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Debugging Policies

This document desscribes how to set an SSM instance’s logs to record debugging-level events having to do with authentication, role mapping, and authorization.



When policy outcomes are other than expected, it may be useful to enable policy debugging so that the SSM’s logs will capture all events related to policy decisions. The logged information may policy-related details, such as failed authentications, missing group memberships, incorrect role assignments, and others.

Caution: SSM performance can be severely impacted when debug flags are enable. In production environments turn on debug flags only when necessary.


Enabling Policy Debugging

Policy debugging is enabled by changing settings in the SSM instance’s files. To do this:

  1. In the SSM instance’s config directory, open in an editor.
  2. To turn on authentication debugging, uncomment the following line:
  3. = DEBUG

  4. To turn on role mapping and authorization debugging, uncomment the following lines:
  5. = DEBUG = DEBUG

  6. Restart the SSM.


Event Logs

This section describes common policy-related events that may be captured when in debugging mode.


For authentication events, check for the events shown in Table 11-1:

Table 11-1 Authentication Events
Usernames should match those supplied to the SSM.
Usernames are logged as follows:
DBMSAtnLoginModuleImpl - Login username: <username>
Identity Directory
Check that the identity directory name is correct.

Directory names are logged as follows:

DefaultDBMSPluginImpl - Formatted User: //user/<directory>/<username>/
The following message indicates a successful authentication:
DBMSAtnLoginModuleImpl - Authenticated User <username>
The following message indicates a user’s group memberships:
odbms.DBMSAtnLoginModuleImpl - Groups Found: <list-of-groups>

Role Mapping

For role mapping events, check for the events shown in Table 11-2:

Table 11-2 Role Mapping Events
The following entry denotes the entry point for evaluating the roles. <username> is the user name supplied to the application and <resource> is the name of the queried resource.
BoolEvaluator - Query roles entered for //user/asi/<username>/://app/policy/<resource>
Role Policies
Make sure all relevant policies are evaluated. The following is a sample logged event:
BoolEvaluator - evaluateGrantDenyRoles:
evalute grant policy: 3600:grant
Constraint Evaluations
The following is a sample message indicating a constraint evaluation:
BoolEvaluator - constraint evaluation result is: true
Roles Granted
The following is a sample message indicating a role assignment:
BoolEvaluator - Role //role/<role> was granted


For authorization events, check for the events shown in Table 11-3:

Table 11-3 Authorization Events
The following entry indicates the authorization policy evaluated:
BoolEvaluator - evaluateRuleArray():
Evaluate policy: 3401:grant
Constraint Evaluations
The following is a sample message indicating a constraint evaluation:
BoolEvaluator-constraint evaluation result: true
Roles Granted
The following is a sample message indicating a authorization policy evaluation:
BoolEvaluator - authEvalWorker:
evalute with roles return GRANT


Sample Log Messages

                        ========== Policy Evaluation Info ==========
            RequestResource is: //app/policy/<resource>
                  Name: //user/<identity-directory>/<user-name>
                  Groups: //sgrp/<identity-directory>/<group-name>
            Resource Present: true
            Roles Granted: //role/<granted-roles>

            Role Mapping Policies:
            1. Result: true; Policy Type: grant
                Role: //role/<requested-role>
                Resource: //app/policy/<resource>
                Subject: //user/<identity-directory>/<user-name>
                Constraints: (some-variable = "some-value")
                Evaluated Attributes and Functions:
                                some-variable(identity) = some-value
            ATZ Policies:
            1. Result: true; Policy Type: grant
                Privilege: //priv/<requested-privilege>
                Resource: //app/policy/<resource>
                Subject: //role/<granted-role>
                Constraints: NONE
                        ========== Policy Evaluation Info ==========


Debug API for Java-SSM

The following 2 API calls are specific to Java-SSM only. To enable policy debugging, open BEA_HOME/ales30-ssm/java-ssm/<instancename>/jssm/config/ in an editor and set the following:


Note: Enabling debugging weakens security, because OES policy evaluations will be visible to Java programs. For example, a malicious Java program could make "_Debug()" calls to gain information about policies.

To capture debugging data:

  1. Create a DebugInfo object as follows:
  2. DebugInfo debugInfo = new DebugInfo();

  3. Call getRoles_Debug() to obtain role assignments, as follows:
  4. getRoles_Debug(AuthenticIdentity ident, RuntimeResource resource, RuntimeAction action, AppContext context, DebugInfo debugInfo)

  5. Call isAccessAllowed_Debug() to obtain information about the policies used to reach a decision, as follows:
  6. isAccessAllowed_Debug(AuthenticIdentity ident, RuntimeResource resource, RuntimeAction action, AppContext context, DebugInfo debugInfo)

  7. Print the DebugInfo object to console:
  8. System.out.println(debugInfo.toString());

For further information, see the sample provided in the BEA_Home/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/examples/JavaAPIExample directory.

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