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Resetting the ALES Administrator Password

In the event the ALES administrator password is lost, the generatePasswordHash (bat or sh) utility can be used to reset it and restore access to the Administration Console and Entitlements Management Tool.



Follow these steps to reset the ALES administrator password:

  1. To generate a hashed version of the new administrator password, open a command window in BEA_HOME/ales30-admin/bin and enter the following:
  2. generatePasswordHash.bat <new_password>

    This generates a hashed password. In the following example, the hashed password is shown inside square brackets.

    hash result is[{SHA1}pvGBjCW7IS5jCM1e9dYR/EtCTojHjqk=]
  3. To update the database table for administration user, do the following:
    1. Connect to the database and the schema defined during ALES installation.
      Note: This can be obtained by examining the following file:
    2. BEA_HOME\ales30-admin\config\

    3. Enter the following:

      SQL> update adminuser set password = '<hash_password>' where userid = '//user/asi/system/';

      <hash_password> is the hashed password generated in step 1.
    4. Example:

      SQL> update adminuser set password = '{SHA1}pvGBjCW7IS5jCM1e9dYR/EtCTojHjqk=' where userid = '//user/asi/system/';

  4. To establish the new password and update the password.xml/password.key file, open a command window in BEA_HOME/ales30-admin/bin and execute:
  5. asipassword.bat <admin_username> <BEA_Home>\ales30-shared>\keys\password.xml <BEA_Home>\ales30-shared>\keys\password.key
    Note: This entry is one line.


    <admin_username> is the ALES administrator username (be default, system)
    <BEA_Home> is BEA_HOME, for example c:\bea

  6. Start the Administration Server.

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