<!-- Declare your mbean.
     Since it is for an credential mapper, it must extend the or 
     Since this sample supports WLS RA deployments, it extends the
     The Name and DisplayName must be the same.
     They specify the name that will appear on the
     console for this provider.
     Note that since this is an xml document, you can't use double
     quotes directly.  Instead you need to use &quot;
     Note that setting "Writeable" to "false" on an attribute
     makes the attribute read-only.  The default is read-write.
 Name          = "SampleCredentialMapper"
 DisplayName   = "SampleCredentialMapper"
 Package       = ""
 Extends       = ""
 <!-- You must set the value of the ProviderClassName attribute
      (inherited from the mbean)
      to the name of the java class you wrote that implements the or interface.
      Since this sample supports WLS RA deployments, it implements
      the interface.
      You can think of the provider's mbean as the factory
      for your provider's runtime implementation.
  Name          = "ProviderClassName"
  Type          = "java.lang.String"
  Writeable     = "false"
  Default       = 
 <!-- You must set the value of the Description attribute
      (inherited from the mbean)
      to a brief description of your provider.
      It is displayed in the console.
  Name          = "Description"
  Type          = "java.lang.String"
  Writeable     = "false"
  Default       = "&quot;ALES Sample Credential Mapper Provider&quot;"
 <!-- You must set the value of the Version attribute
      (inherited from the mbean)
      to your provider's version.  There is no required format.
  Name          = "Version"
  Type          = "java.lang.String"
  Writeable     = "false"
  Default       = "&quot;1.0&quot;"
 <!-- Add any custom attributes for your provider here.
      The sample credential mapper does not have any custom attributes.

The bold attributes in the <MBeanType> tag show that this MBean Definition File is named SampleCredentialMapper and that it extends the required SSPI MBean called DeployableCredentialMapper.

The ProviderClassName, Description, and Version attributes defined in the <MBeanAttribute> tags are required in any MBean Definition File used to generate MBean types for security providers because they define the basic configuration methods for the provider and are inherited from the base required SSPI MBean called Provider (see Figure 4-6). The ProviderClassName attribute is especially important. The value for the ProviderClassName attribute is the name of the security provider runtime class (that is, the implementation of the appropriate SSPI). The example runtime class shown in Listing 4-3 is

While not shown in Listing 4-3, you can include additional attributes in an MBean Definition File using the <MBeanAttribute> tag. Most custom attributes automatically appear in the Details tab for your custom security provider in the Administration Application (as shown in Figure 4-5).

Figure 4-5 Database Credential Mapping Provider Details Tab

Database Credential Mapping Provider Details Tab

Understanding the SSPI MBean Hierarchy

All attributes specified in the required SSPI MBeans that your MBean Definition File extends (all the way up to the Provider base SSPI MBean) automatically appear in a Administration Application pages for the associated security provider. You use these attributes to configure your custom security providers. Figure 4-6 illustrates the SSPI MBean hierarchy for security providers using the Sample Credential Mapping MBean Definition File as an example.

Figure 4-6 SSPI MBean Hierarchy for Credential Mapping Providers

SSPI MBean Hierarchy for Credential Mapping Providers

Implementing the hierarchy of SSPI MBeans in the Sample Credential Mapper MBean Definition File (shown in Figure 4-6) produces the page in the Administration Application that is shown in Figure 4-7. The full listing of the Sample Credential Mapper MBean Definition File is shown in Listing 4-2.

Figure 4-7 Sample Credential Mapper General Tab

Sample Credential Mapper General Tab

The Name, Description, and Version fields are derived from attributes with the same names, inherited from the base required SSPI MBean called Provider and specified in the Sample Credential Mapper MBean Definition File. The DisplayName attribute in the Sample Credential Mapper MBean Definition File generates the value for the Name field, and that the Description and Version attributes generate the values for their respective fields as well.

Understanding What the WebLogic MBeanMaker Provides

The WebLogic MBeanMaker is a command-line utility that takes an MBean Definition File as input and outputs an MBean Java interface. This Java interface can then be used in the custom security provider runtime class, through the method, to get configuration attributes. Figure 4-8 shows the operations performed by the WebLogic MBeanMaker utility.

Figure 4-8 What the WebLogic MBeanMaker Provides

What the WebLogic MBeanMaker Provides


Initialization of the Security Provider Database

You must initialize the security provider database with the default users, groups, security policies, security roles, or credentials that your providers need. The provider is not restricted to using a relational database. A provider can store users, groups, etc., in a variety of persistent stores as described in the Introduction to AquaLogic Enterprise Security.

Creating a Simple Database

The first time you use a custom provider, it attempts to locate a database with the information needed to provide its security service. If the security provider fails to locate the database, it need to create one and populate it with the default users, groups, security policies, security roles, and credentials. This option may be useful for development and testing purposes.

Note: The sample security providers, available under Code Samples:AquaLogic Enterprise Security on the dev2dev Web site, simply create and use a properties file as their database. For example, the sample Authentication provider creates a properties file that contains the necessary information about users and groups.

Configuring an Existing Database

If you already have a database (such as an external LDAP server), you can populate that database with the users, groups, security policies, security roles, and credentials that your providers require. Populating an existing database is accomplished using whatever tools you already have in place for performing these tasks.

Once your database contains the necessary information, you must configure the security providers to look in that database. You accomplish this by adding custom attributes in your MBean Definition File. Some examples of custom attributes are the database host, port, password, and so on. You can use the Administration Application to configure these attributes to point to the database.

As an example, Listing 4-4 shows some custom attributes that are part of the LDAP Authentication provider MBean Definition File. These attributes allow an administrator to specify information about the LDAP Authentication provider database (an external LDAP server), so it can locate information about users and groups.

Listing 4-4 LDAPAuthenticator.xml
 Name = "UserObjectClass"
 Type = "java.lang.String"
 Default = "&quot;person&quot;"
 Description = "The LDAP object class that stores users."
 Name = "UserNameAttribute"
 Type = "java.lang.String"
 Default = "&quot;uid&quot;"
 Description = "The attribute of an LDAP user object that specifies the name of
   the user."
 Name = "UserDynamicGroupDNAttribute"
 Type = "java.lang.String"
 Description = "The attribute of an LDAP user object that specifies the
   distinguished names (DNs) of dynamic groups to which this user belongs.
   If such an attribute does not exist, WebLogic Server determines if a
   user is a member of a group by evaluating the URLs on the dynamic group.
   If a group contains other groups, the URLs are evaluated for
   any of the descendents of the group."
 Name = "UserBaseDN"
 Type = "java.lang.String"
 Default = "&quot;ou=people,;"
 Description = "The base distinguished name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP    directory that contains users."
 Name = "UserSearchScope"
 Type = "java.lang.String"
 Default = "&quot;subtree&quot;"
 LegalValues = "subtree,onelevel"
 Description = "Specifies how deep in the LDAP directory tree to search
   for Users.
   Valid values are &lt;code&gt;subtree&lt;/code&gt;
   and &lt;code&gt;onelevel&lt;/code&gt;."

Delegating Database Initialization

If possible, initialization calls between a security provider and the security provider database are done by an intermediary class, referred to as a database delegator. Use of a database delegator is convenient because it hides the database and centralizes calls into the database. The database delegator should interact with the runtime class and the MBean type for the security provider, as shown in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9 Database Delegator Class Positioning

Database Delegator Class Positioning

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