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SSL for Production Environments

ALES uses SSL for communications between the Administration Server, remote ALES components, and external clients. Installation of ALES includes demonstration certificates that can be used get the system up and running in non-production environments.

This document describes how ALES uses SSL and provides instructions for replacing the demonstration certificates with those signed by a recognized Certificate Authority. It contains the following topics:


ALES Component Connections

ALES uses one-way or two-way SSL as follows:


Demo Keystores and Certificates

Upon installation, two keystores containing demo certificates are used to establish trust between the Administration Server and clients:


Replacing the Demo Certificates

For production environments, first configure the Administration Server’s keystore to use a keystore containing a valid CA certificate. After this, SSMs can be bound into the SSL framework by enrolling in secure mode.

Note: Some certificates issued by CA authorities do not strictly comply with Certicom’s Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure standard. To use these certificates, you must disable constraints extension checking by adding information to the the enrollment and unenrollment scripts. For instructions, see Disable Constraints Extension Checking.

Clients enrolling in secure mode will verify the CA certificate against its list of trusted certificate authorities in $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts, which already contains most commercial CAs. If the certificate authority you are using is not in the list of trusted CAs, the CA’s certificate must be imported into cacerts.

  1. Rename BEA_HOME\ales30-shared\keys\webserver.jks to demowebserver.jks or a similar name.
  2. Note: This allows you to create the new keystore named webserver.jks. Doing so will minimize modifications that must be made to existing Administration Server config files.
  3. Using the Keytool utility, enter:
  4. keytool -genkey -alias ales-webserver -keyalg RSA -keystore Webserver.jks
  5. When prompted, enter the keystore password and other information about the certificate, (company, contact name, etc.).
  6. When prompted for the key password, enter the same password used for the keystore itself. This can be accomplished by pressing ENTER.
  7. Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) as shown below and submit it to the Certificate Authority:
  8. keytool -certreq -alias ales-webserver -keyalg RSA -file certreq.csr -keystore Webserver.jks   
  9. When you receive the signed certificate, download a chain certificate from the CA.
  10. Import the chain certificate and new CA certificate into the keystore:
  11. keytool -import -alias AlesCA -keystore Webserver.jks -trustcacerts -file <chain_certificate_filename> 
    keytool -import -alias ales-webserver -keystore Webserver.jks -trustcacerts -file <certificate_filename> 
  12. Copy the new Webserver.jks to the BEA_HOME\ales30-shared\keys directory.
  13. Modify the server’s configuration file as described in the table below.
  14. Container Type
    WebLogic Server
    In BEA_HOME/asiDomain/config.xml, replace the existing <server-private-key-pass-phrase-encrypted> value with the encrypted value of the keystore password used when new webserver.jks keystore was created (see step 3).
    To encrypt the password, you may use the encrypt tool provided with WebLogic Server.
    Modify TOMCAT_HOME/config/server.xml as follows:
    Add keystorePass=<encrypted_keystore_password> next to the keystoreFile attribute.

  15. Restart the Administration Server.


Configuring BLM Clients for One-Way SSL

SSL connections between BLM clients and the BLM server are two-way SSL by default. You can change this to one-way SSL using the following steps:

  1. Open BEA_HOME/ales30-admin/config/ in an editor and add the following parameter to the bottom of the file:
  2. BLM.sslType=one-way

    Note: If you are using the default properties file, this is already entered as a commented line at the bottom of the file. Simply remove the comment symbol (#).
  3. Restart the server using the following command:
  4. BEA_HOME/ales30-admin/bin/ restart

    This is all that is required if the BLM client is on the same machine and the server. You do not need to perform the remaining steps.

  5. If the BLM client is on a separate machine, make a copy of trust.jks in the BEA_HOME/ales30-shared/keys directory and move the copy to an appropriate directory on the BLM client machine.
  6. On the BLM client machine, add the following parameter to the BLM client application:
  7. -Dwles.ssl.trustedCAKeyStore=/<directory_name>/trust.jks


    <directory_name>—name of the directory containing trust.jks.

    Note: No keys are distributed with trust.jks. It contains only the CA public certificate.


Disable Constraints Extension Checking

If your CA certificates do not strictly comply with Certicom’s Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure standard, you must disable constraints extension checking by the enrollment and unenrollment scripts. To do this, add the following lines to enroll.bat|sh and unenroll.bat|sh located in the BEA_HOME/ales32-shared/bin directory.

if [ -f $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts ]; then
JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dbea.home=$BEA_HOME -Dwles.ssl.enforceConstraints=false -Dwles.ssl.verifyHostnames=yes -Dwles.ssl.trustedCAKeyStore=$JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts -Dlog4j.configuration=file:./"
JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dbea.home=$BEA_HOME -Dwles.ssl.enforceConstraints=false -Dwles.ssl.verifyHostnames=yes -Dwles.ssl.trustedCAKeyStore=$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -Dlog4j.configuration=file:./"
fileif [ "$1" = "demo" ]; then
JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dbea.home=$BEA_HOME -Dwles.ssl.enforceConstraints=false -Dwles.ssl.verifyHostnames=no -Dwles.ssl.trustedCAKeyStore=$ALES_SHARED_HOME/keys/DemoTrust.jks -Dlog4j.configuration=file:./"

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